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Dynamic package loading Description This example shows how to work with dynamic package loading in order to allow endusers to modify the definition of an optimization
problem without disclosing the actual model source:
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Data Files foliomipusrpkg.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file foliomipusrpkg.mos ``````````````````````` Modeling a small MIP problem to perform portfolio optimization. -- foliomip1.mos extended with an entry point for user constraint definition via package 'usrpkg' -- This example shows how to work with dynamic package loading in order to allow 3rd party users to modify the definition of an optimization problem without disclosing the actual model source: 1- Compile the package template and the main model (the package BIM needs to be on the search path for Mosel libraries, eg. as specified via the MOSEL_BIM or MOSEL_DSO environment variables, or contained in the 'dso' folder of the Xpress distribution) mosel comp usrpkgtempl.mos -o usrpkg.bim mosel comp foliomipusrpkg.mos 2- Hand out the BIM files and the source of the package template to the enduser, the BIM can be run as is: mosel run foliomipusrpkg.bim 3- A modified version of the package can be provided by replacing the package BIM file on the search path, without any need to recompile the main model: mosel comp usrpkg.mos mosel run foliomipusrpkg.bim (c) 2021 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S.Heipcke, Apr. 2021, rev. Aug. 2024 *******************************************************!) model "Portfolio optimization with MIP" uses "mmxprs" ! uses "mmsvg" ! Any libraries loaded by 'usrpkg' also need to be loaded here uses "usrpkg", "mmsystem" parameters MAXRISK = 1/3 ! Max. investment into high-risk values MAXVAL = 0.3 ! Max. investment per share MINAM = 0.5 ! Min. investment into N.-American values MAXNUM = 8 ! Max. number of different assets end-parameters declarations SHARES: set of string ! Set of shares RISK: set of string ! Set of high-risk values among shares NA: set of string ! Set of shares issued in N.-America RET: array(SHARES) of real ! Estimated return in investment end-declarations initializations from "folio.dat" RISK RET NA end-initializations declarations frac: array(SHARES) of mpvar ! Fraction of capital used per share buy: array(SHARES) of mpvar ! 1 if asset is in portfolio, 0 otherwise Return,LimRisk: linctr LimNA, AllOne: linctr end-declarations ! Objective: total return Return:= sum(s in SHARES) RET(s)*frac(s) ! Limit the percentage of high-risk values LimRisk:= sum(s in RISK) frac(s) <= MAXRISK ! Minimum amount of North-American values LimNA:= sum(s in NA) frac(s) >= MINAM ! Spend all the capital AllOne:= sum(s in SHARES) frac(s) = 1 ! Upper bounds on the investment per share forall(s in SHARES) frac(s) <= MAXVAL ! Limit the total number of assets sum(s in SHARES) buy(s) <= MAXNUM forall(s in SHARES) do buy(s) is_binary ! Turn variables into binaries frac(s) <= buy(s) ! Linking the variables end-do ! Entry point for user constraint definition userctrdef ! Uncomment this line to see the Optimizer log ! setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE",true) ! Enable logging output ! Debugging: Display the solver problem definition setparam("XPRS_loadnames", true) loadprob(Return) writeprob("tmp:mat","l") fcopy("tmp:mat",0,"",F_APPEND) ! Solve the problem maximize(Return) ! Solution printing writeln("Total return: ", getobjval) forall(s in SHARES) writeln(s, ": ", getsol(frac(s))*100, "% (", getsol(buy(s)), ")") end-model
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