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Testing an Insight Python model


Files for testing the Insight-Python example "Portfolio Optimization" in the Xpress distribution using pytest. The full app forms part of the Insight developer kit. Assuming this has been extracted into the Xpress installation directory XPRESSDIR, you can find the full app in XPRESSDIR/examples/insight/basic_apps/python/portfolio_optimization

Requires pytest to be installed within the Python environment

Instructions for using these files:
  1. Copy the file into the python_source folder within the app's root directory, replacing the existing one.
  2. Create a new folder named test in the app's root directory, and place the file into that folder.
  3. Run the file from your IDE or run "pytest" in the command line from the test folder.
Further explanation of this example: Link to blog post

Source Files
By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.[download][download]

# Xpress Insight Portfolio Optimization example
# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation. All rights reserved.

import xpressinsight as xi
import xpress as xp
import pandas as pd
import pytest

@xi.AppConfig(name="Portfolio Optimization", version=xi.AppVersion(1, 0, 0))
class InsightApp(xi.AppBase):
    # Input entities
    MaxHighRisk: xi.types.Scalar(default=0.33, alias="Maximum investment into high-risk values")
    MaxPerShare: xi.types.Scalar(default=0.25, alias="Maximum investment per share")
    MinNorthAmerica: xi.types.Scalar(default=0.45, alias="Minimum investment into North-American values")
    ShareIds: xi.types.Index(dtype=xi.string, alias="Shares")

    # Input and result entities indexed over ShareIds
    Shares: xi.types.DataFrame(index="ShareIds", columns=[
        xi.Column("Return", dtype=xi.real, format="$ 0.00", alias="Expected Return on Investment"),
        xi.Column("HighRisk", dtype=xi.boolean, alias="High-risk value"),
        xi.Column("NorthAmerica", dtype=xi.boolean, alias="Issued in North America"),
        xi.Column("fraction", dtype=xi.real, format="0.0%", alias="Fraction used", manage=xi.Manage.RESULT)

    # Result entities
    TotalReturn: xi.types.Scalar(dtype=xi.real, alias="Total expected return on investment", manage=xi.Manage.RESULT)
    SummaryIds: xi.types.Index(dtype=xi.string, alias="Summary", manage=xi.Manage.RESULT)
    SummaryValues: xi.types.Series(index="SummaryIds", dtype=xi.real, manage=xi.Manage.RESULT)

    # Constant class attribute
    DATAFILE = "shares.csv"

    @xi.ExecModeLoad(descr="Load input data and initialize all input entities.", threads=1)
    def load(self):
        # print("Loading data.")
        self.Shares = pd.read_csv(InsightApp.DATAFILE, index_col=['ShareIds'])
        self.ShareIds = self.Shares.index
        # print("Loading finished.")

    @xi.ExecModeRun(descr="Solve problem and initialize all result entities.", threads=1)
    def run(self):
        # print('Starting optimization.')

        # Create Xpress problem and variables
        p = xp.problem("portfolio")
        self.Shares['fractionVar'] = pd.Series(xp.vars(self.ShareIds, vartype=xp.continuous, name='fractionVar'))

        # Objective: expected total return
        objective = xp.Sum(self.Shares.Return * self.Shares.fractionVar)
        p.setObjective(objective, sense=xp.maximize)

        # Limit the percentage of high-risk values
        limit_high_risk = \
            xp.Sum(self.Shares.loc[self.Shares.HighRisk, 'fractionVar']) \
            <= self.MaxHighRisk

        # Minimum amount of North-American values
        limit_north_america = \
            xp.Sum(self.Shares.loc[self.Shares.NorthAmerica, 'fractionVar']) \
            >= self.MinNorthAmerica

        # Spend all the capital
        p.addConstraint(xp.Sum(self.Shares.fractionVar) == 1)

        # Upper bounds on the investment per share
        for share_id, share in self.Shares.iterrows():
            p.addConstraint(share.fractionVar <= self.MaxPerShare)

        # Solve optimization problem

        # Save results and key indicator values for GUI display
        self.Shares["fraction"] = pd.Series(p.getSolution(), index=self.ShareIds)
        self.TotalReturn = p.getObjVal()

        self.SummaryValues = pd.Series({
            "Expected total return": self.TotalReturn,
            "Total high risk shares": limit_high_risk.ub - p.getSlack(limit_high_risk),
            "Total North-American": - p.getSlack(limit_north_america),
            "Largest position": self.Shares.fraction.max()
        self.SummaryIds = self.SummaryValues.index
        # print('\n', self.SummaryValues, '\n', sep='')
        # print('Optimization finished.')

def test_main_func():
    app = xi.create_app(InsightApp)

    for value in range(1,11):
        app.MaxPerShare = value/10
        print("MaxPerShare: ", value/10, ", Return: ",app.TotalReturn)

    assert app.MaxPerShare == 1"""

if __name__ == "__main__":

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