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Definition of a procedure for getting solution values into an array Description Language extensions provided by this module:
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Native Interface User Guide', Chapter 2 User-defined subroutines; package version: 'Mosel User Guide', Secction 16.2 Definition of subroutines
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Data Files solarray.c /****************************************** Mosel NI Examples ================= File solarray.c ``````````````` Example module providing the procedure solarray(array of mpvar, array of real) for getting solutions into an array. (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2002 *******************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include "xprm_ni.h" #define MAXDIM 20 /* Max. number of array dimensions */ /**** Function prototypes ****/ static int ar_getsol(mm_context ctx,void *libctx); /**** Structures for passing info to Mosel ****/ /* Subroutines */ static mm_dsofct tabfct[]= { {"solarray",1000,XPRM_TYP_NOT,2,"A.vA.r",ar_getsol} }; /* Interface structure */ static XPRMdsointer dsointer= { 0,NULL, sizeof(tabfct)/sizeof(XPRMdsofct),tabfct, 0,NULL, 0,NULL }; /**** Structures used by this module ****/ static XPRMnifct mm; /* For storing Mosel NI function table */ /*******************************************************/ /* Initialize the module library just after loading it */ /*******************************************************/ DSO_INIT solarray_init(XPRMnifct nifct, int *interver,int *libver, XPRMdsointer **interf) { mm=nifct; /* Save the table of Mosel NI functions */ *interver=XPRM_NIVERS; /* Mosel NI version */ *libver=XPRM_MKVER(0,0,1); /* Module version */ *interf=&dsointer; /* Pass info about module contents to Mosel */ return 0; } /***************************/ /* Solution array function */ /***************************/ static int ar_getsol(XPRMcontext ctx,void *libctx) { XPRMarray varr, solarr; XPRMset sets1[MAXDIM],sets2[MAXDIM]; XPRMmpvar var; int dim, indices[MAXDIM], i; /* Get variable and solution arrays from stack in the order that they are used as parameters for `getsol' */ varr=XPRM_POP_REF(ctx); solarr=XPRM_POP_REF(ctx); /* Compare sizes */ dim = mm->getarrdim(varr); if(dim!=mm->getarrdim(solarr)) { mm->dispmsg(ctx,"Solarray: Arrays have different number of dimensions.\n"); return XPRM_RT_ERROR; } if(dim>MAXDIM) { mm->dispmsg(ctx,"Solarray: Maximum number of dimensions exceeded.\n"); return XPRM_RT_ERROR; } /* Get the index sets */ mm->getarrsets(varr,sets1); mm->getarrsets(solarr,sets2); for(i=0;i<dim;i++) if(sets1[i]!=sets2[i]) { mm->dispmsg(ctx,"Solarray: Arrays have different index sets.\n"); return XPRM_RT_ERROR; } /* Get solution for all variables: since this uses the ...truentry functions, there is no need for any further testing */ if(!mm->getfirstarrtruentry(varr,indices)) do { mm->getarrval(varr,indices,&var); mm->setarrvalreal(ctx,solarr,indices,mm->getvsol(ctx,var)); } while(!mm->getnextarrtruentry(varr,indices)); return XPRM_RT_OK; } | |||||||||||||||||||
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