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Robust portfolio optimization Description Robust single period portfolio allocation with uncertain variability of share prices formulated as 'ellipsoid' uncertainty. The example also shows how
to quantify the robustness of a solution using
Monte-Carlo simulation. Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Robust Optimization with Xpress', Section 5 Robust portfolio optimization
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021folio_robust.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file 021folio_robust.mos ```````````````````````` Single period portfolio allocation problem. The present model produces a selection of assets that is robust against realization of worst case with a high probability. Features: - Using the 'ellipsoid' uncertainty set - Retrieving the worst value of an uncertain variable What to look at: - Selection of highest worst case value asset, but low expected value for the problem with highest protection level - Selection of highest exepected value asset, but low worst case value for the problem with high protection level - Selection of a diversied set of assets for various value of the protection level. - Using worst value of an uncertain variable as an indicator for reoptimizing the portfolio Model is inspired by work from the following book: A. Ben-Tal, L. El Ghaoui, and A. Nemirovski. Robust Optimization. Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics, 2009. (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Lannez, Mar. 2014, rev. Dec. 2014 *******************************************************!) model "Robust portfolio optimization" uses "mmrobust", "random" uses "mmsystem" parameters ZEROTOL=1e-6 SEED=12345 NMC=500000 N=1.5 ! Worst case metric end-parameters declarations Problems: set of mpproblem ProtectLevel: set of real mp_problemA: mpproblem ! Worst case optimization mp_problemB: array(ProtectLevel) of mpproblem ! Robust optimization NSHARES = 25 ! Max number of shares Shares = 1..NSHARES ! Set of shares PRICE: array(Shares) of real ! Expected return on investment VAR: array(Shares) of real ! Uncertainty measure (deviation) per SHARE expReturn: mpvar ! Expected portfolio value wstReturn: mpvar ! Worst case portfolio value frac: array(Shares) of mpvar ! Fraction of capital used per share frac_sol: array(Shares,Problems) of real obj: mpvar e: array(Shares) of uncertain ! Deviation of share values PRICEthr: array(Problems,Shares) of real ! The price threshold end-declarations !***************************Configuration************************* setparam("XPRS_LOADNAMES",true) !***************************Subroutines*************************** !**** Create the nominal model **** procedure create_nominalmodel ! Nominal model expReturn = (sum(s in Shares) PRICE(s)*frac(s)) wstReturn = sum(s in Shares) ( PRICE(s) - N*VAR(s) )*frac(s) ! Spend all the budget sum(s in Shares) frac(s) = 1 end-procedure !**** Optimize for the worst case realization **** procedure solve_det obj = wstReturn maximize(obj) end-procedure !**** Optimize for a given protection level **** procedure solve_rob(k: real) ! The value variation domain assert(k>=0 and k<=1) sum(s in Shares) (e(s) / (N*VAR(s)))^2 <= (k)^2 ! The robust constraint obj <= sum(s in Shares) (PRICE(s) + e(s)) * frac(s) maximize(obj) end-procedure !***************************Main model*************************** !**** Input data generation **** setmtrandseed(12345) cnt := 0 forall(s in Shares, cnt as counter) do PRICE(s) := round((100*(NSHARES-cnt+1)/NSHARES)) c := (1+sqrt((NSHARES-s)/NSHARES))/3 VAR(s) := round(PRICE(s)*c*100)/100 end-do writeln("\n *** Input Data *** ") writeln writeln("Shares | Mean | S.Dev. | Worst value") forall(s in Shares) writeln(strfmt(s,6), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s),5), " |", strfmt(VAR(s),7,2), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s)-N*VAR(s),6,3)) writeln !**** Optimize the worst case **** with mp_problemA do create_nominalmodel solve_det forall(s in Shares) frac_sol(s,mp_problemA) := frac(s).sol*100 ! Price set by opponent is worst case price forall(s in Shares) PRICEthr(mp_problemA,s) := PRICE(s) - N*VAR(s) end-do !**** Optimize the 'budgeted' worst case **** Ks := [0.0, ! No variation on average 0.01, ! +/- 1% variation on the list 0.10, ! +/- 10% variation on the list 0.25, ! +/- 25% 1.0] ! +/-100% variation on the list forall(k in Ks) do create(mp_problemB(k)) with mp_problemB(k) do create_nominalmodel solve_rob(k) forall(s in Shares) frac_sol(s,mp_problemB(k)) := frac(s).sol*100 forall(s in Shares) PRICEthr(mp_problemB(k),s) := (PRICE(s) + getsol(e(s))) end-do end-do !**** Print results **** writeln("\n *** Portfolio allocation results *** ") write("\n | protection level") write("\nShares | Wst price | Price | A |") forall(k in Ks) write(" ", strfmt(k*100,3), "% |" ) ; writeln forall(s in Shares) do write(strfmt(s,6), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s)-N*VAR(s),10,0), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s),6), " | ") forall(mp in Problems) do if (frac_sol(s,mp)>1) then write(strfmt(frac_sol(s,mp),3,0), "% | ") else write(" | ") end-if end-do writeln end-do writeln("\n *** Worst case price *** ") write("\n | protection level") write("\nShares | Wst price | Price | A |") forall(k in Ks) write(" ", strfmt(k*100,3), "% |" ) ; writeln forall(s in Shares) do write(strfmt(s,6), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s)-N*VAR(s),10,0), " |", strfmt(PRICE(s),6), " | ") forall(mp in Problems) do if (frac_sol(s,mp)>1) then write(strfmt(PRICEthr(mp,s),3,0), "* | ") else write(strfmt(PRICEthr(mp,s),4,0), " | ") ! write(" | ") end-if end-do writeln end-do !**** Simulate results (Monte-Carlo simulation) **** writeln("\nRunning Monte-Carlo simulation...") Values := {0,20,40,60,80,100} declarations cntV: dynamic array(Problems,Values) of real s1: real s2: real end-declarations forall(mp in Problems) do expRev(mp) := 0.0 ; wstRev(mp) := 0.0 ; expDev(mp) := 0.0 forall(v in Values) cntV(mp,v) := 0 c := 0.0 ! Number of draws s1 := 0 ; s2 := 0; forall(i in 1..NMC, c as counter) do totalVal := 0.0 ; totalRisk := 0.0 forall(s in Shares | frac_sol(s,mp)>0) do ! draw a price p := normal(PRICE(s),VAR(s)) ! calculate share revenue r := frac_sol(s,mp)*p/100 ! calculate total revenue totalVal += r ! summing up revenue end-do forall(v in Values) do if (totalVal>v) then cntV(mp,v) += 1 end-if end-do expRev(mp) += totalVal s1 += totalVal s2 += totalVal^2 end-do expRev(mp) := expRev(mp) / c expDev(mp) := sqrt(NMC*s2 - s1^2)/(NMC) forall(v in Values) cntV(mp,v) := cntV(mp,v) / c end-do !**** Print simulation results **** write("\n | protection level") write("\n | A |") forall(k in Ks) write(" ", strfmt(k*100,3), "% |" ) write("\n Expected value |") forall(mp in Problems) write(strfmt(round(expRev(mp)),5), " |") write("\n Standard deviation |") forall(mp in Problems) write(strfmt(round(expDev(mp)),5), " |") writeln forall(v in Values) do write("\n P (value>"+textfmt(v,3)+" |") forall(mp in Problems) write(strfmt(cntV(mp,v),5,2) , " |") end-do end-model
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