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Evolutionary algorithm for supply management Description This model solves a Supply Management problem with lower-bounded demands (SMPLD)
via two approaches that are selected via the model parameter ALG: ALG=1: standard MIP formulation ALG=2: Evoluationary algorithm (EA) with relaxed constraints (iterating over LP problem solves) Further explanation of this example: This model is discussed in Section of the book 'J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming - An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic Modeling Languages' (2nd edition, Springer, Cham, 2021, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-73237-0).
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ea_smpld.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file ea_smlpd.mos ````````````````` Supply Management problem with lower-bounded demands (SMPLD) solved via two approaches: ALG=1: standard MIP formulation ALG=2: Evoluationary algorithm (EA) with relaxed constraints (iterating over LP problem solves) Example discussed in section of J. Kallrath: Business Optimization Using Mathematical Programming - An Introduction with Case Studies and Solutions in Various Algebraic Modeling Languages. 2nd edition, Springer Nature, Cham, 2021 author: S. Heipcke, October 2020 based on the GAMS implementation in ea-smpld.gms by J.Kallrath and A.Ereemev, 2009 (c) Copyright 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *********************************************************************!) model "ea_smpld" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" parameters ALG=1 ! 1: MIP, 2: EA end-parameters !******** Input data ******** declarations PROVIDERS: range ! Set of providers (plants) CONSUMERS: range ! Set of consumers (customers) CAP: array(PROVIDERS) of real ! Mi Number of products produced at provider DEM: array(CONSUMERS) of real ! Aj Number of products consumed at client MINAMT: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! m Min number of deliveries COST: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! c Variable cost of deliveries FCOST: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! a Fixed cost of deliveries end-declarations CAP::(1..4)[20,17,39,41] DEM::(1..3)[16,17,10] MINAMT::(1..4,1..3)[1,2,2, 2,2,3, 3,2,4, 4,2,2] COST:: (1..4,1..3)[19,26,46, 23,16,30, 56,39,19, 19,34,15] FCOST::(1..4,1..3)[1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3] ! Tunable algorithmic configuration settings for Evolutionary Algorithm declarations tMax=80 ! Maximal number of iterations N=10000 ! Penalty factor (sufficiently large value) pMut=0.1 ! Mutation probability end-declarations !******************************************************************** function solvelpiter(zsol: array(range,range) of real, csol: array(string) of real, qsol: array(range,range) of real): boolean declarations quant: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of mpvar ! Volume supply devSup: array(PROVIDERS) of mpvar ! Relaxation var. in supply inequality devDem: array(CONSUMERS) of mpvar ! Relaxation var. in demand inequality transport: mpproblem end-declarations with transport do ! Objective function: total cost Cost:= sum(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) (COST(i,j)*quant(i,j)+FCOST(i,j)*zsol(i,j)) ! Constraint violation associated with the relaxation variables Viol:= (sum(i in PROVIDERS) devSup(i) + sum(j in CONSUMERS) devDem(j)) ! Objective function with penalty term Fit:= Cost + N*Viol ! Relaxed requirement to respect the upper bound on supply of each plant forall(i in PROVIDERS) Supply(i):= sum(j in CONSUMERS) quant(i,j) <= CAP(i) + devSup(i) ! Relaxed requirement to provide sufficient supply to each customer forall(j in CONSUMERS) Demand(j):= sum(i in PROVIDERS) quant(i,j) >= DEM(j) - devDem(j) ! Bounds on quantity variables forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) do Lbd(i,j):= quant(i,j)>= zsol(i,j)*MINAMT(i,j) Ubd(i,j):= quant(i,j)<= zsol(i,j)*CAP(i) end-do ! Solve the problem (LP) minimize(Fit) returned:= getprobstat=XPRS_OPT if returned then csol("Cost"):= Cost.sol; csol("Viol"):= Viol.sol; csol("Fit"):= Fit.sol forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) qsol(i,j):= quant(i,j).sol end-if end-do end-function procedure evolutionalg declarations ! Tunable algorithmic configuration settings: tMax=80 ! Maximal number of iterations N=10000 ! Penalty factor (sufficiently large value) pMut=0.1 ! Mutation probability ! Solution handling: Z2: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! Current solution (also the best seen solution w.r.t. the fitness function) Z: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! New tentative solution vector constructed by the last mutation Z_best: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! z-component of the best found solution w.r.t. fitness function q_best: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! q-component of the best found solution w.r.t. fitness function fbest: real ! Best objective function value fitmin: real ! Best fitness function value csol: array(string) of real ! Objective func. components sol values qsol: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of real ! Sol. values from LP solve end-declarations !