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Encapsulate binary file into a BIM Description The 'bpack' tool encapsulates a user-specified binary file into a BIM file using the 'datablock' functionality. The binary file gets extracted into the working directory when running the resulting BIM file. The model can be deployed as an executable (requires a C compiler): mosel comp bpack.mos -o deploy.exe:bpack bpack name_of_file_to_includeor run as a standard Mosel model, e.g. from the command line: mosel bpack.mos -- name_of_file_to_includeThe name of the binary file to be included needs to be specified via a runtime parameter. A file myfile.extension will result in the creation of a BIM file named myfile_extension.bim from which the original binary file is extracted when running the BIM, e.g via the command mosel run myfile_extension.bim
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bpack.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file bpack.mos `````````````` Encapsulate any kind of binary file into a .bim file. The binary gets extracted when running the resulting .bim file. - Using the 'datablock' functionality - Compilation into an executable (requires a C compiler): mosel comp bpack.mos -o deploy.exe:bpack Usage: bpack mybinaryfile.ext (results in a file mybinaryfile_ext.bim) mosel run mybinaryfile_ext.bim (to extract the original binary file from the .bim) Usage without generation of an executable: mosel bpack.mos -- mybinaryfile.ext (c) 2019 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Y. Colombani, 25 Apr 2019, rev. Jan. 2023 *******************************************************!) model bpack version 0.1.0 uses 'mmsystem','deploy','mmjobs' public declarations !@doc.descr Source of the model file used for the generation of a .bim that contains the specified binary file SRC=` model bextract uses 'mmsystem' include "mem:srcfile" write("Extract '",F,"' ?[Y/n] ");fflush a:="Y" readln(a) if a.size>=1 and (getchar(a,1)=89 or getchar(a,1)=121) then if getfstat(F)<>0 then write("File already exists: overwrite it?[y/N] ");fflush a:="N" readln(a) if a.size<1 or (getchar(a,1)<>89 and getchar(a,1)<>121) then writeln("Operation aborted.") exit(1) end-if else fcopy(datablock(FSRC),F_BINARY,F,F_BINARY) exit(getsysstat) end-if else writeln("Operation aborted.") exit(0) end-if end-model ` end-declarations declarations ! Internal subroutines procedure banner ! Display a banner procedure showhelp ! Display help text function basename(f:text):text ! Aux. routine returning basename function build_kls:text ! Build KLS parameter procedure readkeys(f:string) ! Read public keys from a file fname:text ! Name of binary file to encapsulate flags:text ! Compilation flags kls:list of text ! List of public keys pke:text ! Private key (for signing) pass:text ! Encryption password silent:boolean ! Whether to report activity force:boolean ! Whether to overwrite existing files end-declarations ! Handling of run mode (Mosel model or executable) and runtime parameters if argc=1 then banner showhelp exit(0) else repeat if argv(2)="-V" then banner exit(0) elif argv(2)="-s" then silent:=true elif argv(2)="-f" then force:=true elif argv(2)="-S" then flags+="-S" elif argv(2)="-E" then flags+="-E" elif argv(2)="-T" then flags+="-T" elif argv(2)="-k" then if argc>2 then shiftargv kls+=[text(argv(2))] end-if elif argv(2)="-kf" then if argc>2 then shiftargv readkeys(argv(2)) end-if elif argv(2)="-pwd" then if argc>2 then shiftargv pass:=argv(2) end-if elif argv(2)="-pk" then if argc>2 then shiftargv pke:=argv(2) end-if else break end-if shiftargv until argc<2 if argc<2 or getchar(argv(2),1)=45 then banner showhelp exit(1) else fname:=argv(2) end-if end-if ! Remove leading or trailing blanks from input filename trim(fname) if fname.size=0 or bittest(getfstat(fname),SYS_TYP)<>SYS_REG then if not silent then writeln("File '",fname,"' not found or invalid") end-if exit(1) else if getfsize(fname)=0 and not silent then writeln("Warning: file '",fname,"' is empty") end-if dst:=pathsplit(SYS_FNAME,fname) ! Write binary file contents into an 'include' file for the generated model fopen("mem:srcfile",F_OUTPUT) writeln("declarations\nFSRC='",fname,"'\nF='",dst,"'\nend-declarations\n") fclose(F_OUTPUT) ! Create the Mosel model file name from the original filename asproc(regreplace(dst,'\.','_')) dst+=".bim" ! Check whether it is acceptable to overwrite an existing file if getfstat(dst)<>0 and not force then if silent then exit(2) else write("File '",dst,"' already exists, overwrite it?[y/N] ");fflush ans:="N" readln(ans) if ans.size<1 or (getchar(ans,1)<>89 and getchar(ans,1)<>121) then writeln("Operation aborted.") exit(1) end-if end-if end-if ! Compile the resulting generated model if compile(flags,"text:SRC",dst,"Produced by BPACK "+getparam("model_version"),pass,pke,build_kls)<>0 then if not silent then writeln("Compilation failed. Aborting") end-if exit(1) elif not silent then writeln("File recorded in '",dst,"'. Execute the following to restore it:") writeln(" mosel run ",dst) if findtext(flags,"S",1)>0 then if pke.size>0 then writeln("The file is signed with the private key '",pke,"'.") else writeln("The file is signed with your personal private key.") end-if end-if if findtext(flags,"E",1)>0 then if pass.size>0 then writeln("The file is encrypted using password '",pass,"'.") elif kls.size>0 then writeln("The file is encrypted using the following public keys: ",kls,".") else writeln("The file is encrypted using your personal public key.") end-if end-if end-if end-if !*********************** !* Display Banner !*********************** procedure banner writeln("FICO Xpress ",basename(argv(1))," v",getparam("model_version")) writeln("(c) Copyright Fair Isaac Corporation 2019-2024. All rights reserved") writeln(_("Link date"),": ",getparam("parser_date")," ",getparam("parser_time")) end-procedure !*********************** !* Display some help !*********************** procedure showhelp writeln_("\nUsage: ",basename(argv(1))," -V|[-s] [-f] [-S] [-E] [-k key] [-kf kfile] [-pwd pass] filename\n") write_(` -V: display banner and exit -s: silent mode -f: overwrite existing file -S: sign the generated bim file -E: encrypt the generated bim file -k key: add public key 'k' for encryption -kf kfile: add public keys from file 'kfile' for encryption -pwd pass: use 'pass' for encryption -pk priv: use 'priv' key for signing By default a bim file including the provided file is created. The provided file can be extracted by running the resulting bim file. `) end-procedure !********************************************************************** !* Extract the basename of a path (i.e. strip directory and extension) !********************************************************************** function basename(f:text):text returned:=pathsplit(SYS_FNAME,f) asproc(pathsplit(SYS_EXTN,returned,returned)) end-function !******************************************** !* Produce the kls file from a list of texts !******************************************** function build_kls:text if kls.size>0 then returned:="mem:pkeys" fopen(returned,F_APPEND) forall(k in kls) writeln(k) fclose(F_OUTPUT) end-if end-function !****************************** !* Get public keys from a file !****************************** procedure readkeys(f:string) declarations l:text end-declarations fopen(f,F_INPUT) while(readtextline(l)>0) do trim(l) if l.size>0 and getchar(l,1)<>35 then kls+=[text(l)] end-if end-do fclose(F_INPUT) end-procedure end-model
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