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Binary fixing heuristic for the Coco problem

  • changing bounds on variables
  • basis in- and output
  • setting Optimizer parameters
  • saving and loading MIP solutions (file fixbvls.mos)

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  * Mosel Example Problems                              *
  * ======================                              *
  *                                                     *
  * file fixbv.mos                                      *
  * ``````````````                                      *
  * Example for the use of the Mosel language           *
  * (Using the complete Coco Problem, as in coco.mos,   *
  *  this program implements a binary fixing heuristic) *
  *                                                     *
  * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation                     *
  *     author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. Feb. 2010        *

model Coco                             ! Start a new model

uses "mmxprs"                          ! Load the optimizer library

(!* Phase = 4: Mines may open/closed freely; when closed save 20000 per month
  * Phase = 5: Once closed always closed; larger saving 

 NT=4                                  ! Number of time periods
 RP=1..2                               ! Range of products (p)
 RF=1..2                               !          factories (f)
 RR=1..2                               !          raw materials (r)
 RT=1..NT                              !          time periods (t)

 REV: array(RP,RT) of real             ! Unit selling price of product p
 CMAKE: array(RP,RF) of real           ! Unit cost to make product p
                                       ! at factory f
 CBUY: array(RR,RT) of real            ! Unit cost to buy raw material r
 COPEN: array(RF) of real              ! Fixed cost of factory f being
                                       ! open for one period
 REQ: array(RP,RR) of real             ! Requirement by unit of product p
                                       ! for raw material r
 MXSELL: array(RP,RT) of real          ! Max. amount of p that can be sold
 MXMAKE: array(RF) of real             ! Max. amount factory f can make
                                       ! over all products
 PSTOCK0: array(RP,RF) of real         ! Initial product p stock level
                                       ! at factory f
 RSTOCK0: array(RR,RF) of real         ! Initial raw material r stock
                                       ! level at factory f
 CPSTOCK = 2.0                         ! Unit cost to store any product p
 CRSTOCK = 1.0                         ! Unit cost to store any raw mat. r
 MXRSTOCK = 300                        ! Max. amount of r that can be
                                       ! stored each f and t
 make: array(RP,RF,RT) of mpvar        ! Amount of product p made at
                                       ! factory f
 sell: array(RP,RF,RT) of mpvar        ! Amount of product p sold from
                                       ! factory f in period t
 buy: array(RR,RF,RT) of mpvar         ! Amount of raw material r bought
                                       ! for factory f in period t
 pstock: array(RP,RF,1..NT+1) of mpvar ! Stock level of product p at
                                       ! factory f at start of period t
 rstock: array(RR,RF,1..NT+1) of mpvar ! Stock level of raw material r at
                                       ! factory f at start of period t
 openm: array(RF,RT) of mpvar          ! 1 if factory f is open in
                                       ! period t, else 0

 REV ::  [400, 380, 405, 350,
          410, 397, 412, 397]
 CMAKE :: [150, 153,
           75,  68] 
 CBUY :: [100,  98,  97, 100,
          200, 195, 198, 200]
 COPEN :: [50000, 63000]
 REQ ::  [1.0, 0.5,
          1.3, 0.4]
 MXSELL ::   [650, 600, 500, 400,
              600, 500, 300, 250]
 MXMAKE ::  [400, 500]
 PSTOCK0 :: [50, 100,
             50,  50]
 RSTOCK0 :: [100, 150,
              50, 100]

                                 ! Objective: maximize total profit
