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Approximating PI number Description This example shows how to approximate the PI number by
executing Mosel models on a remote nodes. The C or Java XPRD program (piap.c or piap.java) connects to a remote node, there compiles the model piapprox.mos, loads it several times, runs all models instances in parallel and retrieves the result via an event message. Further explanation of this example: 'XPRD: Mosel remote invocation library reference manual'
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piap.c /********************************************************/ /* XPRD library example */ /* ==================== */ /* */ /* file piap.c */ /* ``````````` */ /* Example of use of XPRD: C version of piapprox.mos */ /* Calculations are performed by the Mosel models */ /* */ /* (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation */ /* author: S. Heipcke, 2011, rev. Nov. 2018 */ /********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include "xprd.h" #define N 1000000 #define K 20 #define NEWSUM 2 const char *nodelist[]={"","localhost"}; #define M (sizeof(nodelist)/sizeof(nodelist[0])) int main() { char msg[256]; XPRDcontext xprd; XPRDmosel moselInst[M]; XPRDmodel modPar[K],sender; int modct,nbfinished,i,j; int cls; double val; double mypi; xprd=XPRDinit(); for(i=0;i<M;i++) { moselInst[i]=XPRDconnect(xprd,nodelist[i],NULL,NULL,msg,sizeof(msg)); if(moselInst[i]==NULL) { printf("Connection failed: %s\n",msg); return 2; } } if((i=XPRDcompmod(moselInst[0],"","rmt:piapprox.mos","rmt:p.bim",""))!=0) { printf("Compilation failed - error %d\n",i); return 3; } for(j=0;j<K;j++) { sprintf(msg,"NUM=%d,N=%d",j+1,N); modPar[j]=XPRDloadmod(moselInst[j%M],"rmt:p.bim"); if(modPar[j]==NULL) { printf("Failed to load model %d\n",i); return 4; } XPRDrunmod(modPar[j],msg); } modct=0; mypi=0; nbfinished=0; while (nbfinished<K) { XPRDwaitevent(xprd,-1); XPRDgetevent(xprd,&sender,&cls,&val); if(cls==NEWSUM) { mypi+=val; modct+=1; } else nbfinished++; } printf("pi approximation: %.19f\n",mypi); for(i=0;i<M;i++) XPRDdisconnect(moselInst[i]); XPRDfinish(xprd); return 0; } | |||||||||||||||||
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