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News Vendor Problem Description A news vendor needs to decide on the quantity to purchase subject to several demand scenarios.
The imlementation as a 2-stage stochastic program illustrates the concept of EEV
(Expected result of using the EV policy in the 1st-stage variables) and VSS (Value of the Stochastic Solution). The problem is also solved as scenario-based robust optimization problem. Further explanation of this example: This model is discussed in Section of the book 'J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming - An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic Modeling Languages' (2nd edition, Springer, Cham, 2021, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-73237-0).
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newsvendor.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file newsvendor.mos ``````````````````` Simple News Vendor Problem -- Solving a small stochastic problem illustrating a 2-stage stochastic program and the concept of EEV and VSS -- -- Also solved as scenario-based robust optimization problem -- Example discussed in section of J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming - An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic Modeling Languages. 2nd edition, Springer Nature, Cham, 2021 author: S. Heipcke, May 2020 based on the GAMS implementation in newsvendor.gms by J.Kallrath, T.Lohmann and M.Bussieck 2010 (c) Copyright 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *********************************************************************!) model 'newsvendor' uses "mmxprs", "mmrobust" declarations C=1.5 ! Purchasing price Q=2 ! Penalty for dropped costumers AVAILABLE=50 ! Newspapers available purchased: mpvar ! Newspapers purchased y: mpvar ! Newspaper not delivered (unsatisfied demand) Probs: set of string Cost: array(Probs) of linctr ! Objective function Pur: array(Probs) of linctr ! Purchase equation (stage 1) Bal: array(Probs) of linctr ! Balance and demand satisfaction equation (stage 2) ; FixPurch: array(Probs) of linctr ! Fixed purchase (stage 2) newsvendor: array(Probs) of mpproblem ! Optimization problems Scenarios: set of string ! Set of demand scenarios SDemand: array(Scenarios) of real ! Demand scenario data Prob: array(Scenarios) of real ! Probability for scenario s Sol: array(string,Probs,string) of real ! Objective values for scenario solutions XSol: array(string,Probs) of real ! 1st-stage decision (amount purchased) for the different settings end-declarations !**************************** Input data **************************** ! Demand scenarios SDemand::(["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5"])[13, 23,25, 31, 33] finalize(Scenarios) Probs:= Scenarios+{""} ! Use equal probabilities for all scenarios forall(s in Scenarios) Prob(s):= 1 / Scenarios.size !************************ Demand scenario subproblems ************************ ! Define and solve a subproblem for a demand scenario procedure defprob(s: string, dem: real) ! Objective function (1-stage purchase cost + 2-stage recourse cost) Cost(s):= C*purchased + Q*y ! Capacity or availability constraint Pur(s):= purchased <= AVAILABLE ! Relaxed demand constraint (y works as relaxation variable) Bal(s):= purchased + y >= dem ! Solve the linear problem minimize(Cost(s)) end-procedure ! Modify a previously defined subproblem, fixing the 'purchase' variable ! and applying a new demand value, then solve the subproblem procedure modifprob(s: string, dem: real, fixval: real) ! Fix the 1st stage variables to the solution of the WS problem FixPurch(s):= purchased = fixval ! Set demand to the specified value Bal(s):= purchased + y >= dem ! Solve the linear problem minimize(Cost(s)) end-procedure !************************************************************************** ! **** Wait-and-See scenario solution used for solving different scenarios **** ! For each scenario solve the deterministic problem with demand set to demand of ! the scenario selected (this is called the Wait-and-See scenario solution) forall(s in Scenarios) do with newsvendor(s) do defprob(s, SDemand(s)) ! Define problem and solve as LP XSol('WS',s):= purchased.sol ! 1st stage variables of the WS solution Sol('WS','',s):= getobjval ! Scenario objective function value end-do end-do forall(s in Scenarios) writeln("WS stage1 ", s, " : ", Sol('WS','',s), " purchased: ", XSol('WS',s)) ! For each scenario s solve the deterministic problem with demand set to demand ! of the selected scenario s2 and the 1st stage variables set to the solution of ! the WS solution of s forall(s,s2 in Scenarios) do ! Re-solve a modified optimization problem with newsvendor(s) do modifprob(s, SDemand(s2), XSol('WS',s)) Sol('WS',s,s2):= getobjval ! Save the objective function value end-do end-do ! WS value: average (or, expected) value of the WS scenario solutions Sol('WS','','Average'):= sum(s in Scenarios) Prob(s)*Sol('WS','',s) ! Average (or, expected) WS scenario value when other scenarios are inserted forall(s in Scenarios) Sol('WS',s,'Average'):= Prob(s)*sum(s2 in Scenarios) Sol('WS',s,s2) forall(s in Scenarios) writeln("WS Average ", s, ": ", Sol('WS',s,'Average')) ! **** Expected value solution used for solving different scenarios **** (! The EV problem is also called "average scenario problem" as we replace all uncertain input data by their expected values (for equal probabilities this