FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Folio - Modelling examples from 'Getting started'

  • Chapter 3 Inputting and Solving a Linear Programming problem
    • foliolp.mos: modeling and solving a small LP problem
    • foliolperr.mos: LP model with syntax errors
    • foliolps.mos: LP model using string indices
  • Chapter 4 Working with data
    • foliodata.mos (data file: folio.dat): data input from file, result output to a file, model parameters
    • folioodbc.mos (data files: folio.xls, folio.mdb, folio.sqlite): data input from a spreadsheet or database, result output to a spreadsheet or database, model parameters
    • folioexcel.mos (data file: folio.xls): same as folioodbc.mos but with Excel-specific data input and output (Windows only)
    • foliosheet.mos (data file: folio.xls): same as folioodbc.mos but with data input and output through generic spreadsheet access
    • foliocsv.mos (data file: folio.csv): same as folioodbc.mos but with data input and output through generic spreadsheet access in CSV format
  • Chapter 5 Drawing user graphs
    • folioloop.mos (data files: folio.dat, foliodev.dat): re-solving with varied parameter settings
    • folioloop_graph.mos (data files: folio.dat, foliodev.dat): re-solving with varied parameter settings, graphical solution display
    • foliolps_graph.mos: same as foliolps, adding graphical solution display
  • Chapter 6 Mixed Integer Programming
    • foliomip1.mos (data file: folio.dat): modeling and solving a small MIP problem (binary variables)
    • foliomip2.mos (data file: folio.dat): modeling and solving a small MIP problem (semi-continuous variables)
  • Chapter 7 Quadratic Programming
    • folioqp.mos (data file: folioqp.dat): modeling and solving a QP and a MIQP problem
    • folioqp_graph.mos (data files: folioqp.dat, folioqpgraph.dat): re-solving a QP problem with varied parameter settings, graphical solution display
    • folioqc.mos (data file: folioqp.dat): modeling and solving a QCQP and
    • foliomiqc.mos (data file: folioqp.dat): modeling and solving a MIQCQP
  • Chapter 8 Heuristics
    • folioheur.mos (data file: folio.dat): heuristic solution of a MIP problem

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file foliolp.mos
   Modeling a small LP problem 
   to perform portfolio optimization.
  (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
      author: S.Heipcke, Aug. 2003

model "Portfolio optimization with LP"
 uses "mmxprs"

  SHARES = 1..10                     ! Set of shares
  RISK = {2,3,4,9,10}                ! Set of high-risk values among shares
  NA = {1,2,3,4}                     ! Set of shares issued in N.-America

  RET: array(SHARES) of real         ! Estimated return in investment

  frac: array(SHARES) of mpvar       ! Fraction of capital used per share

 RET:: [5,17,26,12,8,9,7,6,31,21]
! Objective: total return
 Return:= sum(s in SHARES) RET(s)*frac(s) 

! Limit the percentage of high-risk values
 sum(s in RISK) frac(s) <= 1/3

! Minimum amount of North-American values
 sum(s in NA) frac(s) >= 0.5

! Spend all the capital
 sum(s in SHARES) frac(s) = 1
! Upper bounds on the investment per share
 forall(s in SHARES) frac(s) <= 0.3

! Solve the problem

  Status:array({XPRS_OPT,XPRS_UNF,XPRS_INF,XPRS_UNB,XPRS_OTH}) of string

          "Optimum found","Unfinished","Infeasible","Unbounded","Failed"]
 writeln("Problem status: ", Status(getprobstat))
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total return: ", getobjval)
 forall(s in SHARES) writeln(s, ": ", getsol(frac(s))*100, "%")  


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