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Working with unions Description
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Data Files uniondef.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel User Guide Example Problems ================================= file uniondef.mos ````````````````` Defining unions. (c) 2021 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2021, rev. Mar. 2022 *******************************************************!) model "Defining unions" uses "mmsystem", "mmxprs" declarations u: string or real ! Scalar accepting 'string' or 'real' a: any ! Entity accepting any type L: list of any ! List of type 'any' end-declarations ! Assigning a value determines the type of the union u:="a" writeln(u, " is string: ", u.typeid = string.id) u:=7.5 writeln(u, " is real: ", u.typeid = real.id) ! The preceding line is equivalent to: writeln(u, " is real: ", u is real) ! Assignment of basic types results in constants, all others are references a:=10 writeln(a, ":", a.struct=STRUCT_CONST, a is integer) a:=date(2020,12,24) writeln(a, ":", a.struct=STRUCT_REF, a is date) ! Can specify type in assignment to force a particular type a.real:=10 writeln(a, ":", a is real, a is integer) a.text:="a text" writeln(a, ":", a is text, a is string) ! Employ 'create' for types that do not support assignment such as 'mpvar': create(a.mpvar) writeln(getsol(a.mpvar), ":", a is mpvar) ! ... or to change the type without performing any assignment: create(a.linctr) writeln(getact(a.linctr), ":", a is linctr) !**** Working with structured types declarations artype = dynamic array(range,string) of real ! Array type definition rectype = public record ! Record type definition val: real end-record end-declarations !** List and set structures L:=[2.5, "abc", {true,false}, [1,2,3]] writeln("L=", L) writeln(L(1), " is real:", L(1) is real) writeln(L(3), ": is set:", L(3) is set, " is set of boolean:", L(3) is set of boolean, " elem. type is boolean:", L(3).eltype = boolean.id) writeln(L(4), ": is list:", L(4).struct=STRUCT_LIST, " elem. type is integer:", L(4).eltype = integer.id) !** Defining and accessing arrays ! Optional: explicit type specification (req. if type not used in assignment) ! create(a.artype); a.array(1,"a").real:= 1.5 a.artype(1,"b"):= 1.5; a.artype(3,"b"):= -0.5 a.array(1,"cde").real:= 7.25; ! Type has been set by prev. assignments writeln(a, " is array:", a is array, " is array of real:", a is array of real) writeln(" is of artype:", a is artype, " elem. type is real:", a.eltype = real.id) writeln(" dimensions:", a.array.nbdim, " size:", a.array.size) forall(i in 1..a.array.nbdim) writeln(" index", i, "=", a.array.index(i)) with A(I,J)=a.artype do forall(i in I,j in J | exists(A(i,j))) writeln("A(",i,",",j,")=",A(i,j)) end-do !** Record structure a.rectype.val:=1.25 writeln(a, " is record:", a is record, " is rectype:", a is rectype) !**** Defining a type name for a union of the 4 basic Mosel types declarations basictype = string or integer or real or boolean B: array(range) of basictype ! Array of union type 'basictype' end-declarations B(1):="abc"; B(3):=5; B(4):=5.0 forall(i in 1..3) writeln(B(i), ":", B(i) is string) writeln(B(2).struct=STRUCT_NIL) ! Undefined entry has no structure writeln(B(2).typeid=STRUCT_NIL) ! Undefined entry has no type writeln(B(3)=B(4), B(3).integer=B(4).real) !**** Wrapping mechanism for subroutines: compatible union types are accepted procedure dosomething(aunion: any) writeln("In procedure: ", aunion) end-procedure a:=date(2020,12,24) ! u:=7.5; B(1):="abc" dosomething(a) dosomething(u) dosomething(B(1)) writeln("B(10) is defined:", isdefined(B(10))) dosomething(B(10)) ! Undefined entry dosomething(L) procedure dosomething2(aunion: basictype) writeln("In procedure 2: ", aunion) end-procedure ! dosomething2(a) ! This would result in an error since 'date' is not a compatible type a:=1.5 ! u:=7.5; B(1):="abc" dosomething2(a) dosomething2(u) dosomething2(B(1)) end-model
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