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Multi-commodity network flow Description A private telephone company exploits a network between
five cities. At a given moment, the company is facing
a given set of demands for circuits (telephone calls).
The objective is to transmit as much as possible of the
demands and to indicate the corresponding routing, that is,
the access paths used. Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 12.3 'Routing telephone calls' (g3routing.mos)
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Data Files multicomflow_graph.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file multicomflow.mos ````````````````````` TYPE: Multi-commodity network flow problem DIFFICULTY: 3 FEATURES: MIP problem, encoding of paths, `finalize', `getsize' DESCRIPTION: A private telephone company exploits a network between five cities. At a given moment, the company is facing a given set of demands for circuits (telephone calls). The objective is to transmit as much as possible of the demands and to indicate the corresponding routing, that is, the access paths used. FURTHER INFO: `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 12.3 `Routing telephone calls' (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2002, rev. Sep. 2017 *******************************************************!) model "Routing telephone calls" uses "mmxprs", "mmsvg" declarations CALLS: set of string ! Set of demands ARCS: set of string ! Set of arcs PATHS: range ! Set of paths (routes) for demands CAP: array(ARCS) of integer ! Capacity of arcs DEM: array(CALLS) of integer ! Demands between pairs of cities CINDEX: array(PATHS) of string ! Call (demand) index per path index end-declarations initializations from 'multicomflow.dat' CAP DEM CINDEX end-initializations finalize(CALLS); finalize(ARCS); finalize(PATHS) NARC:=getsize(ARCS) declarations ROUTE: array(PATHS,1..NARC) of string ! List of arcs composing the routes flow: array(PATHS) of mpvar ! Flow on paths end-declarations initializations from 'multicomflow.dat' ROUTE end-initializations ! Objective: total flow on the arcs TotFlow:= sum(p in PATHS) flow(p) ! Flow within demand limits forall(d in CALLS) Demand(d):= sum(p in PATHS | CINDEX(p) = d) flow(p) <= DEM(d) ! Arc capacities forall(a in ARCS) Capacity(a):= sum(p in PATHS, b in 1..NARC | ROUTE(p,b)=a) flow(p) <= CAP(a) forall(p in PATHS) flow(p) is_integer ! Solve the problem maximize(TotFlow) ! Solution printing writeln("Total flow: ", getobjval) forall(d in CALLS) do writeln(d, " (demand: ", DEM(d), ", routed calls: ", getsol(sum(p in PATHS | CINDEX(p) = d) flow(p)), ")") forall(p in PATHS | CINDEX(p) = d) if(getsol(flow(p))>0) then write(" ", getsol(flow(p)), ":") forall(b in 1..NARC) write(" ", ROUTE(p,b)) writeln end-if end-do writeln("Unused capacity:") forall(a in ARCS) do U:=CAP(a) - getsol(sum(p in PATHS, b in 1..NARC | ROUTE(p,b)=a) flow(p)) write(if(U>0," " + a + ": " + U + "\n", "")) end-do ! Solution drawing declarations POS: array(ARCS) of list of integer ! Position of arcs end-declarations initializations from 'multicomflow.dat' POS end-initializations FACT:=15 svgaddgroup("Cap", "Capacity", SVG_GREEN) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKEOPACITY, 0.5) forall(a in ARCS) do svgaddline(POS(a)) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_STROKEWIDTH, round(CAP(a)/FACT)) end-do svgaddgroup("Used", "Used capacity", SVG_RED) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKEOPACITY, 0.5) forall(a in ARCS) do svgaddline(POS(a)) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_STROKEWIDTH, round(getsol(sum(p in PATHS, b in 1..NARC | ROUTE(p,b)=a) flow(p))/FACT)) end-do svgaddgroup("Msg", "", SVG_BLACK) svgsetstyle(SVG_TEXTANCHOR,"middle") forall(a in ARCS) do p1:=gethead(POS(a),2); p2:=gettail(POS(a),2) svgaddtext((p1.first+p2.first)/2,(p1.last+p2.last)/2, a) end-do svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,100,100) svgsetgraphscale(5) svgsave("multicom.svg") svgrefresh svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-model
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