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Display matrix scaling information Description This example shows how to use the mmxprs subroutine 'getscale' to retrieve summary scaling information for matrix coefficients, RHS values and/or objective coefficients. The information is displayed in textual form and as an SVG bar chart.
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scalestats.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file scalestats.mos ``````````````````` Retrieving ranging information with graphical display. (c) 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Z.Csizmadia, S.Heipcke Nov 2020 *******************************************************!) model "test_scaleinfo" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem", "mmsvg" parameters N = 30000 ! Number of variables M = 1000 ! Number of constraints L = 5 ! Limit value for display (must be in [5,...,20]) SEL = 1+2+4 ! 1 - matrix coefficients, 2 - RHS, 4 - objective end-parameters declarations J = 1..N I = 1..M x,y: mpvar vars: dynamic array(J) of mpvar Rows: dynamic array(I) of linctr Buckets: set of integer Scaling: dynamic array(Buckets) of integer starttime: real procedure drawrange(CB: array(integer) of integer, limit: integer, fname: string) end-declarations starttime:= gettime setparam("xprs_matrixtol", 0.0) ! Constraint with coefficients in 'middle' buckets 0.1 * x + y <= 6 ! Constraints with extremely small and extremely large coefficients 10^(-21) * x + 10 ^ 21 * y <= 6 10^(-101) * x + 10 ^ 110 * y <= 6 ! Generate further variables and constraints forall(j in J) create(vars(j)) forall(i in I) do Rows(i):= sum(j in J) i*j*vars(j) <= i sum(j in J) 1.0/(i*j) * vars(j) <= 1 / i end-do writeln("Building time: ", gettime-starttime) setparam("xprs_verbose", true) starttime:= gettime loadprob(5) writeln("Loading time: ", gettime-starttime) starttime:= gettime ! SEL: range coeff selection: 1 - matrix coefficients, 2 - RHS, 4 - objective getscale(SEL, Scaling) writeln("Scale check time: ", gettime-starttime) forall (b in Buckets | exists(Scaling(b))) if (b > 20) then writeln( "[10^20, inf[ ", Scaling(b) ) elif (b <= -19) then writeln( "[0, 10^(-20)[ ", Scaling(b) ) else writeln( "[", 10^(b-1), ", ", 10^b, "[ ", Scaling(b) ) end-if drawrange(Scaling, L, "coefrng.svg") !********************************** !@doc.descr Configure and draw the range graphic !@doc.param CB the array of scaling bucket values !@doc.param limit value range to be displayed (value between 5 and 20) procedure drawrange(CB: array(DR:set of integer) of integer, limit: integer, fname: string) declarations CR: range pids: array(CR) of string ypos: dynamic array(CR) of real end-declarations LIM:=if(limit>20, 20, if(limit<5,5,limit)); TOFFSET:=10/LIM LFAC:=255/LIM; SCALE:= 5; YFAC:=minlist(2,15/LIM) MAXV:= maxlist(max(b in DR) CB(b), sum(i in DR | exists(CB(i)) and i>=LIM) CB(i), sum(i in DR | exists(CB(i)) and i<=-LIM) CB(i) ) XFAC:= 150/MAXV; ct:=0 forall(b in -LIM..LIM, ct as counter) do pids(b):="g"+b col:=svgcolor(round(abs(b)*LFAC),0,round(255-(abs(b)*LFAC))) ypos(b):=ct*5*YFAC if b = LIM then intervtxt:="[10E,"+(LIM-1)+" inf[" totb:=sum(i in DR | exists(CB(i)) and i>=LIM) CB(i) elif b = -LIM then intervtxt:="[0, 10E-"+LIM+"[" totb:=sum(i in DR | exists(CB(i)) and i<=-LIM) CB(i) else intervtxt:="[10E"+(b-1)+ ", 10E"+b+"[" totb:=CB(b) end-if svgaddgroup(pids(b), intervtxt, col) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILL, SVG_CURRENT) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKE, col) svgsetstyle(SVG_FONTSIZE, 4*SCALE*minlist(1.25,YFAC)) svgaddtext(0, ypos(b)+TOFFSET, intervtxt) !text("10E")+b) if totb>0 then svgaddrectangle(40, ypos(b), totb*XFAC, 4*YFAC) svgaddtext(40+totb*XFAC+2,ypos(b)+TOFFSET,text(totb)) end-if end-do svgaddgroup("msg", "", SVG_BLACK) svgsetstyle(SVG_FONTSIZE, 7*SCALE*minlist(1.25,YFAC)) svgaddtext(0,150+20,"Coefficient ranges") XRANGE:=220; YRANGE:=150+32 svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,XRANGE,YRANGE) svgsetgraphscale(SCALE) svgsetgraphsize(XRANGE*SCALE,YRANGE*SCALE) ! Draw the graph svgrefresh ! Optionally save graphic to a file if fname<>"" then svgsave(fname); end-if ! Wait for display window to close svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-procedure end-model
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