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Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool Description We take a trimloss problem in which each integer variable x(p)
represents the number of rolls cut to pattern p.
We define a new integer variable y=SUM(p)x(p) and add the associated
x(1)+x(2)+...+x(N)-y = 0
We do this by first adding a row containing the (unitary)
coefficients of the x(p), and then a column corresponding to y.
We output the revised matrix to a file and then solve the revised
MIP, giving y the highest branching priority. Finally, we output
the solution, both to the screen and to an ASCII solution file.
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
Data Files Trimloss.java /**********************************************************************************\ * Name: Trimloss.c Fair Isaac 14/03/2014 * * Purpose: Modify a problem by adding an extra variable within an additional * * constraint. * * Description: We take a trimloss problem in which each integer variable x(p) * * represents the number of rolls cut to pattern p. * * We define a new integer variable y=SUM(p)x(p) and add the associated* * constraint * * x(1)+x(2)+...+x(N)-y = 0 * * We do this by first adding a row containing the (unitary) * * coefficients of the x(p), and then a column corresponding to y. * * We output the revised matrix to a file and then solve the revised * * MIP, giving y the highest branching priority. Finally, we output * * the solution, both to the screen and to an ASCII solution file. * * Input: trimloss.mps original matrix file * * Output: trimloss.log log file * * Trimloss.sol binary solution file - produced by default * * Revised.mps revised matrix file * * Revised.asc ASCII solution file * * Revised.hdr header for the ASCII solution file * \**********************************************************************************/ import java.io.*; import com.dashoptimization.*; public class Trimloss implements AutoCloseable { /** * Execute example from command-line **/ public static void main(String[] args) { String model = args.length == 0 ? "../data/trimloss" : args[0]; try (Trimloss trimloss = new Trimloss()) { trimloss.run(model); } } /** * XPRSprob for the trimloss problem **/ private XPRSprob probg; /** * The index of the newly-added now **/ private int addedRowIndex; /** * The index of the newly-added column **/ private int addedColIndex; /** * Initialize Trimloss problem **/ public Trimloss() { probg = new XPRSprob(null); } /** * Destroy the Trimloss problem **/ public void close() { probg.close(); } /** * Execute Trimloss example **/ public void run(String model) { /* Setup the logfile */ File logfile = new File("trimloss.log"); if (logfile.exists()) logfile.delete(); probg.setLogFile(logfile.toString()); /* Load initial problem */ loadInitialProblem(model); /* Add new row */ addNewRow(); /* Add new column */ addNewColumn(); /* Output the revised matrix */ probg.writeProb("revised"); /* Solve the MIP */ solveProblem(); /* Display solution */ printSolution(); /* Write solution to an ASCII file */ probg.writeSol("revised"); } /** * Loads the initial trimloss matrix into the Xpress-Optimizer problem **/ private void loadInitialProblem(String model) { probg.readProb(model); } /** * Adds a new row to the matrix **/ private void addNewRow() { int nCol = probg.attributes().getCols(); /* nCol = number of columns in the matrix */ int nNewRows = 1; /* Adding 1 new row */ double[] dRHS = {0.0}; int[] nRowStart = {0}; byte[] sRowType = {'E'}; /* Store the coefficients of x(p); */ int nRowElem = nCol; /* New row has a coefficient in every column */ double[] pRowVal = new double[nRowElem]; int[] pColInd = new int[nRowElem]; for (int i=0;i<nCol;i++) { pRowVal[i] = 1.0; pColInd[i] = i; } /* Add the new row */ probg.addRows( nNewRows, nRowElem, sRowType, dRHS, null, nRowStart, pColInd, pRowVal ); /* New row will have been added at end of matrix */ this.addedRowIndex = probg.attributes().getRows() - 1; /* Set new row name */ String[] newNames = {"NewRow"}; probg.addNames( 1 /* 1 = row names */ , newNames, addedRowIndex, addedRowIndex ); } /** * Adds a new column to the matrix **/ private void addNewColumn() { int nRow = probg.attributes().getRows(); /* nRow = number of rows in the matrix */ int nNewCols = 1; /* Adding 1 new column */ int nColElem = 1; /* New column has a single nonzero */ double[] dObjCoef = {0.0}; int[] nColStart = {0}; double[] pColVal = {-1.0}; /* The coefficient of -y */ int[] pRowInd = {nRow-1}; double[] dLowerBnd = {0.0}; double[] dUpperBnd = {90.0}; /* The sum of the bounds on the x(p) */ /* Add the new column */ probg.addCols( nNewCols, nColElem, dObjCoef, nColStart, pRowInd, pColVal, dLowerBnd, dUpperBnd ); /* New column will have been added at the end of the matrix */ this.addedColIndex = probg.attributes().getCols() - 1; /* Make the new column an integer variable */ int nTypeChg = 1; int[] nNewColInd = {addedColIndex}; byte[] sColType = {'I'}; probg.chgColType( nTypeChg, nNewColInd, sColType ); /* Set the new column name */ String[] newNames = {"y"}; probg.addNames( 2 /* 2 = column names */, newNames, addedColIndex, addedColIndex ); } /** * Solves the mixed-integer problem **/ private void solveProblem() { /* Turn off presolve and permit no cuts */ probg.controls().setPresolve(0); probg.controls().setCutStrategy(0); /* Assign the y variable a high branching priority (1) - by default the original x(p) variables have low priority (500) */ int[] nNewColIndex = {addedRowIndex}; int[] nColPrior = {1}; /* Load this directive */ probg.loadDirs( 1, nNewColIndex, nColPrior, null, null, null ); probg.mipOptimize(); } /** * Displays the solution **/ private void printSolution() { if (probg.attributes().getMIPStatus()==XPRSenumerations.MIPStatus.OPTIMAL) { System.out.println(" Problem solved to optimality"); int nCol = probg.attributes().getCols(); /* Get the primal solution values */ double[] x = probg.getSolution(); /* Display the objective and solution values */ System.out.println(); System.out.println(" Minimum loss is " + probg.attributes().getMIPObjVal()); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" The solution values are"); for (int i=0;i<nCol-1;i++) System.out.println(" x("+(i+1)+") = "+x[i]); System.out.println(" y = "+x[nCol-1]); } else { System.out.println(" Problem was "+probg.attributes().getMIPStatus()); } } }
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