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Using the debugger and profiler Description The Mosel debugger and profiler may be used either through Xpress Workbench or from the Mosel command line. The model prime2.mos shows typical debugging and profiling command sequences. The model prime3.mos is a more efficient re-formulation of the same algorithm. The model runprime2d.mos shows a debugging command sequence for a submodel started from this model.
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prime2.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel User Guide Example Problems ================================= file prime2.mos ``````````````` Working with sets. -- Debugging and profiling -- (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. Jul. 2014 *******************************************************!) model Prime parameters LIMIT=20000 ! Search for prime numbers in 2..LIMIT end-parameters declarations SNumbers: set of integer ! Set of numbers to be checked SPrime: set of integer ! Set of prime numbers end-declarations SNumbers:={2..LIMIT} writeln("Prime numbers between 2 and ", LIMIT, ":") n:=2 repeat while (not(n in SNumbers)) n+=1 SPrime += {n} ! n is a prime number i:=n while (i<=LIMIT) do ! Remove n and all its multiples SNumbers-= {i} i+=n end-do until SNumbers={} writeln(SPrime) writeln(" (", getsize(SPrime), " prime numbers.)") end-model (! Debugging ========= Use the following command sequence in the Mosel command line: mosel debug prime2.mos 'LIMIT=50' break 31 bcond 1-1 getsize(SNumbers) < 10 cont print n display SNumbers display SPrime cont quit Profiling ========= Use the following command in the Mosel command line: mosel profile prime2.mos 'LIMIT=50' Obtain information about memory usage: mosel debug prime2.mos info SPrime lsmods quit !) | |||||||||||||||||
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