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Reading and writing dates and times

This set of examples shows how to work with date and time data types when accessing data in spreadsheets and databases. The basic model version uses an ODBC connection to databases through the odbc driver, model version (2) uses ODBC through SQL statements and version (4) shows the same for Oracle databases accessed via the OCI. Model versions (3) and (5) work with different spreadsheet drivers, and version (6) with CSV data format.

Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Using ODBC and other database interfaces with Mosel', Section Examples - Handling dates and time.

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file datesinout.mos
   Reading/writing dates from/to
   spreadsheets or databases via ODBC.
   - Using 'initializations from' with odbc IO driver -
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Nov. 2007, rev. Aug. 2023

model "Dates and times (ODBC)"
 uses "mmsystem", "mmodbc"

                                 ! Use Excel spreadsheet `datetime.xls'
 ! CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:datetime.xls"
                                 ! Use Access database `datetime.mdb'
  CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:debug;datetime.mdb"
                             ! Use mysql database `datetime' (not provided)
 ! CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:debug;DSN=mysql;DB=datetime"
                              ! Use Oracle database `datetime' (not provided)
 ! CNCTIO = "mmoci.oci:debug;myname/mypassword@datetime"
                              ! Use SQLite database 'datetime.sqlite' via ODBC
 ! CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:debug;DSN=sqlite;DATABASE=datetime.sqlite"
                              ! Use SQLite database 'datetime.sqlite' directly
 ! CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:debug;DRIVER=mmsqlite;DB=datetime.sqlite;READONLY=false"
 ! CNCTIO = "mmodbc.odbc:debug;datetime.sqlite"

  T: time
  D: date
  DT: datetime
  Dates: array(1..5) of date
  DList: list of date

! Read in dates / time (make sure to select the format used by the
! spreadsheet/database)
! Access and Excel:
 setparam("timefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S")
 setparam("datefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S")
(! mysql:
 setparam("timefmt", "%0H:%0M:%0S")
 setparam("datefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S")
(! Oracle:
 setparam("timefmt", "%0d-%N-%0Y %0h.%0M.%0S.%0s %P")
 setparam("datefmt", "%0d-%N-%0Y")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "%0d-%N-%0Y %0h.%0M.%0S.%0s %P")
(! SQLite:
 setparam("timefmt", "%0H:%0M:%0S")
 setparam("datefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "%y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S")

 initializations from CNCTIO
  T as "Time1"
  D as "Date1"
  DT as "DateTime1"
  Dates as "noindex;Dates"
  DList as "Dates"

 setparam("timefmt", "%h:%0M %p")
 writeln(D, ", ", T)

! Read date / time from strings
 setparam("timefmt", "%Hh%0Mm")
 setparam("datefmt", "%dm%0my%0y")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "%dm%0my%0y, %Hh%0Mm")

 initializations from CNCTIO
  T as "Time2"
  D as "Date2"
  DT as "`DateTime2`"      ! 'DateTime2' is a reserved word for MS Access
!  DT as "DateTime2"       ! Standard form for other databases

 writeln(D, ", ", T)

! Use Mosel's default format
 setparam("timefmt", "")
 setparam("datefmt", "")
 setparam("datetimefmt", "")

 writeln(D, ", ", T)

! The following assumes that the database output fields have type string
 initializations to CNCTIO
  T as "TimeOut"
  D as "DateOut"
  DT as "DateTimeOut"


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