Timetabling and personnel planning
Problem name and type, features | Difficulty | Related examples |
I‑1 | Assigning personnel to machines: Assignment problem | **** | assignment_graph.mos, c6assign.mos |
| formulation of maximin objective; heuristic solution + 2 different problems (incremental definition) solved, working with sets, while-do, forall-do |
I‑2 | Scheduling nurses | *** | |
| 2 problems, using mod to formulate cyclic schedules; forall-do, set of integer, getact |
I‑3 | Establishing a college timetable | *** | timetable_graph.mos |
| many specific constraints, tricky (pseudo) objective function |
I‑4 | Exam schedule | ** | |
| symmetry breaking, no objective |
I‑5 | Production planning with personnel assignment | *** | |
| 2 problems, defined incrementally with partial re-definition of constraints (named constraints), exists, create, dynamic array |
I‑6 | Planning the personnel at a construction site | ** | persplan_graph.mos |
| formulation of balance constraints using inline if |
Further explanation of this example:
'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 14: Timetabling and personnel planning
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Mosel Example Problems
file i1assign.mos
Assigning workers to machines
Given a set of operators and a set of machines, an operator
must be assigned to each of the six machines in a workshop.
The productivity (pieces per hour) of each operator and
each machine is given. What operator should be assigned
to each machine to maximize the total productivity if machines
are running in parallel? What should the assignment be
if machines are working in series?
For the parallel-machines problem version, a simple IP
model is implemented. For the machines-working-in-series,
since total productivity is defined by the bottleneck
(operator-machine assignment with lowest productivity),
a new variable is introduced to define a minmax problem.
A procedure to obtain a heuristic solution is also
(c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, re. Mar. 2022
model "I-1 Personnel assignment"
uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem"
forward procedure parallelheur
forward procedure printsol(txt1,txt2:text)
PERS = 1..6 ! Personnel
MACH = 1..6 ! Machines
OUTP: array(PERS,MACH) of integer ! Productivity
initializations from 'i1assign.dat'
! **** Heuristic solution for parallel assignment ****
! **** Exact solution for parallel assignment ****
assign: array(PERS,MACH) of mpvar ! 1 if person assigned to machine,
! 0 otherwise
! Objective: total productivity
TotalProd:= sum(p in PERS, m in MACH) OUTP(p,m)*assign(p,m)
! One machine per person
forall(p in PERS) sum(m in MACH) assign(p,m) = 1
! One person per machine
forall(m in MACH) sum(p in PERS) assign(p,m) = 1
! Solve the problem
printsol("Exact solution (parallel assignment)", "Total")
! **** Exact solution for serial machines ****
pmin: mpvar ! Minimum productivity
! Calculate minimum productivity
forall(p in PERS) sum(m in MACH) OUTP(p,m)*assign(p,m) >= pmin
forall(p in PERS, m in MACH) assign(p,m) is_binary
! Solve the problem
printsol("Exact solution (serial machines)", "Minimum")
! Heuristic solution for parallel assignment
procedure parallelheur
ALLP, ALLM: set of integer ! Copies of sets PERS and MACH
HProd: integer ! Total productivity value
pmax,omax,mmax: integer
writeln("Heuristic solution:")
! Copy the sets of workers and machines
forall(p in PERS) ALLP+={p}
forall(m in MACH) ALLM+={m}
! Assign workers to machines as long as there are unassigned persons
while (ALLP<>{}) do
pmax:=0; mmax:=0; omax:=0
! Find the highest productivity among the remaining workers and machines
forall(p in ALLP, m in ALLM)
if OUTP(p,m) > omax then
pmax:=p; mmax:=m
HProd+=omax ! Add to total productivity
ALLP-={pmax}; ALLM-={mmax} ! Remove person and machine from sets
writeln(" ", pmax, " operates machine ", mmax, " (", omax, ")")
writeln(" Total productivity: ", HProd)
! Solution printing
procedure printsol(txt1,txt2:text)
writeln(txt1, ":")
forall(p in PERS) do
mp:=round(getsol(sum(m in MACH) m*assign(p,m)))
writeln(" ", p, " operates machine ", mp, " (", OUTP(p,mp), ")")
writeln(" ", txt2, " productivity: ", getobjval)