gives their average values). !) ! We expect that the amount to purchase is the expected value of the demand with newsvendor("") do defprob("", (sum(s in Scenarios) SDemand(s))/Scenarios.size) ! Save the results XSol('EV',''):= purchased.sol ! this should be equal to 'demand' writeln("EV 1st-stage: ", getobjval, " purchased: ", purchased.sol) end-do ! For each scenario s solve the deterministic problem with demand equal to the ! demand of s and 1st-stage variables fixed to the solution of the EV problem forall(s in Scenarios) do ! Solve a modified optimization problem with newsvendor(s) do modifprob(s, SDemand(s), XSol('EV','')) Sol('EV','',s):= getobjval ! Save the scenario objective value end-do end-do ! Compute the average of the scenario objective function values (the EEV) Sol('EV','','Average'):= (sum(s in Scenarios) Sol('EV','',s))/Scenarios.size writeln("EV Average: ", Sol('EV','','Average')) ! **** Stochastic program **** declarations sy: array(Scenarios) of mpvar ! Customers dropped in scenario s (unsatisfied demand) SCost: linctr ! Objective function SPur: linctr ! Purchase equation - involves only 1st stage variables SBal: array(Scenarios) of linctr ! Relaxed demand inequality for each scenario s newsvendorSP: mpproblem end-declarations ! Define and solve the scenario based stochastic model with newsvendorSP do ! Objective function: 1st stage plus recourse term for 2nd stage SCost:= C*purchased + sum(s in Scenarios) Prob(s)*Q*sy(s) ! Purchase equation - involves only 1st stage variables SPur:= purchased <= AVAILABLE ! Relaxed "satisfy demand" inequality for each scenario s forall(s in Scenarios) SBal(s):= purchased + sy(s) >= SDemand(s) ! Solve the stochastic program (SP) - also called recourse problem (RP) minimize(SCost) ! Store the objective function value of the recourse problem as scalar RP RP:= getobjval Sol('SP','',''):= RP XSol('SP',''):= purchased.sol end-do writeln("SP recourse: ", Sol('SP','',''), " purchased: ", XSol('SP','')) ! For each scenario s solve the deterministic problem with demand equal to demand ! of scenario s and 1st stage variables fixed to the solution of the SP problem forall(s in Scenarios) do ! Solve a modified optimization problem with newsvendor(s) do modifprob(s, SDemand(s), XSol('SP','')) Sol('SP','',s):= getobjval ! Save the scenario objective value end-do end-do Sol('SP','','Average') := (sum(s in Scenarios) Sol('SP','',s)) / Scenarios.size writeln("SP Average: ", Sol('SP','','Average')) ! **** Calculation of the EEV, VSS and EVPI **** (! Calculate the VSS and EVPI values in the standard way for 2-stage problems: 1- Take the solution of the EV policy (deterministic problem with the uncertain data replaced by their expected values), and 2- Use this solution to fix the 1-stage variables when solving the individual scenarios (modified Wait-and-See problem) 3- The EEV is the expected value of the objective function values of the modified WS problem, EEV = Sol('WS','','Average') = sum(s in Scenarios) Prob(s)*Sol('WS',s,s) i.e., the EEV is defined as the expected result of using the 1st-stage solution of the deterministic EV model in the WS approach !) declarations EEV: real ! Expected result of using the EV policy in the 1st-stage variables VSS: real ! Value of the Stochastic Solution EVPI: real ! Expected Value of Perfect Information ; end-declarations ! The EEV is the expected value, i.e., the average over the scenarios EEV := Sol('EV','','Average') ! Compute the VSS as the difference of the EEV and the stochastic solution VSS := EEV - Sol('SP','','') ! Compute the EVPI as the difference of the stochastic solution and the EEV from ! the modified WS problem EVPI := Sol('SP','','') - Sol('WS','','Average') writeln("EEV: ", EEV, " VSS: ", VSS, " EVPI:", EVPI) ! **** Calculate the VSS and EVPI (special way) **** (! In this special case of the newsvendor problem the SP average is identical to the objective function value of the SP itself. Therefore, we can also compute the VSS and EVPI as: !) declarations VSSs: real ! Value of the Stochastic Solution EVPIs: real ! Expected Value of Perfect Information end-declarations ! Calculate the VSSs and EVPIs based on the average EV, SP, and WS values VSSs := Sol('EV','','Average') - Sol('SP','','Average') EVPIs := Sol('SP','','Average') - Sol('WS','','Average') writeln(" VSSs: ", VSSs, " EVPIs:", EVPIs) ! **** Robust Optimization Problem **** declarations UncertainDem: uncertain ! Demand is uncertain DemScenValue: array(range, set of uncertain) of real ! Demand scenarios RCost: linctr ! Objective function RPur: linctr ! Purchase equation RBal: robustctr ! Robust demand constraint newsvendorRO: mpproblem end-declarations forall(s in Scenarios, ct as counter) DemScenValue(ct, UncertainDem):= SDemand(s) ! Define and solve as scenario-based robust optimization problem with newsvendorRO do ! Objective function: otal cost RCost:= C*purchased + Q*y ! Purchase equation - involves only 1st stage variables RPur:= purchased <= AVAILABLE ! Relaxed "satisfy demand" inequality RBal:= purchased + y >= UncertainDem ! Establish the demand scenario constraint scenario(DemScenValue) ! Solve the robust opt problem minimize(RCost) ! Store the objective function value of the robust opt problem Sol('RO','',''):= getobjval XSol('RO',''):= purchased.sol end-do writeln("Robust opt: ", Sol('RO','',''), " purchased: ", XSol('RO','')) end-model
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