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Linearizations and approximations via SOS and piecewise linear (pwlin) expressions

Various examples of using SOS (Special Ordered Sets of type 1 or 2) and piecewise linear expressions to represent nonlinear functions in MIP models implemented with Mosel.
  • approximating a continuous nonlinear function in a single variable via piecewise linear expressions (soslingc.mos) or SOS-1 (soslin.*);
  • approximating a continuous nonlinear function in two variables via SOS-2 (sosquad.*);
  • price breaks: all items discount (non-continuous piecewise linear function) formulated via piecewise linear expressions (pricebrai) or SOS-1 (pricebrai SOS);
  • incremental pricebreaks formulated via piecewise linear expressions (pricebrinc), SOS-2 (pricebrinc SOS), or binary variables (pricebrinc bin).
Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'MIP formulations and linearizations', Section Non-linear functions

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   Mosel Example Problems 

   file soslin.mos
   Approximation of a nonlinear function by a SOS-2.
   - Example discussed in mipformref whitepaper -  
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, 2002, rev. Feb. 2022

model "soslin"
 uses "mmxprs"

 public declarations
  I=1..4                          ! Set of breakpoints
  x,y: mpvar                      ! The actual decision variables x and y
  w: array(I) of mpvar            ! Weight variables for SOS formulation
  R,FR: array(I) of real           ! X and Y coordinates of breakpoints

! These values would normally be calculated here or read in from file
 R:: [1, 2.5, 4.5, 6.5]
 FR::[1.5, 6, 3.5, 2.5]

! Define the SOS-2 with "reference row" coefficients from R
 Defx:= sum(i in I) R(i)*w(i) is_sos2
 sum(i in I) w(i) = 1 

! The variable and the corresponding function value we want to approximate
 x = Defx
 y = sum(i in I) FR(i)*w(i)

! Set a bound to make the problem more interesting
 x >= 2
(! Uncomment to display solver problem on screen
 setparam("XPRS_loadnames", true)

! Solve the problem
 writeln("Solution: ", getobjval)
 writeln("x: ", x.sol) 

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