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Pre-emptive and Archimedian goal programming Description goalctr.mos: goal programming using constraints
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 12.2 Goal Programming
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goalctr.mos (!******************************************************* * Mosel Example Problems * * ====================== * * * * file goalctr.mos * * ```````````````` * * Example for the use of the Mosel language * * (Pre-emptive and Archimedian goal programming * * using constraints) * * * * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation * * author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. Sep. 2022 * *******************************************************!) model GoalCtr ! Start a new model uses "mmxprs" ! Load the optimizer library uses "mmsystem" forward procedure preemptive ! Declare some procedures that are forward procedure archimedian ! defined later declarations NGOALS=3 ! Number of goals GOALS=1..NGOALS x,y: mpvar ! Variables dev: array(1..2*NGOALS) of mpvar ! Deviation from goals MinDev: linctr ! Objective function Goal: array(GOALS) of linctr ! Goal constraints end-declarations Limit:= 100*x + 60*y <= 600 ! Define a constraint ! Define the goal constraints Goal(1):= 7*x + 3*y >= 40 Goal(2):= 10*x + 5*y = 60 Goal(3):= 5*x + 4*y >= 35 ! Some declarations for a nice printout declarations STypes={CT_GEQ, CT_LEQ, CT_EQ} ATypes: array(STypes) of string end-declarations ATypes(CT_GEQ):= ">="; ATypes(CT_LEQ):= "<="; ATypes(CT_EQ):= "=" preemptive ! Pre-emptive goal programming archimedian ! Archimedian goal programming !*********************************************************************** procedure printsol forall(g in GOALS) if(dev(2*g).sol>0) then writeln(" Goal(",g,") deviation from target: -", dev(2*g).sol) elif(dev(2*g-1).sol>0) then writeln(" Goal(",g,") deviation from target: +", dev(2*g-1).sol) end-if end-procedure !*********************************************************************** procedure preemptive writeln("Pre-emptive:") (! Add successively the goals to the problem and solve it, until all goals have been added or a goal cannot be satisfied. This assumes that the goals are given ordered by priority. !) ! Remove (=hide) goal constraint from the problem forall(i in GOALS) Goal(i).hidden:=true i:=0 while (i<NGOALS) do i+=1 Goal(i).hidden:=false ! Add (=unhide) the next goal case Goal(i).type of ! Add deviation variable(s) CT_GEQ: do Deviation:= dev(2*i) MinDev += Deviation end-do CT_LEQ: do Deviation:= -dev(2*i-1) MinDev += dev(2*i-1) end-do CT_EQ : do Deviation:= dev(2*i) - dev(2*i-1) MinDev += dev(2*i) + dev(2*i-1) end-do else writeln("Wrong constraint type") break end-case Goal(i)+= Deviation minimize(MinDev) ! Solve the LP-problem writeln(" Solution(", i,"): x: ", x.sol, ", y: ", y.sol) Goal(i)-= Deviation ! Remove deviation variable(s) from goal if(getobjval>0) then writeln("Cannot satisfy goal ",i) break end-if end-do ! Solution printout writeln(" Goal", textfmt("Target",11), textfmt("Value",7)) forall(g in 1..i) writeln(formattext("%4d %3s %5g %7g", g, ATypes(Goal(g).type), -Goal(g).coeff, Goal(g).act-dev(2*g).sol+dev(2*g-1).sol)) printsol end-procedure !*********************************************************************** procedure archimedian writeln("\nArchimedian:") declarations Penalty: array(GOALS) of real ! Penalties for goal constraints end-declarations Penalty:: [8, 3, 1] MinDev:=0 ! Re-initialize objective function ! Define the objective as weighted sum of the deviation variables forall(g in GOALS) do case Goal(g).type of ! Add deviation variable(s) CT_GEQ: do Deviation:= dev(2*g) MinDev += Penalty(g)*Deviation end-do CT_LEQ: do Deviation:= -dev(2*g-1) MinDev += Penalty(g)*dev(2*g-1) end-do CT_EQ : do Deviation:= dev(2*g) - dev(2*g-1) MinDev += Penalty(g)*(dev(2*g) + dev(2*g-1)) end-do else writeln("Wrong constraint type") break end-case Goal(g)+= Deviation end-do minimize(MinDev) ! Solve the LP-problem writeln(" Solution: x: ", x.sol, ", y: ", y.sol) ! Solution printout writeln(" Goal", textfmt("Target",11), textfmt("Value",7), textfmt("Penalty",9)) forall(g in GOALS) writeln(formattext("%4d %3s %5g %7g %7g", g, ATypes(Goal(g).type), -Goal(g).coeff, Goal(g).act-dev(2*g).sol+dev(2*g-1).sol, Penalty(g))) printsol end-procedure end-model
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