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Collecting all solutions with the MIP solution pool

We take a trimloss problem in which each integer variable x(p) represents the number of rolls cut to pattern p. We define a new integer variable y=SUM(p)x(p) and add the associated constraint x(1)+x(2)+...+x(N)-y = 0 We do this by first adding a row containing the (unitary) coefficients of the x(p), and then a column corresponding to y. We output the revised matrix to a file and then solve the revised MIP, giving y the highest branching priority. Finally, we output the solution, both to the screen and to an ASCII solution file.[download all files]

Source Files
By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.[download]

Data Files


 N  Trimloss
 G  Demand01
 G  Demand02
 G  Demand03
    x_____01  Trimloss     10.000000   Demand01      5.000000
    x_____02  Trimloss      2.000000   Demand01      4.000000
    x_____02  Demand02      1.000000
    x_____03  Demand01      4.000000   Demand03      1.000000
    x_____04  Trimloss      6.000000   Demand01      2.000000
    x_____04  Demand02      2.000000
    x_____05  Trimloss      4.000000   Demand01      2.000000
    x_____05  Demand02      1.000000   Demand03      1.000000
    x_____06  Trimloss      2.000000   Demand01      2.000000
    x_____06  Demand03      2.000000
    x_____07  Trimloss     10.000000   Demand02      3.000000
    x_____08  Trimloss      8.000000   Demand02      2.000000
    x_____08  Demand03      1.000000
    x_____09  Trimloss      6.000000   Demand02      1.000000
    x_____09  Demand03      2.000000
    x_____10  Trimloss      4.000000   Demand03      3.000000
    RHS00001  Demand01      8.000000   Demand02     13.000000
    RHS00001  Demand03     10.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____01      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____02      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____03      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____04      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____05      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____06      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____07      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____08      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____09      9.000000
 UI BOUND001  x_____10      9.000000

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