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Cut generation for an economic lot-sizing (ELS) problem Description This model implements various forms of cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut algorithms. In its simplest form (looping over LP solving) it illustrates the following
Another implementation (main model: runels.mos, submodel: elsp.mos) parallelizes the execution of several model instances, showing the following features:
Further explanation of this example: elscb.mos, elsglobal.mos, runels.mos: Xpress Whitepaper 'Multiple models and parallel solving with Mosel', Section 'Solving several model instances in parallel'.
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page. Data Files els.mos (!******************************************************* * Mosel Example Problems * * ====================== * * * * file els.mos * * ```````````` * * Example for the use of the Mosel language * * (Economic lot sizing, ELS, problem, solved by * * adding(l,S)-inequalities in one or several rounds * * looping over the root node or at tree nodes) * * * * ELS considers production planning over a horizon * * of T periods. In period t, t=1,...,T, there is a * * given demand DEMAND[p,t] that must be satisfied by * * production produce[p,t] in period t and by * * inventory carried over from previous periods. * * A set-up cost SETUPCOST[t] is associated with * * production in period t, and the total production * * capacity per period is limited. The unit production * * cost in period t is PRODCOST[p,t]. There is no * * inventory or stock-holding cost. * * The model implements a configurable cutting plane * * algorithm for this problem. * * * * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation * * author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. July 2023 * *******************************************************!) model Els ! Start a new model uses "mmxprs","mmsystem" ! Load the optimizer library parameters ALG = 6 ! Algorithm choice [default settings: 0] CUTDEPTH = 10 ! Maximum tree depth for cut generation EPS = 1e-6 ! Zero tolerance end-parameters forward procedure lp_cut_gen ! Declare a procedure that is ! defined later forward function cb_node:boolean forward procedure tree_cut_gen declarations TIMES = 1..15 ! Range of time PRODUCTS = 1..4 ! Set of products DEMAND: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of integer ! Demand per period SETUPCOST: array(TIMES) of integer ! Setup cost per period PRODCOST: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of integer ! Production cost per period CAP: array(TIMES) of integer ! Production capacity per period D: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES,TIMES) of integer ! Total demand in periods t1 - t2 produce: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of mpvar ! Production in period t setup: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of mpvar ! Setup in period t solprod: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of real ! Sol. values for var.s produce solsetup: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of real ! Sol. values for var.s setup starttime: real end-declarations initializations from "Data/els.dat" DEMAND SETUPCOST PRODCOST CAP end-initializations forall(p in PRODUCTS,s,t in TIMES) D(p,s,t):= sum(k in s..t) DEMAND(p,k) ! Objective: minimize total cost MinCost:= sum(t in TIMES) (SETUPCOST(t) * sum(p in PRODUCTS) setup(p,t) + sum(p in PRODUCTS) PRODCOST(p,t) * produce(p,t) ) ! Satisfy the total demand forall(p in PRODUCTS,t in TIMES) Dem(p,t):= sum(s in 1..t) produce(p,s) >= sum (s in 1..t) DEMAND(p,s) ! If there is production during t then there is a setup in t forall(p in PRODUCTS, t in TIMES) ProdSetup(p,t):= produce(p,t) <= D(p,t,getlast(TIMES)) * setup(p,t) ! Capacity limits forall(t in TIMES) Capacity(t):= sum(p in PRODUCTS) produce(p,t) <= CAP(t) ! Variables setup are 0/1 forall(p in PRODUCTS, t in TIMES) setup(p,t) is_binary ! Uncomment to get detailed MIP output setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) ! All cost data are integer, we therefore only need to search for integer ! solutions setparam("XPRS_MIPADDCUTOFF", -0.999) ! Set Mosel comparison tolerance to a sufficiently small value setparam("ZEROTOL", EPS/100) writeln("**************ALG=",ALG,"***************") starttime:=gettime SEVERALROUNDS:=false; TOPONLY:=false case ALG of 1: setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! No cuts 2: setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! No presolve 3: tree_cut_gen ! User branch-and-cut + automatic cuts 4: do ! User branch-and-cut (several rounds), tree_cut_gen ! no automatic cuts setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) SEVERALROUNDS:=true end-do 5: do ! User cut-and-branch (several rounds) tree_cut_gen ! + automatic cuts SEVERALROUNDS:=true TOPONLY:=true end-do 6: do ! User branch-and-cut (several rounds) tree_cut_gen ! + automatic cuts SEVERALROUNDS:=true end-do 7: lp_cut_gen ! User cut-and-branch using loop ! around LP solving and save/load basis end-case minimize(MinCost) ! Solve the problem writeln("Time: ", gettime-starttime, "sec, Nodes: ", getparam("XPRS_NODES"), ", Solution: ", getobjval) writeln(" "*15, "| Prod. Quantity (Demand)") write("Period Setup | ") forall(p in PRODUCTS) write(strfmt(p,-8)) write("\n", "-"*50) forall(t in TIMES) do write("\n ", strfmt(t,2), strfmt(getsol(sum(p in PRODUCTS) setup(p,t)),8), " |") forall(p in PRODUCTS) write(strfmt(produce(p,t).sol,4,0), " (", DEMAND(p,t), ")") end-do writeln !