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Solving a TSP using NumPy Description A randomly generated TSP problem is modeled using
NumPy vectors and matrices and solved using the Optimizer's
libraries and callback functions. Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Python Reference Manual'
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example_tsp_numpy.py # TSP example using numpy functions (for efficiency) # # (C) Fair Isaac Corp., 1983-2024 import xpress as xp import numpy as np def cb_preintsol(prob, data, soltype, cutoff): '''Callback for checking if solution is acceptable ''' n = data xsol = prob.getCallbackSolution() xsolf = np.array(xsol) # flattened xsol = xsolf.reshape(n,n) # matrix-shaped nextc = np.argmax(xsol, axis=1) i = 0 ncities = 1 # Scan cities in order until we get back to 0 or the solution is # wrong and we're diverging while nextc[i] != 0 and ncities < n: ncities += 1 i = nextc[i] reject = False if ncities < n: # The tour given by the current solution does not pass through # all the nodes and is thus infeasible. # If soltype is non-zero then we reject by setting reject=True. # If instead soltype is zero then the solution came from an # integral node. In this case we can reject by adding a cut # that cuts off that solution. Note that we must NOT set # reject=True in that case because that would result in just # dropping the node, no matter whether we add cuts or not. if soltype != 0: reject = True else: # Obtain an order by checking the maximum of the variable matrix # for each row unchecked = np.zeros(n) ngroup = 0 # Initialize the vectors to be passed to addcuts cut_mstart = [0] cut_ind = [] cut_coe = [] cut_rhs = [] nnz = 0 ncuts = 0 while np.min(unchecked) == 0 and ngroup <= n: '''Seek a tour ''' ngroup += 1 firstcity = np.argmin(unchecked) assert (unchecked[firstcity] == 0) i = firstcity ncities = 0 # Scan cities in order while True: unchecked[i] = ngroup # mark city i with its new group, to be used in addcut ncities += 1 i = nextc[i] if i == firstcity or ncities > n + 1: break assert ncities < n # we know solutions is infeasible # unchecked[unchecked == ngroup] marks nodes to be made part of # subtour elimination inequality # Find indices of current subtour. S is the set of nodes # traversed by the subtour, compS is its complement. S = np.where(unchecked == ngroup)[0].tolist() compS = np.where(unchecked != ngroup)[0].tolist() indices = [i*n+j for i in S for j in compS] # Check if solution violates the cut, and if so add the cut to # the list. if sum(xsolf[i] for i in indices) < 1 - 1e-3: mcolsp, dvalp = [], [] # Presolve cut in order to add it to the presolved problem drhsp, status = prob.presolverow(rowtype='G', origcolind=indices, origrowcoef=np.ones(len(indices)), origrhs=1, maxcoefs=prob.attributes.cols, colind=mcolsp, rowcoef=dvalp) # Since mipdualreductions=0, presolving the cut must succeed, and the cut should # never be relaxed as this would imply that it did not cut off a subtour. assert status == 0 nnz += len(mcolsp) ncuts += 1 cut_ind.extend(mcolsp) cut_coe.extend(dvalp) cut_rhs.append(drhsp) cut_mstart.append(nnz) if ncuts > 0: assert (len(cut_mstart) == ncuts + 1) assert (len(cut_ind) == nnz) prob.addcuts(cuttype=[0] * ncuts, rowtype=['G'] * ncuts, rhs=cut_rhs, start=cut_mstart, colind=cut_ind, cutcoef=cut_coe) return (reject, None) def print_sol(p, n): '''Print the solution: order of nodes and cost ''' xsol = np.array(p.getSolution()).reshape(n,n) nextc = np.argmax(xsol, axis=1) i = 0 # Scan cities in order tour = [] while i != 0 or len(tour) == 0: tour.append(str(i)) i = nextc[i] print('->'.join(tour), '->0; cost: ', p.attributes.objval, sep='') def create_initial_tour(n): '''Returns a permuted trivial solution 0->1->2->...->(n-1)->0 ''' sol = np.zeros((n, n)) p = np.random.permutation(n) for i in range(n): sol[p[i], p[(i + 1) % n]] = 1 return sol.flatten() def solve_opttour(): '''Create a random TSP problem ''' n = 50 CITIES = range(n) # set of cities: 0..n-1 np.random.seed(3) X = 100 * np.random.rand(n) Y = 100 * np.random.rand(n) # Compute distance matrix dist = np.ceil(np.sqrt ((X.reshape(n,1) - X.reshape(1,n))**2 + (Y.reshape(n,1) - Y.reshape(1,n))**2)) p = xp.problem() # Create variables as a square matrix of binary variables. Note # the use of dtype=xp.npvar (introduced in Xpress 8.9) to ensure # NumPy uses the Xpress operations for handling these vectors. fly = np.array([p.addVariable(vartype=xp.binary, name='x_{0}_{1}'.format(i,j)) for i in CITIES for j in CITIES], dtype=xp.npvar).reshape(n,n) # Degree constraints p.addConstraint(xp.Sum(fly[i,:]) - fly[i,i] == 1 for i in CITIES) p.addConstraint(xp.Sum(fly[:,i]) - fly[i,i] == 1 for i in CITIES) # Fix diagonals (i.e. city X -> city X) to zero p.addConstraint(fly[i,i] == 0 for i in CITIES) # Objective function p.setObjective (xp.Sum((dist * fly).flatten())) # Add callbacks p.addcbpreintsol(cb_preintsol, n) # Disable dual reductions (in order not to cut optimal solutions) # and nonlinear reductions, in order to be able to presolve the # cuts. p.controls.mipdualreductions = 0 # Create 10 trivial solutions: simple tour 0->1->2...->n->0 # randomly permuted for k in range(10): InitTour = create_initial_tour(n) p.addmipsol(solval=InitTour, name="InitTour_{}".format(k)) p.optimize() if p.attributes.solstatus not in [xp.SolStatus.OPTIMAL, xp.SolStatus.FEASIBLE]: print("Solve status:", p.attributes.solvestatus.name) print("Solution status:", p.attributes.solstatus.name) else: print_sol(p,n) # print solution and cost if __name__ == '__main__': solve_opttour()
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