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Implementing a file manager Description This example shows how to create a file manager in
C (fmgr.c) and in java (fmgr.java). The example executes
the following actions:
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
fmgr.c /********************************************************/ /* XPRD library example */ /* ==================== */ /* */ /* file fmgr.c */ /* ``````````` */ /* Example of use of XPRD: */ /* implementation of a file manager */ /* */ /* (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation */ /* author: Y. Colombani, 2011 */ /********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xprd.h" static char *srcbuf= "model a\n" "uses 'mmjobs';\n" "send(9,-1)\n" "wait\n" "writeln('Got:',getnextevent)\n" "fopen('tmp:file.txt',F_INPUT)\n" "s:='';readln(s); fclose(F_INPUT)\n" "writeln('Read:',s)\n" "writeln('my ID:',getparam('jobid'))\n" "send(10,12.5)\n" "fopen('tmp:file.txt',F_OUTPUT)\n" "writeln('Some text from remote')\n" "fclose(F_OUTPUT)\n" "writeln('End of model')\n" "end-model"; typedef struct { char *buffer; int mode; int bufsize; int curpos; } s_memfile; static char bimfile[10*1024]; /* memory block to store the bimfile */ static int bimfilesize; void* XPRD_CC my_open(void *ctx,char *filename,int mode,XPRDfct_data* fct_data,XPRDfct_close* fct_close,XPRDfct_skip* fct_skip,char *msg,int msglen); int XPRD_CC my_close(void *data); int XPRD_CC my_read(void *data,char *buf,int size); int XPRD_CC my_skip(void *data,int size); int XPRD_CC my_write(void *data,char *buf,int size); int XPRD_CC outremote(void *data,char *buf,int size); int main() { XPRDcontext xprd; XPRDmosel mosel; XPRDmodel model,sender; XPRDfile f; char msg[256]; int e; int cls; double val; /* Create context */ xprd=XPRDinit(); if(xprd==NULL) { printf("Could not create XPRD context.\n"); return 1; } /* Create an instance with a user-defined file manager */ /* separate process */ mosel=XPRDconnect(xprd,"",my_open,NULL,msg,sizeof(msg)); /* xprmsrv server */ /* mosel=XPRDconnect(xprd,"localhost",my_open,NULL,msg,sizeof(msg)); */ if(mosel==NULL) { printf("Connection failed: %s\n",msg); return 2; } printf("Connected to:\n%s\n",XPRDbanner(mosel)); printf("Host: %s\n",XPRDsysinfo(mosel,XPRD_SYS_NODE,msg,sizeof(msg))); /* Set error stream to a local file */ if(XPRDsetdefstream(mosel,NULL,XPRD_F_ERROR,"rmt:err.txt")!=0) printf("Failed to change error stream\n"); /* Now compile the source from a local buffer to a local buffer(!) */ if((e=XPRDcompmod(mosel,"","rmt:a.mos","rmt:bimfile",""))!=0) { printf("Compilation failed - error %d\n",e); return 3; } /* Save something in the temp directory of the remote instance */ f=XPRDfopen(mosel,"tmp:file.txt",XPRD_F_WRITE,msg,sizeof(msg)); if(f==NULL) { printf("Open file failed: %s\n",msg); return 4; } XPRDfwrite(f,"Hello_from_a_file\n",18); XPRDfclose(f); /* use the local buffer to load a model */ model=XPRDloadmod(mosel,"rmt:bimfile"); if(model==NULL) { printf("Failed to load model\n"); return 5; } /* Redirect output stream of the model to the 'outremote' callback */ if(XPRDsetdefstream(NULL,model,XPRD_F_OUTPUT|XPRD_F_LINBUF,"rmt:outremote")!=0) printf("Failed to change error stream\n"); printf("run\n"); XPRDrunmod(model,""); XPRDwaitevent(xprd,-1); XPRDgetevent(xprd,&sender,&cls,&val); printf("Received event: %d %g\n",cls,val); XPRDsendevent(model,5,3.33); do { XPRDwaitevent(xprd,-1); XPRDgetevent(xprd,&sender,&cls,&val); printf("Received event: %d %g\n",cls,val); }while(XPRDgetstatus(model)==XPRD_RT_RUNNING); /* Read something from the temp directory of the remote instance */ f=XPRDfopen(mosel,"tmp:file.txt",XPRD_F_READ,msg,sizeof(msg)); if(f==NULL) { printf("Open file failed: %s\n",msg); return 4; } e=XPRDfread(f,msg,sizeof(msg)); printf("Read from remote file: %.