**** Step 1: Initialization ! Transport connection matrix: with 50% probability, Z2(i,j) is initialized to 1 setrandseed(3) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z2(i,j):= round(random) ! Initialize objective function values fitmin:= INFINITY; fbest:=INFINITY forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z_best(i,j):= INFINITY ! Copy initial transport connection matrix forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z(i,j):= Z2(i,j) writeln("Iteration, best found fitness, current fitness (with penalty), current objective, constraints violation, best objective") forall(t in 0..tMax) do !**** Step 2: Solve the current LP problem if solvelpiter(Z, csol, qsol) then ! If the child produced a better solution than the parent, we update ! the parent by the child - otherwise we keep the parent if csol("Fit")<= fitmin then forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z2(i,j):=Z(i,j) fitmin:=csol("Fit") end-if ! Update best found solution if csol("Viol")=0 and csol("Cost")<fbest then forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z_best(i,j):= Z(i,j) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) q_best(i,j):= qsol(i,j) fbest:= csol("Cost") end-if ! Check whether a feasible solution has been found if fbest<INFINITY then writeln(formattext("%12d, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f", t, fitmin, csol("Fit"), csol("Cost"), csol("Viol"), fbest)) else writeln(formattext("%12d, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f, N/A", t, fitmin, csol("Fit"), csol("Cost"), csol("Viol"))) end-if else ! No solution to LP problem found writeln(formattext("%12d, %8.5f, N/A, N/A, N/A, %8.5f",t, fitmin, fbest)) end-if !**** Step 3: Generate the children forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z(i,j):= Z2(i,j) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) Z(i,j):= if(random<pMut, 1-Z(i,j), Z(i,j)) ! Mutation function end-do writeln("Best solution: Total cost=", fbest) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS | Z_best(i,j)>0) writeln(i, " -> ", j, ": ", q_best(i,j)) end-procedure !******************************************************************** procedure mipapproach declarations quant: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of mpvar ! Volume supply ifdelvr: array(PROVIDERS,CONSUMERS) of mpvar ! Connections TotalCost: linctr ! Objective function: total cost end-declarations forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) ifdelvr(i,j) is_binary ! Objective: total cost of deliveries FixedCost:= sum(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) FCOST(i,j)*ifdelvr(i,j) VarCost:= sum(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) COST(i,j)*quant(i,j) TotalCost:= FixedCost+VarCost ! Plant (supply) capacity limits forall(i in PROVIDERS) sum(j in CONSUMERS) quant(i,j) <= CAP(i) ! Satisfy demand of customers forall(j in CONSUMERS) sum(i in PROVIDERS) quant(i,j) >= DEM(j) ! Lower and upper bounds on 'quant': ! Option 1: semi-continuous variable formulated via binary variables forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS | CAP(i)>0) quant(i,j) <= CAP(i)*ifdelvr(i,j) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS | MINAMT(i,j)>0) quant(i,j) >= MINAMT(i,j)*ifdelvr(i,j) (! Option 2: indicator constraints forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS | MINAMT(i,j)>0) indicator(1, ifdelvr(i,j), quant(i,j) >= MINAMT(i,j)) ! ifdelvr)i,j)=1 -> quant(i,j)>=MINAMT(i,j) forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS) indicator(-1, ifdelvr(i,j), quant(i,j) <= 0) ! ifdelvr)i,j)=0 -> quant(i,j)<=0 !) ! Solve the problem minimize(TotalCost) if getprobstat<>XPRS_OPT then writeln("No solution") exit(1) else writeln("Solution: Total cost=", getobjval, " (fixed:", FixedCost.sol, " variable:", VarCost.sol, ")") forall(i in PROVIDERS, j in CONSUMERS | ifdelvr(i,j).sol>0) writeln(i, " -> ", j, ": ", quant(i,j).sol) end-if end-procedure !******************************************************************** if ALG=1 then mipapproach else evolutionalg end-if end-model
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