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Solving a Mosel model using a REST webservice, from Mosel Description In this example, the Xpress Executor should first be configured with the blend3c.mos model. Then, you
run the blendxe.mos model locally; this uses REST webservice requests to send the blend.csv file to the Xpress
Executor and remotely solve the model using this, then downloads and displays the results. This example
requires a local installation of Xpress.
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
Data Files blendxe.mos (!****************************************************** Xpress Executor Example Model ============================= file blendxe.mos ```````````````` Demonstrates executing the 'blend3c' model using Xpress Executor with the supplied input data & displaying the results. Uses mmhttp to call Xpress Executor REST webservice endpoints. Assumes that you have an Xpress Executor component already configured with the blend3c model. (c) 2015-2019 Fair Isaac Corporation author: J. Farmer, Jul. 2017 *******************************************************!) model "Blend XE" uses "mmhttp", "mmssl", "mmsystem", "mmxml" parameters ! You should set the DMP_XE_REST_ENDPOINT, DMP_SOLUTION_CLIENT_ID and DMP_SOLUTION_SECRET parameters ! to point to the component you want to test. ! The REST endpoint of the Xpress Executor DMP component ! Obtain this by clicking "View Links" for the Xpress Executor component on the DMP UI DMP_XE_REST_ENDPOINT="" ! The client ID of solution containing the Xpress Executor DMP component ! Obtain this through the DMP UI DMP_SOLUTION_CLIENT_ID="" ! The secret of the solution containing the Xpress Executor DMP component ! Obtain this through the DMP UI DMP_SOLUTION_SECRET="" ! The endpoint from which to request the authorization token. ! See DMP help page "Requesting a Bearerer Token" for details on how to obtain this DMP_BEARER_TOKEN_URL="https://iam-svc.dms.usw2.ficoanalyticcloud.com/registration/rest/client/token" ! The input file for the remote model INPUTFILE="../data/blend.csv" ! File into which to save the results RESULTFILE="blendresults.csv" end-parameters declarations ! XML document containing final status of execution executionStatus: xmldoc ! Array of parameters modelParameterNames: set of string modelParameters: dynamic array(modelParameterNames) of text ! Token used to authorise access to the Xpress Executor component bearerToken: text end-declarations forward procedure authoriseDmpComponent forward function startExecution(inputfile:text,modelParameters:array(modelParameterNames) of text) : xmldoc forward procedure waitForCompletion(executionStatus:xmldoc) forward procedure deleteExecution(executionStatus:xmldoc) forward function getURLFromPath(path:text) : text forward function getNodeValue(doc:xmldoc,path:text) : text forward function getNodeValue(doc:xmldoc,path:string) : text forward function fetchPathFromComponent(path:text,destfile:text) : integer public declarations ! Temporary variables used in assembling HTTP requests public httpPostBody: text public httpResponseBody: text public inputText: text public runLog: text end-declarations ! Configure Mosel to use TLS1.2 ciphers with HTTPS to allow us to talk to DMP setparam("https_ciphers","TLSv1.2+HIGH:\!SSLv2:\!aNULL:\!eNULL:\!3DES:@STRENGTH") ! Log into DMP writeln("Requesting authorization token from DMP") authoriseDmpComponent ! Execute our model writeln("Initiating model execution") modelParameters("INPUTFILE"):="input" ! In Xpress Executor, the inputs we provide will be provided to the model in a file called "input" modelParameters("RESULTFILE"):="result" ! In Xpress Executor, we can only access model results from a file called "result" executionStatus := startExecution(INPUTFILE,modelParameters) ! Model will be executing asynchronously; wait for it to complete. writeln("Waiting for completion of execution") waitForCompletion(executionStatus) ! Check execution was successful writeln("Processing model results") ! In event of failure, echo the remote model status, exit code & run log to aid with troubleshooting if getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/status")<>"OK" or getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/exitCode")<>"0" then writeln("Execution failed!") writeln("Execution status: ", getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/status")) writeln("Execution exit code: ", getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/exitCode")) writeln writeln("Execution log:") ! Fetch the remote execution log as it may contain error messages from the model if fetchPathFromComponent( getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/runLogPath"), "text:runLog" )<>200 then writeln("Execution log not available") end-if writeln(runLog) exit(1) end-if ! Download results file if fetchPathFromComponent( getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/resultPath"), RESULTFILE )<>200 then writeln("Model results are not available!") exit(1) end-if ! Parse results and display to user declarations ORES=1..2 use: array(ORES) of real end-declarations initializations from "mmsheet.csv:"+RESULTFILE use as "[A1:B2]" end-initializations writeln writeln("Solution:") forall(o in ORES) writeln(" use(",o,"): ",use(o)) ! Delete execution from component deleteExecution( executionStatus ) ! Use the client ID and secret from the solution to request a token that we can use to ! authorise access to the Xpress Executor component procedure authoriseDmpComponent declarations payloadDoc: xmldoc responseCode: integer end-declarations ! Assemble payload to send to DMP reset(payloadDoc) rootElem := addnode(payloadDoc, 0, XML_ELT, "jsv") setattr(payloadDoc, rootElem, "jst", "obj") clientIdElem := addnode(payloadDoc, rootElem, XML_ELT, "clientId") setattr(payloadDoc, clientIdElem, "jst", "str") setvalue(payloadDoc, clientIdElem, DMP_SOLUTION_CLIENT_ID) secretElem := addnode(payloadDoc, rootElem, XML_ELT, "secret") setattr(payloadDoc, secretElem, "jst", "str") setvalue(payloadDoc, secretElem, DMP_SOLUTION_SECRET) ! Post to server jsonsave(payloadDoc, "text:httpPostBody") reset(payloadDoc) responseCode := httppost( DMP_BEARER_TOKEN_URL, "text:httpPostBody", "text:httpResponseBody", "Content-Type: application/json" ); reset(httpPostBody) ! Check response if responseCode<>200 then writeln("ERROR: Failed to authorise with DMP (HTTP response: "+responseCode+")") writeln(httpResponseBody) exit(1) end-if ! Store bearer token bearerToken := httpResponseBody reset(httpResponseBody) end-procedure ! Start execution of model, using the given file of input data. Returns initial execution status function startExecution(inputfile:text,modelParameters:array(modelParameterNames) of text) : xmldoc declarations payloadDoc: xmldoc responseDoc: xmldoc responseCode: integer headers: text end-declarations ! Assemble payload to send to DMP reset(payloadDoc) rootElem := addnode(payloadDoc, 0, XML_ELT, "jsv") setattr(payloadDoc, rootElem, "jst", "obj") ! Set parameters paramsElem := addnode(payloadDoc, rootElem, XML_ELT, "parameters") setattr(payloadDoc, paramsElem, "jst", "obj") forall( paramName in modelParameterNames | exists(modelParameters(paramName)) ) do paramElem := addnode(payloadDoc, paramsElem, XML_ELT, "jsv") setattr(payloadDoc, paramElem, "name", paramName) setattr(payloadDoc, paramElem, "jst", "str") setvalue(payloadDoc, paramElem, modelParameters(paramName)) end-do ! Set input data (use inputText for textual input, inputBase64 for binary input (after encoding it) fcopy( inputfile, "text:inputText" ) if getsysstat<>0 then writeln("Error reading ",inputfile) exit(1) end-if inputDataElem := addnode(payloadDoc, rootElem, XML_ELT, "inputText") setattr(payloadDoc, inputDataElem, "jst", "str") setvalue(payloadDoc, inputDataElem, inputText ) reset(inputText) ! Assemble HTTP headers headers += "Content-Type: application/json\n" headers += "Accepts: application/json\n" headers += "Authorization: Bearer "+bearerToken+"\n" ! Post to server jsonsave(payloadDoc, "mmsystem.text:httpPostBody") reset(payloadDoc) responseCode := httppost( DMP_XE_REST_ENDPOINT, "text:httpPostBody", "text:httpResponseBody", headers ); reset(httpPostBody) ! Check response if responseCode<>200 then writeln("ERROR: Failed to start model execution (HTTP response: "+responseCode+")") writeln(httpResponseBody) exit(1) end-if ! Parse response JSON jsonload(responseDoc, "text:httpResponseBody", 0) reset(httpResponseBody) returned := responseDoc end-function ! Return URL of given path on Xpress Executor component function getURLFromPath(path:text) : text declarations url: text end-declarations ! Strip the path off the endpoint URL url := DMP_XE_REST_ENDPOINT lastSlash := 0 forall (i in 1..3) do nextSlash := findtext(url,"/",lastSlash+1) if nextSlash=0 then writeln("Failed to parse URL!") exit(1) end-if lastSlash := nextSlash end-do deltext(url, lastSlash, getsize(url)) ! Append given path url += path ! And done returned := url end-function ! Return content of given XPATH expression in given document. Aborts model if was not found. function getNodeValue(doc:xmldoc,path:string) : text declarations nodeId: integer end-declarations nodeId := getnode(doc,path) if nodeId=-1 then writeln("Failed to find node '",path,"' in document") exit(1) end-if returned := getvalue(doc,nodeId) end-function function getNodeValue(doc:xmldoc,path:text) : text returned := getNodeValue(doc,string(path)) end-function ! Fetch the given path from the Xpress Executor component and save content to the given destination file. Returns response code. function fetchPathFromComponent(path:text,destfile:text) : integer declarations responseCode: integer headers: text url: text end-declarations reset(headers) headers += "Accepts: application/json\n" headers += "Authorization: Bearer "+bearerToken+"\n" url := getURLFromPath( path ) responseCode := httpget( url, string(destfile), headers ) returned := responseCode end-function ! Wait for model execution to complete; updates the supplied execution status document procedure waitForCompletion(executionStatus: xmldoc) declarations responseCode: integer end-declarations ! Loop while status indicates execution not completed status := getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/status") while (status="NOT_COMPLETED" or status="NOT_LOADED") do ! Wait for half a second sleep(500) ! Refresh status responseCode := fetchPathFromComponent( getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/statusPath"), "text:httpResponseBody" ) if responseCode<>200 then writeln("ERROR: Encountered HTTP error code ",responseCode," when querying execution status") writeln(httpResponseBody) ! Write out response body, in case it contains an error message. exit(1) end-if jsonload(executionStatus, "text:httpResponseBody", 0) reset(httpResponseBody) status := getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/status") end-do end-procedure ! Delete the execution from the service procedure deleteExecution(executionStatus: xmldoc) declarations responseCode: integer headers: text end-declarations reset(headers) headers += "Accepts: application/json\n" headers += "Authorization: Bearer "+bearerToken+"\n" responseCode := httpdel( getURLFromPath(getNodeValue(executionStatus,"/jsv/statusPath")), "null:", headers ) if responseCode<>200 then writeln("Warning: Received HTTP response ",responseCode," when deleting execution") end-if end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||
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