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Cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut Description Solving a MIP by cut-and-branch or branch-and-cut: using the default functionality 'addcuts' for local cuts (clean.mos/cleanm.mos), or alternatively using 'storecuts' and 'loadcuts' to obtain global cuts (cleansl.mos/cleanslcm.mos) Further explanation of this example: Xpress Whitepaper 'Embedding Optimization Algorithms', Section 'Office cleaning: callbacks for branch-and-cut', and 'Mosel User Guide', Section 11.1 Cut generation
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Data Files clean.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel User Guide Examples ========================= file clean.mos `````````````` Solving a MIP by cut-and-branch or branch-and-cut. - Callback definition via subroutine reference - *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. July 2023 *******************************************************!) model "Office cleaning" uses "mmxprs","mmsystem" forward procedure top_cut_gen forward procedure tree_cut_gen declarations PARAM: array(1..3) of integer end-declarations initializations from 'clparam.dat' PARAM end-initializations declarations NSITES = PARAM(1) ! Number of sites NAREAS = PARAM(2) ! Number of areas (subsets of sites) NCONTRACTORS = PARAM(3) ! Number of contractors AREAS = 1..NAREAS CONTR = 1..NCONTRACTORS SITES = 1..NSITES AREA: array(SITES) of integer ! Area site is in NUMSITE: array(AREAS) of integer ! Number of sites in an area LOWCON: array(AREAS) of integer ! Lower limit on the number of ! contractors per area UPPCON: array(AREAS) of integer ! Upper limit on the number of ! contractors per area ADJACENT: array(AREAS,AREAS) of integer ! 1 if areas adjacent, 0 otherwise PRICE: array(SITES,CONTR) of real ! Price per contractor per site clean: dynamic array(CONTR,SITES) of mpvar ! 1 iff contractor c cleans site s alloc: array(CONTR,AREAS) of mpvar ! 1 iff contractor allocated to a site ! in area a feastol: real ! Zero tolerance solc: array(CONTR,SITES) of real ! Sol. values for variables `clean' sola: array(CONTR,AREAS) of real ! Sol. values for variables `alloc' end-declarations initializations from 'cldata.dat' [NUMSITE,LOWCON,UPPCON] as 'AREADATA' ADJACENT PRICE end-initializations ct:=1 forall(a in AREAS) do forall(s in ct..ct+NUMSITE(a)-1) AREA(s):=a ct+= NUMSITE(a) end-do forall(c in CONTR, s in SITES | PRICE(s,c) > 0.01) create(clean(c,s)) ! Objective: Minimize total cost of all cleaning contracts Cost:= sum(c in CONTR, s in SITES) PRICE(s,c)*clean(c,s) ! Each site must be cleaned by exactly one contractor forall(s in SITES) sum(c in CONTR) clean(c,s) = 1 ! Ban same contractor from serving adjacent areas forall(c in CONTR, a,b in AREAS | a > b and ADJACENT(a,b) = 1) alloc(c,a) + alloc(c,b) <= 1 ! Specify lower & upper limits on contracts per area forall(a in AREAS | LOWCON(a)>0) sum(c in CONTR) alloc(c,a) >= LOWCON(a) forall(a in AREAS | UPPCON(a)<NCONTRACTORS) sum(c in CONTR) alloc(c,a) <= UPPCON(a) ! Define alloc(c,a) to be 1 iff some clean(c,s)=1 for sites s in area a forall(c in CONTR, a in AREAS) do alloc(c,a) <= sum(s in SITES| AREA(s)=a) clean(c,s) alloc(c,a) >= 1.0/NUMSITE(a) * sum(s in SITES| AREA(s)=a) clean(c,s) end-do forall(c in CONTR) do forall(s in SITES) clean(c,s) is_binary forall(a in AREAS) alloc(c,a) is_binary end-do starttime:= gettime ! Uncomment to get detailed MIP output setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_LPLOG", 0) setparam("XPRS_MIPLOG", 3) feastol:= getparam("XPRS_FEASTOL") ! Get the Optimizer zero tolerance setparam("zerotol", feastol * 10) ! Set the comparison tolerance of Mosel ! Uncomment one or both of the following lines for user cut generation tree_cut_gen ! Set up cut generation in B&B tree ! top_cut_gen ! Constraint generation at top node minimize(Cost) ! Solve the MIP problem writeln("(", gettime-starttime, " sec) Global status ", getparam("XPRS_MIPSTATUS"), ", best solution: ", getobjval); !