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Resource-constrained project scheduling problem Description Formulating and solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems via scheduling objects of the Kalis solver
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Data Files rcpsp.mos (!**************************************************************** CP example problems =================== file rcpsp.mos `````````````` Resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instances *** (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation *****************************************************************!) model "RCPSP" uses "kalis", "mmsystem" parameters DATAFILE = "j301_1.dat" end-parameters declarations HORIZON: integer ! Time horizon TASKS: set of integer ! Set of tasks RESOURCES: set of integer ! Set of resources SUCC: array(TASKS) of set of integer ! Successors of each task CAPA: array(RESOURCES) of integer ! Resource capacities DUR: array(TASKS) of integer ! Task durations CONSO: array(TASKS,RESOURCES) of integer ! Resource consumption tasks: array(TASKS) of cptask ! Tasks resources: array(RESOURCES) of cpresource ! Resources end-declarations initializations from "Data/"+DATAFILE TASKS RESOURCES HORIZON SUCC CAPA DUR CONSO end-initializations ! Setting up the resources with discrete capacities forall(j in RESOURCES) set_resource_attributes(resources(j), KALIS_DISCRETE_RESOURCE, CAPA(j)) ! Setting up the variables representing task properties forall(i in TASKS) do setdomain(getstart(tasks(i)), 0, HORIZON) setdomain(getend(tasks(i)), 0, HORIZON) set_task_attributes(tasks(i),DUR(i)) setsuccessors(tasks(i),union(j in SUCC(i)) {tasks(j)}) end-do ! Resource constraints forall(i in TASKS, j in RESOURCES | CONSO(i,j) > 0) requires(tasks(i), CONSO(i,j), resources(j)) ! Solve the problem starttime:= gettime if cp_schedule(getmakespan) = 0 then writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "sec) No solution found") else writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "sec) Best solution: Makespan = ", getsol(getmakespan)) end-if cp_show_stats end-model | |||||||||||||
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