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Generate an executable from a Mosel source file Description The 'mosdeploy' tool generates an executable from a Mosel
source or bim file using the 'deploy' module.
The result is either a binary file (produced thanks to a C-compiler)
or a self-contained script embedding the bim file. Usage (generation of a shell script, the type is determined depending on the detected operating system): mosel mosdeploy.mos -- myfile.mosor by first generating a shell script from this file: mosel mosdeploy.mos -- mosdeploy.mos mosdeploy myfile.mosAlternatively, it is also possible to generate an executable from this file (requires a C-compiler): mosel mosdeploy.mos -- -exe mosdeploy.mosOther options include the specification of an output filename: mosel mosdeploy.mos -- -o runfile myfile.mosand a preselection of the output format (bat/cmd/sh) independent of the detected operating system: mosel mosdeploy.mos -- -cmd myfile.mos
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
mosdeploy.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Programs ====================== file mosdeploy.mos `````````````````` Generate an executable from a Mosel source or bim file using the 'deploy' module. The result is either a binary file (produced thanks to a C-compiler) or a self-contained script embedding the bim file. Usage: mosel mosdeploy.mos -- myfile.mos (c) 2024 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Y. Colombani, Nov 2022 *******************************************************!) model mosdeploy version 0.0.1 uses 'deploy','mmsystem','mmjobs' declarations fn="tmp:"+newmuid ! Temporary file for encoded bim bim="tmp:"+newmuid ! Temporary file for bim file iswin=tolower(getsysinfo(SYS_NAME))="windows" dest,src:text ! Source and destination file names force:boolean ! Whether to overwrite existing files mode:string ! Mode of operation:exe/sh/cmd/bat useb64:boolean ! Use base64 instead of ascii85 ! Internal subroutines procedure banner ! Display a banner procedure showhelp ! Display help text function basename(f:text):text ! Aux. routine returning basename end-declarations writeln(versionnum("deploy")) if argc=1 then banner showhelp exit(0) else if versionnum("deploy")<3001000: useb64:=true repeat if argv(2)="-V" then banner exit(0) elif argv(2)="-f" then force:=true elif argv(2)="-o" and argc>2 then shiftargv dest:=argv(2) elif argv(2)="-exe" and mode="" then mode:="exe" elif argv(2)="-bat" and mode="" then mode:="bat" elif argv(2)="-cmd" and mode="" then mode:="cmd" elif argv(2)="-sh" and mode="" then mode:="sh" elif argv(2)="-b64" and mode="" then useb64:=true else break end-if shiftargv until argc<2 if argc<2 or getchar(argv(2),1)=45 then banner showhelp exit(1) else fname:=argv(2) end-if if fname.size<5 or bittest(getfstat(fname),SYS_TYP)<>SYS_REG or getfsize(fname)<=0 or (not endswith(fname,".bim") and not endswith(fname,".mos")) then writeln("File '",fname,"' not found or invalid") exit(1) end-if if endswith(fname,".mos") then if compile("",fname,bim)<>0 then writeln("Failed to compile '",fname,"'.") writeln("Operation aborted.") exit(1) else src:=bim end-if else src:=fname end-if if mode="" then mode:=if(iswin,"bat","sh") end-if if dest="" then dest:=copytext(fname,1,getsize(fname)-4) if mode="bat" or mode="cmd" then dest+="."+mode end-if end-if if getfstat(dest)<>0 and not force then write("File '",dest,"' already exists, overwrite it?[y/N] ");fflush ans:="N" readln(ans) if ans.size<1 or (getchar(ans,1)<>89 and getchar(ans,1)<>121) then writeln("Operation aborted.") exit(1) end-if end-if if mode="exe" then fcopy(src,"deploy.exe:"+dest) if getsysstat<>0 then writeln("Failed to generate the executable") exit(2) end-if else setparam("ioctrl",true) fopen(dest,F_OUTPUT) setparam("ioctrl",false) if getparam("iostatus")<>0 then writeln("Failed to create '",dest,"'") exit(2) end-if if mode="sh" then writeln('#~~COMMENT12~~ writeln("# File generated by '",basename(argv(1)),"' version ",getparam("model_version")) writeln("# Mosel version: ",getparam("parser_version")); if useb64 then writeln("exec mosel run \"zlib.deflate:mmssl.base64:deploy.skiphead:_BIMFILE_,$0\" deploy.progname=\"",basename(dest),"\" -- $@") else writeln("exec mosel run \"zlib.deflate:deploy.ascii85:$0\" deploy.progname=\"",basename(dest),"\" -- $@") end-if else writeln("@echo off") writeln("rem File generated by '",basename(argv(1)),"' version ",getparam("model_version")) writeln("rem Mosel version: ",getparam("parser_version")); if useb64 then writeln("mosel run \"zlib.deflate:mmssl.base64:deploy.skiphead:_BIMFILE_,%~f0\" deploy.progname=\"",basename(dest),"\" -- %*") else writeln("mosel run \"zlib.deflate:deploy.ascii85:%~f0\" deploy.progname=\"",basename(dest),"\" -- %*") end-if writeln("exit /b") end-if if useb64 :writeln("_BIMFILE_") fclose(F_OUTPUT) fcopy(src,if(useb64,"zlib.deflate:mmssl.base64:","zlib.deflate:deploy.ascii85:")+fn) if getsysstat<>0 then writeln("Failed to encode bim file") exit(2) end-if fcopy(fn,F_BINARY,dest,F_APPEND+F_BINARY) if getsysstat<>0 then writeln("Failed to append to bim file") exit(2) end-if if mode="sh" and not iswin then system("chmod","+x",dest) end-if end-if writeln("File '",dest,"' created") end-if !*********************** !* Display Banner !*********************** procedure banner writeln("FICO Xpress ",basename(argv(1))," v",getparam("model_version")) writeln("(c) Copyright Fair Isaac Corporation 2023-2024. All rights reserved") writeln(_("Link date"),": ",getparam("parser_date")," ",getparam("parser_time")) end-procedure !*********************** !* Display some help !*********************** procedure showhelp writeln_("\nUsage: ",basename(argv(1))," [-sh|-bat|-cmd|-exe|-V] [-f] [-o outfile] filename\n") write_(` -V: display banner and exit -f: overwrite existing file -sh: generate a sh script file (for posix systems) -cmd: generate a cmd script file (Windows) -bat: generate a bat script file (Windows) -exe: compile an executable for the current system -b64: for embedding the bim file use base64 even if ascii85 is available -o outfile: use 'outfile' for the destination file The file name must be a source Mosel file or a BIM file. By default a script for the current system is generated (bat or sh), the destination file name is produced using the provided input by updating the extension as necessary. `) end-procedure !********************************************************************** !* Extract the basename of a path (i.e. strip directory and extension) !********************************************************************** function basename(f:text):text returned:=pathsplit(SYS_FNAME,f) asproc(pathsplit(SYS_EXTN,returned,returned)) end-function end-model
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