************************************************************************* ! Cut generation loop at the top node: ! * solve the LP and save the basis ! * get the solution values ! * identify and set up violated constraints ! * load the modified problem and load the saved basis !************************************************************************* procedure top_cut_gen declarations MAXCUTS = 5000 ! Max no. of constraints added in total MAXPCUTS = 1000 ! Max no. of constraints added per pass MAXPASS = 50 ! Max no. passes ncut, npass, npcut: integer ! Counters for cuts and passes objval: real bas: basis ! LP basis end-declarations setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! Disable automatic cuts setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Switch presolve off ncut:=0 npass:=0 while (ncut<MAXCUTS and npass<MAXPASS) do npass+=1 npcut:= 0 minimize(XPRS_LIN, Cost) ! Solve the LP if (npass>1 and objval=getobjval) then break; end-if savebasis(bas) ! Save the current basis objval:= getobjval ! Get the objective value forall(c in CONTR) do ! Get the solution values forall(a in AREAS) sola(c,a):=getsol(alloc(c,a)) forall(s in SITES) solc(c,s):=getsol(clean(c,s)) end-do ! Search for violated constraints and add them to the problem: forall(c in CONTR, s in SITES) if solc(c,s) > sola(c,AREA(s)) then alloc(c,AREA(s)) >= clean(c,s) ncut+=1 npcut+=1 if (npcut>MAXPCUTS or ncut>MAXCUTS) then break 2; end-if end-if writeln("Pass ", npass, " (", gettime-starttime, " sec), objective value ", objval, ", cuts added: ", npcut, " (total ", ncut,")") if npcut=0 then break else loadprob(Cost) ! Reload the problem loadbasis(bas) ! Load the saved basis end-if end-do ! Display cut generation status write("Cut phase completed: ") if (ncut >= MAXCUTS) then writeln("space for cuts exhausted") elif (npass >= MAXPASS) then writeln("maximum number of passes reached") else writeln("no more violations or no improvement to objective") end-if end-procedure !************************************************************************* ! Cut generation loop at tree nodes: ! * get the solution values ! * identify violated constraints and add them to the cut pool !************************************************************************* function cb_node:boolean declarations ncut: integer ! Counters for cuts cut: dynamic array(range) of linctr ! Cuts cutid: dynamic array(range) of integer ! Cut type identification type: dynamic array(range) of integer ! Cut constraint type end-declarations returned:=false ! OPTNODE: This node is not infeasible depth:=getparam("XPRS_NODEDEPTH"); node:=getparam("XPRS_NODES") if depth<4 then ncut:=0 ! Get the solution values forall(c in CONTR) do forall(a in AREAS) sola(c,a):=getsol(alloc(c,a)) forall(s in SITES) solc(c,s):=getsol(clean(c,s)) end-do ! Search for violated constraints forall(c in CONTR, s in SITES) if solc(c,s) > sola(c,AREA(s)) then cut(ncut):= alloc(c,AREA(s)) - clean(c,s) cutid(ncut):= 1 type(ncut):= CT_GEQ ncut+=1 end-if ! Add cuts to the problem if ncut>0 then addcuts(cutid, type, cut) writeln("Cuts added : ", ncut, " (depth ", depth, ", node ", node, ", obj. ", getparam("XPRS_LPOBJVAL"), ")") end-if end-if end-function ! ****Optimizer settings for using the cut manager**** procedure tree_cut_gen setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! Disable automatic cuts setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Switch presolve off setparam("XPRS_EXTRAROWS", 5000) ! Reserve extra rows in matrix setcallback(XPRS_CB_OPTNODE, ->cb_node) ! Define the optnode callback end-procedure end-model
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