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Auto-indexation for single-dimensional arrays Description This example shows how to read single-dimensional data tables from a spreadsheet or database file that only contains the data values. The data arrays must have an index set of type range that gets populated automatically based on the row count, either starting with the default value 1 or with a specified start value. Several arrays can be populated via a single statement. Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Using ODBC and other database interfaces with Mosel', Section Examples - Dense vs. sparse data format - Auto-indexation.
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autoindex.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file autoindex.mos `````````````````` Auto-indexation feature for various methods of data input from spreadsheets or databases. (c) 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Apr. 2020, rev. Aug. 2023 *******************************************************!) model "autoindex" uses "mmsheet", "mmetc", "mmodbc" options keepassert parameters CSTR = "mmsheet.csv:adt.csv" ! CSTR = "mmsheet.xls:adt.xls" ! CSTR = "mmsheet.xlsx:adt.xlsx" ! CSTR = "mmsheet.excel:adt.xls" end-parameters ! **** Reading from spreadsheet files **** procedure readsht declarations A,A2,B,C,B2,C2: dynamic array(range) of integer end-declarations initialisations from CSTR A as 'autondx;[a:a]' ! All data in column A A2 as 'autondx=-3;[a:a]' ! Use start value -3 for indexation [B,C] as 'autondx=0;[a:b]' ! Populating 2 arrays [B2,C2] as 'autondx;[b:b](#1,#1)' ~~COMMENT10~~ end-initialisations writeln("SHT: A=", A) writeln("SHT: A2=", A2) writeln("SHT: B=", B, " C=", C) writeln("SHT: B2=", B2, " C2=", C2) end-procedure ! **** Reading from CSV-format files via 'diskdata' functionality **** procedure readdd declarations A,A2,B,C,B2,C2: dynamic array(range) of integer end-declarations initialisations from 'mmetc.diskdata:' A as 'csv(1),autondx;adt.csv' ! Selecting the first column A2 as 'csv(1),autondx=-3;adt.csv' ! Use start value -3 for indexation [B,C] as 'csv,autondx;adt.csv' ! Populating 2 arrays end-initialisations writeln("DD: A=", A) ! Output: [(1,10),(2,20),(3,30)] writeln("DD: A2=", A2) writeln("DD: B=", B, " C=", C) diskdata(ETC_IN+ETC_CSV+ETC_AUTONDX,'adt.csv',[B2,C2]) writeln("DD: B2=", B2, " C2=", C2) end-procedure ! **** Reading from SQLite database via SQL commands **** procedure readsql declarations A,A2,B,C: dynamic array(range) of integer end-declarations SQLconnect("adt.sqlite") assert(getparam("SQLsuccess")) setparam("SQLautondx",true); SQLexecute("select (Col1) from MyTable", A) ! Selecting a single column setparam("SQLfirstndx",-3) ! Use start value -3 for indexation SQLexecute("select (Col1) from MyTable", A2) setparam("SQLfirstndx",0) SQLexecute("select * from MyTable",[B,C]) ! Populating 2 arrays SQLdisconnect writeln("SQL: A=", A) writeln("SQL: A2=", A2) writeln("SQL: B=", B, " C=", C) end-procedure (! ! **** Creating a database via SQL commands **** procedure createdb declarations A:array(integer) of integer end-declarations A::([10,20,30])[40,50,60] SQLconnect("adt.sqlite") assert(getparam("SQLsuccess")) SQLexecute("drop table if exists MyTable") SQLexecute("create table MyTable (Col1 integer, Col2 integer)") assert(getparam("SQLsuccess")) SQLexecute("insert into MyTable (Col1,Col2) values (?,?)", A) assert(getparam("SQLsuccess")) SQLdisconnect end-procedure !) ! ******** Read input data from the different sources ******** readsht readdd readsql end-model
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