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Mandelbrot - Java GUI for distributed computation with Mosel Description Calculation of the
Mandelbrot function, subdividing the space into squares of points
to be solved by the submodel instances. Graphical representation of function values using Java graphing functionality.
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mandelbrot.java /******************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file mandelbrot.java ```````````````````` Mandelbrot function: f(z) = z^2 + c with z,c complex numbers. Main program producing Java GUI and coordinating all submodels. On each node in the list NODESLIST we start K model instances. Each submodel instance is sent a rectangular area for which to calculate the pixel color values. The results are passed back via a file (located at the same place as this program, no write access to remote instances is required). Once the result has been displayed by Java, the submodel is restarted for a new data set. This Java program can be run on any platform (no Xpress installation required!), the Mosel (sub)models require Xpress. - Testing Java GUI with distributed computing - (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Feb. 2011 *******************************************************/ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import com.dashoptimization.*; public class mandelbrot extends JFrame { static final int K = 2; // Number of submodels per Mosel instance static final int NUMPX = 1000; // Graphic size in pixels static final int CWIDTH = 1100; // Window height (>=NUMPX) static final int CHEIGHT = 1000; // Window width (>=NUMPX) static final int SW = 100; // Size of subproblems in pixels static final int XOFF = 100; // Offset to left canvas border /**** ! Adapt this list to your local network: ! Use "localhost" for the current node, (under Unix also possible: "") ! Use machine names or IP addresses for remote machines ****/ static final String NODELIST[] = {"localhost",""}; static final int M = NODELIST.length; // Number of remote instances static final int A = M*K; // Total number of models static int minX,minY,ct,num,sqct,numsq; static double XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax,HX,HY,x,y; static int OffsetX,OffsetY; static int[][] SQUARE; static int[][] sol; static Integer[] confval; static boolean stoppressed; static XPRD xprd; static XPRDModel[] modPar; static XPRDMosel[] moselInst; static DrawingRegion canv; static JButton startButton,stopButton; static JComboBox choice; static JCheckBox[] check; static BufferedImage image; static mandelbrot app; /***************** Configuration ******************/ static void setMandelbrotConfig(int config) { if (config == 0) { XMin = -1.5; XMax = 0.5; YMin = -1; YMax = 1; } else if (config == 1) { XMin = -0.90; XMax = -0.915; YMin = -0.245; YMax = -0.23; } else if (config == 2) { XMin = -0.9; XMax = -0.98; YMin = -0.3; YMax = -0.22; } else if (config == 3) { XMin = -0.91; XMax = -0.94; YMin = -0.3; YMax = -0.27; } else if (config == 4) { XMin = -0.926; XMax = -0.934; YMin = -0.264; YMax = -0.256; } HX = (XMax-XMin)/NUMPX; HY = (YMax-YMin)/NUMPX; OffsetX = -(int)Math.round(XMin/HX); OffsetY = -(int)Math.round(YMin/HY); sqct=0; for(int s=1;s<=Math.ceil(NUMPX/SW);s++) for(int t=1;t<=Math.ceil(NUMPX/SW);t++) { SQUARE[sqct][0] = Math.round((float)(XMin/HX))+(s-1)*SW; SQUARE[sqct][1] = (Math.round((float)(XMin/HX))+s*SW-1<Math.round((float)(XMax/HX)))? Math.round((float)(XMin/HX))+s*SW-1:Math.round((float)(XMax/HX)); SQUARE[sqct][2] = Math.round((float)(YMin/HY))+(t-1)*SW; SQUARE[sqct][3] = (Math.round((float)(YMin/HY))+t*SW-1<Math.round((float)(YMax/HY)))? Math.round((float)(YMin/HY))+t*SW-1:Math.round((float)(YMax/HY)); sqct+=1; } } /**** XAD and Java use the opposite encoding of RGB values ****/ static int invertColorValue(Color col) { int r=col.getRed(); int g=col.getGreen(); int b=col.getBlue(); int v=256*256; return r+(256*g)+(v*b); } /***************** Reading result data ******************/ static void readSol(String filename) throws IOException { boolean ndxOK=false; BinDrvReader bdrv; FileInputStream f; int i,j,ctrl; f=new FileInputStream(filename); bdrv=new BinDrvReader(f); // Use Mosel bin reader if((bdrv.getControl()==BinDrvReader.CTRL_LABEL)&& bdrv.getString().equals("sol")&& (bdrv.getControl()==BinDrvReader.CTRL_OPENLST)) { while(bdrv.nextToken()>=0) { ctrl=bdrv.getControl(); if(ctrl==BinDrvReader.CTRL_CLOSELST) break; else if(ctrl==BinDrvReader.CTRL_OPENNDX) { if(ndxOK) { i=bdrv.getInt()-minX; j=bdrv.getInt()-minY; } else { minX=bdrv.getInt(); minY=bdrv.getInt(); i=j=0; ndxOK=true; } if(bdrv.getControl()==BinDrvReader.CTRL_CLOSENDX) { sol[i][j]=bdrv.getInt(); } else throw new IOException("Wrong file format. ')' expected."); } else throw new IOException("Wrong file format. '(' expected."); } } else throw new IOException("Wrong file format"); f.close(); } /***************** Application setup ******************/ public mandelbrot() { super("Mandelbrot"); setLocation(50,25); // Initialize data structures numsq=(int)Math.round(Math.ceil((float)(NUMPX/SW))* Math.ceil((float)(NUMPX/SW))); SQUARE = new int[numsq][4]; sol=new int[SW][SW]; setMandelbrotConfig(0); // Default config values // Create graphic objects startButton = new JButton("Start"); startButton.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); startButton.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100,30)); startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { int c = (Integer)(choice.getSelectedItem()); startButton.setEnabled(false); setMandelbrotConfig(c); new RenderingThread(c).start(); } }); confval = new Integer[5]; for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) confval[i]=i; choice = new JComboBox<Integer>(confval); choice.