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Names handling for decision variables and constraints

This example shows the effect of compilation options on the names generated for decision variables and constraints from the model entity names depending on the declaration of the entities. Compile and execute this model with and without trace or debug options to see the effect of "setname" or the "RECLOC" parameter setting on the generated names.

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   Mosel Example Problems

   file namesgen.mos 
   Compile with and without trace or debug options to
   see the effect of "setname" and "RECLOC" on the 
   generated names, eg from the command line:
     mosel exe namesgen
     mosel exe -g namesgen
     mosel exe -G namesgen
   (c) 2015 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Nov. 2015, rev. Jun. 2022
model "testing setname"
  uses "mmxprs", "mmnl", "mmxnlp"
  uses "mmsystem"
  uses "random"

   ! Decision variables
    R= 1..10
    x: array(R) of mpvar
    public y: array(R) of mpvar
    public variable_with_long_name: array(R) of mpvar

   ! Linear and nonlinear constraints (scalars)
    Ctr1: linctr
    public Ctr2: linctr
    NLCtr1: nlctr
    public NLCtr2: nlctr

   ! Arrays of constraints
    ASet: set of string
    CArr: array(string,ASet) of nlctr
    public ISet: set of string
    public Constraint_with_long_name: array(ISet,ASet) of linctr

    public mat1,mat2: text           ! Aux. texts to retrieve output


 !@doc.descr Definition of local and global linear and nonlinear constraints
 ! Applying 'setname' to individual constraints/variables and also to arrays of constraints and variables with some additional settings for individual entries.
  procedure defineconstraints
      Ctr3: linctr
      NLCtr3: nlctr
      z,z2: mpvar

    Ctr1:= x(1)+x(2)+x(3) <= 11      ! Globally declared, private
    Ctr2:= x(3)+x(4)+x(5) <= 12      ! Globally declared, public
    Ctr3:= x(5)+x(6)+x(6) <= 13      ! Declared locally
    Ctr4:= x(6)+x(7)+x(8) <= 14      ! Undeclared, named, local

    NLCtr1:= x(1)*x(2)+x(3) <= 11    ! Globally declared, private
    NLCtr2:= x(3)*x(4)+x(5) <= 12    ! Globally declared, public
    NLCtr3:= x(5)*x(6)+x(6) <= 13    ! Declared locally
    NLCtr4:= x(6)*x(7)+x(8) <= 14    ! Undeclared, named, local

    setname(Ctr1, "MyCtr1")          
    setname(Ctr2, "MyCtr2")          
    setname(Ctr3, "MyCtr3")          
    setname(Ctr4, "MyCtr4")          

    setname(NLCtr1, "MyNL1")         
    setname(NLCtr2, "MyNL2")         
    setname(NLCtr3, "MyNL3")         
    setname(NLCtr4, "MyNL4")         

   ! These two lots have no "setname" -> automatic names are always generated,
   ! with "-G" these names will contain localization info
    Ctr5:= x(7)+x(8)+x(9) <= 15      ! Undeclared, named, local
    x(8)+x(9)+x(10)+z+z2 <= 16       ! Undeclared, unnamed, local

    NLCtr5:= x(7)*x(8)+x(9) <= 15    ! Undeclared, named, local
    x(8)*x(9)+x(10)+z*z2 <= 16       ! Undeclared, unnamed, local
    x(8)=abs(x(9)-x(10))             ! Undeclared, unnamed, local

   ! Setting individual variable names
    setname(x(1),"myx1")             ! Globally declared, private
    setname(z2,"myz")                ! Declared locally

   ! Defining some arrays of constraints
    forall(k in ["a","bcd"],l in ["efghij","kl"]) do
      CArr(k,l):= sum(i in R) if(random>0.5,1,0)*y(i)^2 <= 10
        sum(i in R) if(random<0.5,1,0)*variable_with_long_name(i) <= 10

   ! Setting names for entire arrays of mpvar/linctr/nlctr,
   ! names specified for individual entries take priority over the array name



 ! This setting needs to be made before defining the constraints:
  setparam("RECLOC", true)           ! Enable automatic names generation
                                     ! with localization info for "-G"

 ! Define (local and global) constraints within a subroutine

 ! Adding some global definitions
  Ctr7:= x(1)+x(3)+x(5) <= 17        ! Undeclared, named, global
  setname(Ctr7, "MyCtr7")
 ! These two have no "setname" -> automatic names with default compilation
  x(2)+x(4)+x(8) <= 18               ! Undeclared, unnamed, global
                                     ! -G: name with localization info
  Ctr9:= x(3)+x(6)+x(9) <= 19        ! Undeclared, named, global
                                     ! -g/-G: named after entity name

  Obj:=sum(i in R) y(i)

  writeln("######## Mosel problem ########")
  exportprob("",Obj)                 ! Display problem def. in Mosel core

  writeln("######## Mosel problem without names ########")
  exportprob(EP_STRIP,"",Obj)        ! Display problem def. without names

 ! Deleting some array name settings (individual settings will be kept)

  writeln("######## Mosel problem (names after partial deletion) ########")
  exportprob("text:mat1",Obj)        ! Retrieve problem def. into a text

 ! Load problem into Optimizer and output the resulting matrix
  writeln("######## Optimizer problem (loading names) ########")
  setparam("XPRS_LOADNAMES", true)   ! Enable names loading
  writeprob("", "l")                 ! Display in LP-format
  writeln("######## Optimizer problem (not loading names) ########")
  setparam("XPRS_LOADNAMES", false)  ! Disable names loading
  loadprob(true,Obj)                 ! Force problem reloading
  writeprob("text:mat2", "l")        ! Write out in LP-format into a text


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