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Moon landing Description A rocket is fired from the earth and must land on a particular location on the moon.
The goal is to minimize the total consumed fuel.
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Data Files moonshot.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file moonshot.mos ````````````````` Minimise fuel consumption of a rocket from earth to moon. Nonlinear objective and constraints Based on AMPL model moonshot.mod Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/rocket/ *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2013 Fair Issac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2013, rev. Jun. 2023 *********************************************************************!) model "moonshot" uses "mmxnlp" parameters N = 100 ! Number of discrete times end-parameters declarations D = 1..2 ! Dimensions Nx: set of real ! Discrete times for positions Nv: set of real ! Discrete times for velocity Na: set of real ! Discrete times for acceleration T: real ! Total time G: real ! Constant factor MASS_Earth: real ! Mass of Earth RADIUS_Earth: real ! Radius of Earth POS_Earth: array(D) of real ! Position(x,y) of Earth MASS_Moon : real ! Mass of Moon RADIUS_Moon : real ! Radius of Moon POS_Moon : array(D) of real ! Position(x,y) of Moon X0: array(D) of real ! Initial position Xn: array(D) of real ! Final position V0: array(D) of real ! Initial velocity Vn: array(D) of real ! Final velocity ALPHA0: real ! Initial degree ALPHAn: real ! Final degree end-declarations Nx:= union(i in 0..N) {real(i)} Na:= union(i in 1..N-1) {real(i)} Nv:= union(i in 1..N) {i-0.5} initializations from "moonshot.dat" T G MASS_Earth MASS_Moon RADIUS_Earth RADIUS_Moon POS_Earth POS_Moon end-initializations ! Initial and final velocity ALPHA0 := 1.5*M_PI ALPHAn := M_PI/2.0 X0(1) := POS_Earth(1) + RADIUS_Earth*cos(ALPHA0) X0(2) := POS_Earth(2) + RADIUS_Earth*sin(ALPHA0) Xn(1) := POS_Moon(1) + RADIUS_Moon*cos(ALPHAn) Xn(2) := POS_Moon(2) + RADIUS_Moon*sin(ALPHAn) V0(1) := 5*cos(ALPHA0) V0(2) := 5*sin(ALPHA0) Vn(1) := -5*cos(ALPHAn) Vn(2) := -5*sin(ALPHAn) declarations x: array(D, Nx) of mpvar ! Position v: array(D, Nv) of mpvar ! Velocity a: array(D, Na) of mpvar ! Acceleration theta: array(D, Na) of mpvar ! Thrust Fuelcost: nlctr end-declarations ! Objective function: total fuel consumption Fuelcost:= sum(d in D, i in Na) theta(d,i)^2 ! Setting start values for positions forall(d in D, j in Nx) do setinitval(x(d,j), (1-j/N)*X0(d)+(j/N)*Xn(d) ) x(d,j) is_free end-do ! Fixing start and final position and velocity forall(d in D) do x(d, 0) = X0(d) ! Initial position x(d, N) = Xn(d) ! Final position v(d, 0.5) = V0(d) ! Initial velocity v(d, N-0.5)^1 = Vn(d) ! Final velocity end-do ! Velocity constraint forall(d in D, j in Nv) do VelDef(d,j) := N*( x(d, j+0.5) - x(d, j-0.5) ) = T*v(d,j) v(d,j) is_free end-do ! Acceleration constraint forall(d in D, j in Na) do AccDef(d,j) := N*( v(d, j+0.5) - v(d, j-0.5) ) = T*a(d,j) a(d,j) is_free theta(d,j) is_free end-do ! Force balance constraint forall(d in D, j in Na) Force(d,j) := a(d,j) = -G*MASS_Earth*(x(d,j)-POS_Earth(d))/ (sum(dd in D) (x(dd,j)-POS_Earth(dd))^2)^(3/2) - G*MASS_Moon*(x(d,j)-POS_Moon(d))/ (sum(dd in D) (x(dd,j)-POS_Moon(dd))^2)^(3/2) + theta(d,j) ! Setting up and solving the problem setparam("xnlp_verbose",true) ! In this example we will use a local solver, since it can be time consuming to solve it to global optimality setparam("xprs_nlpsolver", 1) minimize(Fuelcost) ! Solution printing forall(i in Na) writeln("i=", i, ": position=(", x(1,i).sol, ",", x(2,i).sol, ")", " thrust=(",theta(1,i).sol, ",", theta(2,i).sol,"), ", "acceleration=(",getsol(a(1,i)), ",", getsol(a(2,i)),")" ) forall(i in Nv) writeln("velocity=(",getsol(v(1,i)), ",",getsol(v(2,i)),")" ) writeln("Fuelcost = ", getobjval, "\n") end-model
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