*s\n",e,msg); XPRDfclose(f); /* Unload model */ XPRDunloadmod(model); /* Disconnect instance */ XPRDdisconnect(mosel); /* Release context */ XPRDfinish(xprd); return 0; } /*************************************************************/ /* This file manager will direct accesses to files 'bimfile' */ /* and 'a.mos' to local memory blocks. */ /* Warning: concurrency not handled here!!! */ /*************************************************************/ void* XPRD_CC my_open(void *ctx,char *filename,int mode,XPRDfct_data* fct_data,XPRDfct_close* fct_close,XPRDfct_skip* fct_skip,char *msg,int msglen) { s_memfile *memfile; if(strcmp(filename,"outremote")==0) { if((mode&(XPRD_F_READ|XPRD_F_WRITE))!=XPRD_F_WRITE) { strncpy(msg,"'outremote' is write only!",msglen); return XPRD_FMGR_ERR; } else { *fct_data=outremote; *fct_close=NULL; return (void*)1; } } else if(strcmp(filename,"bimfile")==0) { if((memfile=malloc(sizeof(s_memfile)))==NULL) { strncpy(msg,"memory error",msglen); return XPRD_FMGR_ERR; } else { memfile->buffer=bimfile; memfile->curpos=0; memfile->mode=mode&(XPRD_F_READ|XPRD_F_WRITE); memfile->bufsize=(memfile->mode==XPRD_F_READ)?bimfilesize:sizeof(bimfile); *fct_data=(memfile->mode==XPRD_F_READ)?my_read:my_write; *fct_close=my_close; *fct_skip=my_skip; return memfile; } } else if(strcmp(filename,"a.mos")==0) { if((mode&(XPRD_F_READ|XPRD_F_WRITE))!=XPRD_F_READ) { strncpy(msg,"'a.mos' is read only!",msglen); return XPRD_FMGR_ERR; } else if((memfile=malloc(sizeof(s_memfile)))==NULL) { strncpy(msg,"memory error",msglen); return XPRD_FMGR_ERR; } else { memfile->buffer=srcbuf; memfile->bufsize=strlen(srcbuf); memfile->curpos=0; memfile->mode=XPRD_F_READ; *fct_data=my_read; *fct_close=my_close; *fct_skip=my_skip; return memfile; } } else return NULL; /* for default processing */ } /*******************************************/ /* Release resources used by a memory file */ /*******************************************/ int XPRD_CC my_close(void *data) { s_memfile *memfile; memfile=data; /* save size of bimfile */ if((memfile->mode==XPRD_F_WRITE)&&(memfile->buffer==bimfile)) bimfilesize=memfile->curpos; free(data); return 0; } /************************************/ /* Send data from a block of memory */ /************************************/ int XPRD_CC my_read(void *data,char *buf,int size) { s_memfile *memfile; int l; memfile=data; if(memfile->curpos>=memfile->bufsize) /* end of file */ return 0; else if((l=memfile->bufsize-memfile->curpos)<=size) /* last block */ { memcpy(buf,memfile->buffer+memfile->curpos,l); memfile->curpos=memfile->bufsize; return l; } else { memcpy(buf,memfile->buffer+memfile->curpos,size); memfile->curpos+=size; return size; } } /**************************/ /* Skip a block of memory */ /**************************/ int XPRD_CC my_skip(void *data,int size) { s_memfile *memfile; memfile=data; if(memfile->curpos<memfile->bufsize) { if((memfile->bufsize-memfile->curpos)<=size) memfile->curpos=memfile->bufsize; else memfile->curpos+=size; } return 0; } /***********************************/ /* Store data in a block of memory */ /***********************************/ int XPRD_CC my_write(void *data,char *buf,int size) { s_memfile *memfile; memfile=data; if(memfile->curpos+size>=memfile->bufsize) /* buffer overflow */ return -1; else { memcpy(memfile->buffer+memfile->curpos,buf,size); memfile->curpos+=size; return size; } } /******************************************/ /* Display received message with a prefix */ /******************************************/ int XPRD_CC outremote(void *data,char *buf,int size) { printf("REMOTE: %.*s",size,buf); return size; } | |||||||||||||
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