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Solve LP, displaying the initial and optimal tableau Description Inputs an MPS matrix file and required optimization sense, and proceeds to solve the problem with lpoptimize. The simplex algorithm is interrupted to get its intial basis, and a tableau is requested with a call to function showtab. Once the solution is found, a second call produces the optimal tableau. Function showtab retrieves the pivot order of the basic variables, along with other problem information, and then constructs (and displays) the tableau row-by-row using the backwards transformation, btran. Note that tableau should only be used with matrices whose MPS names are no longer than 8 characters.
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Data Files Tableau.java /*********************************************************************** Xpress Optimizer Examples ========================= file Tableau.java ``````````````` Read in a user-specified LP and solve it, displaying both the initial and optimal tableau. (c) 2021-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation ***********************************************************************/ import com.dashoptimization.DefaultMessageListener; import com.dashoptimization.XPRS; import com.dashoptimization.XPRSprob; import static com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations.ObjSense; import java.util.Arrays; /** Read in a user-specified LP and solve it, displaying both the * initial and optimal tableau. * * Inputs an MPS matrix file and required optimisation sense, and * proceeds to solve the problem with lpoptimize. The simplex * algorithm is interrupted to get its intial basis, and a tableau is * requested with a call to function {@link showTab(String, XPRSprob)}. * Once the solution is found, a second call produces the optimal tableau. * Function {@link showTab(String, XPRSprob)} retrieves the pivot order of * the basic variables, along with other problem information, and then * constructs (and displays) the tableau row-by-row using the backwards * transformation, btran. */ public class Tableau { /** Run the example. * @param args Command line arguments: * - <code>args[0]</code> problem name * - <code>args[1]</code> objective sense ("min" or "max"), * if this argument is not provided the * problem will be minimised, by default. */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Validate command line if (args.length > 2) { System.err.println("Usage: java Tableau [matrix] [min|max]"); System.exit(1); } String problem = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "../data/tablo.mps"; ObjSense sense = ObjSense.MINIMIZE; if (args.length == 2) { if (args[1].equals("min")) sense = ObjSense.MINIMIZE; else if (args[1].equals("max")) sense = ObjSense.MAXIMIZE; else { System.err.printf("Invalid objective sense '%s'%n", args[1]); System.exit(1); } } String logFile = "Tableau.log"; try (XPRSprob prob = new XPRSprob(null)) { // Delete and define log file new java.io.File(logFile).delete(); prob.setLogFile(logFile); // Install default output: We only print warning and error messages. prob.addMessageListener(new DefaultMessageListener(null, System.err, System.err)); // Input the matrix prob.readProb(problem); // Turn presolve off as we want to display the initial tableau prob.controls().setPresolve(XPRS.PRESOLVE_NONE); // Set the number of simplex iterations to zero prob.controls().setLPIterLimit(0); // Perform the first step in the simplex algorithm prob.chgObjSense(sense); prob.lpOptimize(); // Display the initial tableau showTab("Initial", prob); // Continue with the simplex algorithm prob.controls().setLPIterLimit(1000000); prob.lpOptimize(); // Get and display the objective function value and // the iteration count */ System.out.printf("M%simal solution with value %g found in %d iterations.%n", (sense == ObjSense.MINIMIZE) ? "in" : "ax", prob.attributes().getLPObjVal(), prob.attributes().getSimplexIter()); // Display the optimal tableau showTab("Optimal", prob); } } /** Display tableau on screen. * @param state Problem state * @param problem Problem with a resident tableau. */ private static void showTab(String state, XPRSprob prob) { // Get problem information int rows = prob.attributes().getRows(); int cols = prob.attributes().getCols(); int spare = prob.attributes().getSpareRows(); int vector = rows + cols + 1; // Allocate memory to the arrays double[] y = new double[rows]; double[] z = new double[vector]; int[] rowind = new int[rows]; double[] matelem = new double[rows]; int[] pivot = new int[rows]; double[] x = new double[cols]; double[] slack = new double[rows]; int[] start = new int[2]; // Retrieve the pivot order of the basic variables prob.getPivotOrder(pivot); // Construct and display the tableau // Printer header of matrix names System.out.printf("%n%s tableau of problem %s%n", state, prob.getProbName()); System.out.println("Note: slacks on G type rows range from -infinity to 0"); System.out.println(); System.out.print(" "); // Get and print the individual row names (we only print the first 3 chars) for (String rowName : prob.getRowNames(0, rows - 1)) System.out.printf(" %-3.3s ", rowName); // Get and print the individual column names (we only print the first 3 chars) for (String colName : prob.getColumnNames(0, cols - 1)) System.out.printf(" %-3.3s ", colName); System.out.println(" RHS\n"); // Get the tableau row-by-row using the backwards transformation, btran // For each row iRow in turn, calculate z = e_irow * B^-1 * A for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { // Set up the unit vector e_irow Arrays.fill(y, 0.0); y[i] = 1.0; // y = e_irow * B^-1 prob.btran(y); // Form z = y * A for each slack column of A System.arraycopy(y, 0, z, 0, rows); // Form z = y * A, for each structural column of A for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { int nzs = prob.getCols(start, rowind, matelem, rows, j, j); double d = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < nzs; ++k) d += y[rowind[k]] * matelem[k]; z[rows + j] = d; } // Form z for RHS prob.getSolution(null, x, 0, x.length - 1); prob.getSlacks(null, slack, 0, slack.length - 1); if (pivot[i] >= rows) z[vector - 1] = x[pivot[i] - rows - spare]; else z[vector - 1] = slack[pivot[i]]; // Display single tableau row String name; if (pivot[i] < rows) { // Pivot is a row name = prob.getRowName(pivot[i]); } else { // Pivot is a column name = prob.getColumnName(pivot[i] - rows - spare); } System.out.printf("%-3.3s:", name); for (int j = 0; j < vector; ++j) { if (Math.abs(z[j]) > 0.1) // Consider small values as zero System.out.printf("%5.1f ",z[j]); else System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } } | |||||||||||
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