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Using multi-objective solving Description lexgoalprog.mos: lexicographic goal programming for solving a small production planning
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lexgoalprog.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file lexgoalprog.mos ```````````````````` An example of lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress multi-objective functionality Problem description: A company produces two electrical products, A and B. Both require two stages of production: wiring and assembly. The production plan must meet several goals: 1. A profit of $200 2. A contractual requirement of 40 units of product B 3. To fully utilize the available wiring department hours 4. To avoid overtime in the assembly department (c) 2022 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, June 2022 *******************************************************!) model "lexGP" uses "mmxprs" public declarations ! Decision variables for the number of products to make of each type produceA,produceB: mpvar ! Deviational variables: ! There is a penalty for both under- and over-utilizing each department surfeit_wiring, deficit_wiring: mpvar surfeit_assembly, deficit_assembly: mpvar ! There is no penalty for surfeit in profit or in production of product B, ! only for deficits deficit_profit, deficit_productB: mpvar Goals: list of linctr or mpvar ! or also: list of any end-declarations produceA is_integer; produceB is_integer ! **** Production constraints: ! Meet or exceed profit goal of $200 ! Profit for products A and B are $7 and $6 respectively Profit:= 7 * produceA + 6 * produceB Profit + deficit_profit >= 200 ! Meet or exceed production goal for product B produceB + deficit_productB >= 40 ! Utilize wiring department: ! Products A and B require 2 and 3 hours of wiring, 120 hours are available 2 * produceA + 3 * produceB - surfeit_wiring + deficit_wiring = 120 ! Utilize assembly department: ! Products A and B require 6 and 5 hours of assembly, 300 hours are available 6 * produceA + 5 * produceB - surfeit_assembly + deficit_assembly = 300 ! Objective configuration Goals:=[deficit_profit, deficit_productB, surfeit_wiring + deficit_wiring, surfeit_assembly + deficit_assembly] (! Cfg:= [objconfig("priority=4 abstol=0 reltol=0"), objconfig("priority=3 abstol=0 reltol=0"), objconfig("priority=2 abstol=0 reltol=0"), objconfig("priority=1 abstol=0 reltol=0")] !) ! Same as: forall(i in 1..4) Cfg+=[objconfig(5-i,1,0,0)] ! Uncomment this line to try out the effect of inversing priority order: ! forall(i in 1..4) Cfg(i).priority:=i ! setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) ! Minimize deviations, in priority order minimize(Goals,Cfg) ! **** Solution reporting declarations SolStat,SolvStat: array(integer) of string ! Status messages end-declarations SolvStat:: ([XPRS_SOLVESTATUS_UNSTARTED, XPRS_SOLVESTATUS_STOPPED, XPRS_SOLVESTATUS_FAILED, XPRS_SOLVESTATUS_COMPLETED]) ["The solve has not been started.", "Optimization has been interrupted.", "Optimization has run into a nonrecoverable problem and failed.", "Search completed."] SolStat:: ([XPRS_SOLSTATUS_NOTFOUND, XPRS_SOLSTATUS_OPTIMAL, XPRS_SOLSTATUS_FEASIBLE, XPRS_SOLSTATUS_INFEASIBLE, XPRS_SOLSTATUS_UNBOUNDED]) ["No solution available.", "An optimal solution has been found.", "A solution that is not proven optimal is found.", "No solution exists.", "The problem is unbounded, if feasible."] writeln("Problem solve status: ", SolvStat(getparam("XPRS_SOLVESTATUS")), " Solution status: ", SolStat(getparam("XPRS_SOLSTATUS")), " Objectives solved: ", getparam("XPRS_SOLVEDOBJS")) if getparam("XPRS_SOLVESTATUS")=XPRS_SOLVESTATUS_COMPLETED and getparam("XPRS_SOLSTATUS")=XPRS_SOLSTATUS_OPTIMAL and getparam("XPRS_SOLVEDOBJS")=4 then writeln('Production plan:') writeln('Product A: ', produceA.sol, ' units') writeln('Product B: ', produceB.sol, ' units') writeln('Profit: $', Profit.sol) if deficit_profit.sol > 0: writeln('Profit goal missed by $', deficit_profit.sol) if deficit_profit.sol > 0: writeln('Profit goal missed by $', deficit_profit.sol) if deficit_productB.sol > 0: writeln('Contractual goal for product B missed by ', deficit_productB.sol, ' units') if surfeit_wiring.sol > 0: writeln('Unused wiring department hours: ', surfeit_wiring.sol) if deficit_wiring.sol > 0: writeln('Wiring department overtime: ', deficit_wiring.sol) if surfeit_assembly.sol > 0: writeln('Unused assembly department hours: ', surfeit_assembly.sol) if deficit_assembly.sol > 0: writeln('Assembly department overtime: ', deficit_assembly.sol) else writeln('Problem could not be solved') end-if end-model | |||||||||||||||
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