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Iterative display of tours Description This model iteratively displays sets of subtours connecting a set of locations represented as points. Each display iteration checks for interruption through closing of the display window and pauses for inspection until the user hits the 'Continue' button in the display. Animation (motion) of final display. Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Language Reference', Chapter 'mmsvg'
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routes.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel graph examples ==================== file routes.mos ``````````````` Iterative display of routes with subtours, demonstrating interaction between model and display via 'pause' to inspect a graph and stop algorithm by 'closing' event. - Using SVG animation - (only visible with browsers supporting SVG animation) Uses functions from the mmsvg library to draw a "User graph" in SVG format. (c) 2017 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Jul. 2017, rev. Sep. 2017 *******************************************************!) model routes uses "mmsvg" declarations RT: range solroute = record sol: real tours: dynamic array(RT) of list of integer end-record Routes: array(Sols:range) of solroute XPOS,YPOS: array(RP:range) of integer tpath: text end-declarations initializations from "routes.dat" Routes [XPOS,YPOS] as "POS" end-initializations svgrefresh forall(s in Sols) do ! Interrupt loop if window is closed if svgclosing then break; end-if ! Delete previous graph contents svgerase ct:=0 forall(ct as counter, t in RT | exists(Routes(s).tours(t)) ) do svgaddgroup("t"+t, "Tour "+t) svgaddline(sum(i in Routes(s).tours(t)) [XPOS(i),YPOS(i)]) end-do svgaddgroup("N", "Nodes", SVG_GRAY) svgsetstyle("SVG_STROKEWIDTH", 2) forall(p in RP) svgaddpoint(XPOS(p),YPOS(p)) svgaddgroup("msg", "", SVG_BLACK) svgaddtext(15, 5, "Total tour length: " + Routes(s).sol + if(ct>1, " ("+ct+" subtours)", " (solution)")) ! Add SVG animation for final tour ! (only visible in browsers with SVG support) if ct=1 then tf:= min(t in RT | exists(Routes(s).tours(t)) ) t tlist:= gethead(Routes(s).tours(tf),-1) prevx:=XPOS(Routes(s).tours(tf).first) prevy:=YPOS(Routes(s).tours(tf).first) svgaddfile("./truck.gif", "truck.gif") ! Upload graphic file svgaddimage("t"+tf, "truck.gif", prevx-10, prevy-10, 30, 30) tpath:="m" ! Define a motion path with relative positions forall(i in tlist) do tpath+=text(" ")+(XPOS(i)-prevx)+" "+(-(YPOS(i)-prevy)) prevx:=XPOS(i); prevy:=YPOS(i) end-do tpath+=" Z" ! Return to the initial point svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_ANIMATE, '<animateMotion repeatCount="indefinite" path="'+tpath+'" dur="10s"/>') svgsave("tour.svg") end-if ! Display tours svgrefresh ! Pause if there is more than 1 tour if ct>1 then svgpause; end-if end-do ! Wait for display window to close svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.") end-model (! Generate input data for TSP solving procedure gendata(num:integer) declarations XPOS,YPOS: array(RP:range) of integer DIST: dynamic array(RP,RP) of integer end-declarations setrandseed(7) forall(p in 1..num) do XPOS(p):=25+round(450*random) YPOS(p):=25+round(450*random) end-do forall(n,m in RP | n<m) DIST(n,m):=round(1.5*sqrt((XPOS(n)-XPOS(m))^2 + (YPOS(n)-YPOS(m))^2)) initializations to "routes"+num+".dat" [XPOS,YPOS] as "POS" DIST end-initializations end-procedure !)
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