  sum(p in RP,f in RF,t in RT) REV(p,t) * sell(p,f,t) -        ! revenue
  sum(p in RP,f in RF,t in RT) CMAKE(p,f) * make(p,f,t) -      ! prod. cost
  sum(r in RR,f in RF,t in RT) CBUY(r,t) * buy(r,f,t) -        ! raw mat. cost
  sum(p in RP,f in RF,t in 2..NT+1) CPSTOCK * pstock(p,f,t) -  ! p stor. cost
  sum(r in RR,f in RF,t in 2..NT+1) CRSTOCK * rstock(r,f,t)    ! r stor. cost

 if PHASE=4 then                 ! Factory fixed cost
  MaxProfit -= sum(f in RF,t in RT) (COPEN(f)-20000)*openm(f,t)
 elif PHASE=5 then
  MaxProfit -= sum(f in RF,t in RT) COPEN(f)* openm(f,t)
                                 ! Product stock balance
 forall(p in RP,f in RF,t in RT) PBal(p,f,t):=
  (pstock(p,f,t+1) = pstock(p,f,t) + make(p,f,t) - sell(p,f,t))

                                 ! Raw material stock balance
 forall(r in RR,f in RF,t in RT) 
  RBal(r,f,t):=  rstock(r,f,t+1) = 
   rstock(r,f,t) + buy(r,f,t) - sum(p in RP) REQ(p,r)*make(p,f,t)

                                 ! Capacity limit at factory f
 forall(f in RF,t in RT)
  MxMake(f,t):= sum(p in RP) make(p,f,t) <= MXMAKE(f)*openm(f,t)

                                 ! Limit on the amount of prod. p to be sold
 forall(p in RP,t in RT)
  MxSell(p,t):= sum(f in RF) sell(p,f,t) <= MXSELL(p,t)

                                 !  Raw material stock limit
 forall(f in RF,t in 2..NT+1)
  MxRStock(f,t):= sum(r in RR) rstock(r,f,t) <= MXRSTOCK

 if PHASE=5 then                 ! Once closed, always closed
  forall(f in RF,t in 1..NT-1) Closed(f,t):= openm(f,t+1) <= openm(f,t)
                                 ! Initial product levels
 forall(p in RP,f in RF) pstock(p,f,1) = PSTOCK0(p,f)
                                 ! Initial raw material levels
 forall(r in RR,f in RF) rstock(r,f,1) = RSTOCK0(r,f)

 forall(f in RF,t in RT) openm(f,t) is_binary

!  Solution heuristic:
!    solve the LP and save the basis
!    fix all open variables which are integer feasible at the relaxation
!    solve the MIP and save the best solution value
!    reset all variables to their original bounds
!    load the saved basis
!    solve the MIP using the solution value found previously as cutoff

 TOL=5.0E-4                      ! Zero-tolerance
 osol: array(RF,1..2) of real    ! Solution values for openm variables
 bas: basis

 setparam("zerotol", TOL)        ! Set Mosel comparison tolerance
 setparam("XPRS_verbose",true)   ! Enable message printing in mmxprs
 setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY",0)  ! Disable automatic cuts - we use a heuristic
 maximize(XPRS_LPSTOP,MaxProfit) ! Solve the LP problem
 savebasis(bas);                 ! Save the current basis

 writeln("\n>>>>LP relaxation objective: ", getobjval)
! Fix all variables in the first two time periods which are integer feasible
 forall(f in RF, t in 1..2) do
  osol(f,t):= openm(f,t).sol
  if osol(f,t) = 0 then 
   openm(f,t).ub:= 0.0
  elif osol(f,t) = 1 then
   openm(f,t).lb:= 1.0

 maximize(XPRS_CONT,MaxProfit)   ! Solve the MIP problem
 if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then    ! If an integer feas. solution was found
  writeln("\n>>>>Heuristic MIP solution: ", getobjval)
  solval:=getobjval              ! Get the value of the best solution

                                 ! Reset variables to their original bounds
 forall(f in RF, t in 1..2)
  if ((osol(f,t) = 0) or (osol(f,t) = 1)) then
   openm(f,t).lb:= 0.0
   openm(f,t).ub:= 1.0

 loadbasis(bas)                  ! Load the saved basis: bound changes are
                                 ! immediately passed on to the optimizer
                                 ! if the problem has not been modified
                                 ! in any other way, so that there is no
                                 ! need to reload the matrix
 if ifgsol then                  ! Set the cutoff to the best known solution
  setparam("XPRS_MIPABSCUTOFF", solval)
 maximize(MaxProfit)             ! Solve the MIP problem

 if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then
  writeln("\n>>>>Best integer solution: ", getobjval)
  writeln("\n>>>>Best integer solution: ", solval)


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