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(40,30)); JLabel label = new JLabel("Config:"); JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel(); buttonsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonsPanel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); buttonsPanel.add(startButton); Box confBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); confBox.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100,60)); confBox.add(label); confBox.add(confBox.createHorizontalStrut(10)); confBox.add(choice); confBox.add(confBox.createHorizontalStrut(10)); buttonsPanel.add(confBox); stopButton = new JButton("Stop"); stopButton.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); stopButton.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100,30)); stopButton.setEnabled(false); stoppressed=false; stopButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { stoppressed=true; } }); buttonsPanel.add(stopButton); Box checkBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); checkBox.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100,A*30)); checkBox.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); checkBox.add(checkBox.createHorizontalStrut(10)); check = new JCheckBox[A]; for(int i=0;i<A;i++) { check[i] = new JCheckBox((i+1)+ ":" + (NODELIST[i%M]==""?"(local)":NODELIST[i%M]), false); check[i].setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); checkBox.add(check[i]); } buttonsPanel.add(checkBox); this.getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.WEST, buttonsPanel); canv = new DrawingRegion(); JScrollPane canvasScroller = new JScrollPane(canv); canvasScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(NUMPX+20,NUMPX+20)); this.getContentPane().add(canvasScroller); pack(); setVisible( true ); image = (BufferedImage)(canv.createImage(NUMPX, NUMPX)); // Window closing event: stop application addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { setVisible(false); dispose(); // Disconnect remote connections for(int i=0;i<M;i++) moselInst[i].disconnect(); System.exit(0); } }); } /*******************************************/ /****************** Main *******************/ public static void main(String[] args) { xprd = new XPRD(); modPar = new XPRDModel[A]; moselInst = new XPRDMosel[M]; try { for(int i=0;i<M;i++) // Establish remote connections moselInst[i]=xprd.connect(NODELIST[i]); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Connection failed: " + e); System.exit(1); } try { // Compile the model moselInst[0].compile("", "rmt:mandelbrotsub.mos", "rmt:mb.bim"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Compilation failed: " + e); System.exit(2); } try { for(int j=0;j<A;j++) // Load models modPar[j]=moselInst[j%M].loadModel("rmt:mb.bim"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Loading failed: " + e); System.exit(3); } new File("mb.bim").delete(); // Cleaning up // Define and start GUI app = new mandelbrot(); } /*******************************************/ /***************** Canvas ******************/ class DrawingRegion extends JComponent { public DrawingRegion() { super(); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(NUMPX,NUMPX)); } protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){ super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this); } } /***************** Drawing ******************/ class RenderingThread extends Thread { int c; RenderingThread(int c) { this.c=c;} void resetCanvas() { Graphics buffer = image.getGraphics(); buffer.setColor( Color.white ); buffer.fillRect( 0, 0, NUMPX, NUMPX ); } public void run(){ resetCanvas(); stopButton.setEnabled(true); // Start first lot of remote model executions int modstartct=0; int nbrunning=0; for(int n=0;n<((M*K<sqct)?M*K:sqct);n++) { modPar[n].setExecParam("MINX", SQUARE[modstartct][0]); modPar[n].setExecParam("MAXX", SQUARE[modstartct][1]); modPar[n].setExecParam("MINY", SQUARE[modstartct][2]); modPar[n].setExecParam("MAXY", SQUARE[modstartct][3]); modPar[n].setExecParam("NUM", n); modPar[n].setExecParam("HX", HX); modPar[n].setExecParam("HY", HY); modPar[n].setExecParam("NUMPX", NUMPX); modPar[n].setExecParam("CONFIG", c); modPar[n].setExecParam("IODRV", "bin:"); check[n].setSelected(true); try { modPar[n].run(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Model run failed: " + e); System.exit(1); } modstartct++; nbrunning++; } // Wait for termination and start remaining // Add up counts returned by child models int modendct=0; XPRDEvent ev; XPRDModel evmod; while ((modendct< sqct)&&(nbrunning>0)) { xprd.waitForEvent(); ev=xprd.getNextEvent(); if (ev.eventClass==ev.EVENT_END) { modendct++; evmod=ev.sender; num = evmod.getResult(); check[evmod.getNumber()-1].setSelected(false); // Read result data try { readSol("solmod"+num+".txt"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not read file "+num); System.exit(1); } new File("solmod"+num+".txt").delete(); // Draw result square on buffer for(int s=0;s<SW;s++) for(int t=0;t<SW;t++) { image.setRGB(SQUARE[num][0]+s+OffsetX,SQUARE[num][2]+t+OffsetY, invertColorValue(new Color(sol[s][t]))); } canv.repaint(); // Start new instance if ((modstartct< sqct) && (!stoppressed)) { evmod.execParams="MINX="+SQUARE[modstartct][0] + ",MAXX="+ SQUARE[modstartct][1] + ",MINY="+ SQUARE[modstartct][2] + ",MAXY="+SQUARE[modstartct][3] + ",NUM="+modstartct + ",HX="+HX + ",HY="+HY + ",NUMPX="+NUMPX + ",CONFIG="+c+",IODRV='bin:'"; check[evmod.getNumber()-1].setSelected(true); try { evmod.run(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Model run failed: " + e); System.exit(1); } modstartct++; } else nbrunning--; } } // while stopButton.setEnabled(false); startButton.setEnabled(true); stoppressed=false; } } } | |||||||||||||
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