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Portfolio - Quadratic Programming with discrete variables Description Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming example demonstrating Quadratic Programming with discrete variables.
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Data Files xbportf.c /******************************************************** BCL Example Problems ==================== file xbportf.c `````````````` Quadratic portfolio model. (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S.Heipcke, Jan. 2000, rev. Mar. 2011 ********************************************************/ /* In this model, a choice has to be made which values are taken * * into a portfolio in order to minimize the total cost. The costs * * for some values are interrelated, introducing a quadratic part * * to the objective function. Upper bounds are given on the total * * number of values and the share of each value that may be taken. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "xprb.h" #include "xprs.h" #define NVal 30 /* Total number of values */ #define LIMIT 20 /* Maximum number to be chosen */ #define QFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pfqcost.dat" /* Quadratic cost coeff.s */ #define BFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pfubds.dat" /* Upper bounds on percentages */ #define CFILE XPRBDATAPATH "/portf/pflcost.dat" /* Linear cost coefficients */ /**** DATA ****/ double Cost[NVal]; /* Coeff. of lin. part of the obj. */ double QCost[NVal][NVal]; /* Coeff. of quad. part of the obj. */ double UBnd[NVal]; /* Upper bound values */ /***********************************************************************/ void modfolio(XPRBprob prob) { int i,j; XPRBctr cobj, c; XPRBvar x[NVal]; /* Amount of a value taken into the portfolio */ XPRBvar y[NVal]; /* 1 if value i is chosen, else 0 */ /**** VARIABLES ****/ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) { x[i] = XPRBnewvar(prob,XPRB_PL, XPRBnewname("x_%d",i+1), 0, UBnd[i]); y[i] = XPRBnewvar(prob,XPRB_BV, XPRBnewname("y_%d",i+1), 0, 1); } /****OBJECTIVE****/ cobj = XPRBnewctr(prob,"OBJ",XPRB_N); /* Define objective: total cost */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(cobj,x[i],Cost[i]); for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) /* Define quadratic part of the obj. */ { XPRBaddqterm(cobj,x[i],x[i],QCost[i][i]); for(j=i+1;j<NVal;j++) XPRBaddqterm(cobj,x[i],x[j], QCost[i][j]); } XPRBsetobj(prob,cobj); /* Set objective function */ /**** CONSTRAINTS ****/ c = XPRBnewctr(prob,"C1",XPRB_E); /* Amounts of values chosen must add up to 100% */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(c, x[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, NULL, 100); for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) /* Upper limits */ { c = XPRBnewctr(prob,"UL",XPRB_L); XPRBaddterm(c, x[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, y[i], -UBnd[i]); } c = XPRBnewctr(prob,"Card", XPRB_L); /* Limit on total number of values */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) XPRBaddterm(c, y[i], 1); XPRBaddterm(c, NULL, LIMIT); /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/ /* XPRBprintprob(prob); */ /* Print out the problem definition */ XPRBexportprob(prob,XPRB_MPS,"Portf"); /* Output matrix in MPS format */ XPRBexportprob(prob,XPRB_LP,"Portf"); /* Output matrix in LP format */ XPRBsetsense(prob,XPRB_MINIM); /* Choose the sense of the optimization */ XPRSsetintcontrol(XPRBgetXPRSprob(prob),XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY,0); XPRBmipoptimize(prob,""); /* Solve the QP-problem, use 'mipoptimize' to solve MIQP, 'lpoptimize' for QP */ for(i=0;i<NVal;i++) printf("%s:%g (%g), ", XPRBgetvarname(x[i]), XPRBgetsol(x[i]), XPRBgetsol(y[i])); printf("\n"); } /***********************************************************************/ /**** Read data from files ****/ void readdata(void) { int i,j; double value; FILE *datafile; /* Read the quadratic cost data file */ memset(QCost,0,NVal*NVal*sizeof(double)); /* Initialize Q to 0 */ datafile=fopen(QFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,i,g", &i, &j, &value) == 3) QCost[i-1][j-1]=value; fclose(datafile); /* Read the linear cost data file */ datafile=fopen(CFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,g", &i, &value) == 2) Cost[i-1]=value; fclose(datafile); /* Read the bounds data file */ datafile=fopen(BFILE,"r"); while (XPRBreadlinecb(XPRB_FGETS, datafile, 200, "i,g", &i, &value) == 2) UBnd[i-1]=value; fclose(datafile); } /***********************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { XPRBprob prob; prob=XPRBnewprob("Portfolio"); /* Initialize a new problem in BCL */ readdata(); /* Data input from file */ modfolio(prob); /* Formulate and solve the problem */ return 0; } | |||||||||||
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