************************************************************************* ! Cut generation loop at the top node: ! solve the LP and save the basis ! get the solution values ! identify and set up violated constraints ! load the modified problem and load the saved basis !************************************************************************* procedure lp_cut_gen declarations ncut,npass,npcut:integer ! Counters for cuts and passes objval,ds: real cut: array(range) of linctr bas: basis end-declarations setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! Disable automatic cuts (optional) setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Switch presolve off (required) ncut:=0 npass:=0 repeat npass+=1 npcut:= 0 minimize(XPRS_LIN+XPRS_PRI, MinCost) ! Solve the LP using primal simplex savebasis(bas) ! Save the current basis objval:= getobjval ! Get the objective value forall(p in PRODUCTS,t in TIMES) do ! Get the solution values solprod(p,t):=produce(p,t).sol solsetup(p,t):=setup(p,t).sol end-do ! Search for violated constraints: forall(p in PRODUCTS,l in TIMES) do ds:=0 forall(t in 1..l) if(solprod(p,t) < D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t) + EPS) then ds += solprod(p,t) else ds += D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t) end-if ! Add the violated inequality: the minimum of the actual production ! prod(p,t) and the maximum potential production D(p,t,l)*setup(p,t) ! in periods 1 to l must at least equal the total demand in periods ! 1 to l. if(ds < D(p,1,l) - EPS) then ncut+=1 npcut+=1 cut(ncut):= sum(t in 1..l) if(solprod(p,t)<(D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t))+EPS, produce(p,t), D(p,t,l)*setup(p,t)) >= D(p,1,l) end-if end-do writeln("Pass ", npass, " (", gettime-starttime, " sec), objective value ", objval, ", cuts added: ", npcut, " (total ", ncut,")") if(npcut=0) then writeln("Optimal integer solution found:") else loadprob(MinCost) ! Reload the problem loadbasis(bas) ! Load the saved basis end-if until (npcut<=0 or npass>15) end-procedure !************************************************************************* ! Cut generation loop: ! get the solution values ! identify and set up violated constraints ! load the modified problem and load the saved basis !************************************************************************* function cb_node:boolean declarations ncut:integer ! Counter for cuts cut: array(range) of linctr ! Cuts cutid: array(range) of integer ! Cut type identification type: array(range) of integer ! Cut constraint type ds: real end-declarations returned:=false ! OPTNODE: This node is not infeasible depth:=getparam("XPRS_NODEDEPTH") cnt:=getparam("XPRS_CALLBACKCOUNT_OPTNODE") if ((TOPONLY and depth<1) or (not TOPONLY and depth<=CUTDEPTH)) and (SEVERALROUNDS or cnt<=1) then ncut:=0 ! Get the solution values forall(t in TIMES, p in PRODUCTS) do solprod(p,t):=produce(p,t).sol solsetup(p,t):=setup(p,t).sol end-do ! Search for violated constraints forall(p in PRODUCTS,l in TIMES) do ds:=0 forall(t in 1..l) if(solprod(p,t) < D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t) + EPS) then ds += solprod(p,t) else ds += D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t) end-if ! Generate the violated inequality if(ds < D(p,1,l) - EPS) then cut(ncut):= sum(t in 1..l) if(solprod(p,t)<(D(p,t,l)*solsetup(p,t))+EPS, produce(p,t), D(p,t,l)*setup(p,t)) - D(p,1,l) cutid(ncut):= 1 type(ncut):= CT_GEQ ncut+=1 end-if end-do ! Add cuts to the problem if(ncut>0) then addcuts(cutid, type, cut); if(getparam("XPRS_VERBOSE")=true) then writeln("Cuts added : ", ncut, " (depth ", depth, ", node ", getparam("XPRS_NODES"), ", obj. ", getparam("XPRS_LPOBJVAL"), ")") end-if end-if end-if end-function ! ****Optimizer settings for using the cut manager**** procedure tree_cut_gen setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Switch presolve off setparam("XPRS_EXTRAROWS", 5000) ! Reserve extra rows in matrix setcallback(XPRS_CB_OPTNODE, ->cb_node) ! Set the optnode callback function end-procedure end-model Economic Lot-Sizing (ELS) ========================= A well-known class of valid inequalities for ELS are the (l,S)-inequalities. Let D(pq) denote the total demand in periods p to q and y(t) be a binary variable indicating whether there is any production in period t. For each period l and each subset of periods S of 1 to l, the (l,S)-inequality is sum (t=1:l | t in S) x(t) + sum (t=1:l | t not in S) D(tl) * y(t) >= D(1l) It says that actual production x(t) in periods included S plus maximum potential production D(tl)*y(t) in the remaining periods (those not in S) must at least equal total demand in periods 1 to l. Note that in period t at most D(tl) production is required to meet demand up to period l. Based on the observation that sum (t=1:l | t in S) x(t) + sum (t=1:l | t not in S) D(tl) * y(t) >= sum (t=1:l) min(x(t), D(tl) * y(t)) >= D(1l) it is easy to develop a separation algorithm and thus a cutting plane algorithm based on these (l,S)-inequalities.
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