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Data input/output via I/O drivers

  • mmexdrvs.c: Use I/O drivers to handle Mosel output with a callback function, compile a model from memory to memory, load a bim file from memory, initialise arrays in the Model program from C data and retrieve information from the model through memory.
  • mmexcbdrv.c: Use the 'cb' I/O driver to handle Mosel output and provide initial data to the model.
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference', Section 1.5 Using IO drivers for data exchange; Whitepaper 'Generalized file handling in Mosel'

Source Files
By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.


/*  Mosel Library Examples                              */
/*  ======================                              */
/*                                                      */
/*  file mmexdrvs.c                                     */
/*  ```````````````                                     */
/*  Example for the use of the Mosel libraries          */
/*  (using IOdrivers for data exchange)                 */
/*                                                      */
/*  (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation                     */
/*      author: Y. Colombani, 2003                      */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"

                /* The source of the model as an array of characters */
const char source_of_model[]=
"model drivers\n"

" DATA=''\n"
" SOL=''\n"

" S:set of string\n"
" R:range\n"
" data:array(S,R) of real\n"
" sol:array(1..10) of real\n"

"initialisations from 'raw:'\n"
" data as DATA\n"

"writeln('set   S=',S)\n"
"writeln('range R=',R)\n"
"writeln('array data=',data)\n"

"forall(i in 1..10) sol(i):=i^2\n"

"initialisations to 'raw:'\n"
" sol as SOL\n"

                /* Structure to store initial values for array 'data': */
const struct
 const char *s;      /* text for the first index */
 int r;              /* integer value for the second index */
 double v;           /* corresponding value: data(s,r) */
} data[]={{"one",2,12.5},{"two",1,15},{"three",16,9},{"hundred",2,17}};

                /* Array to receive solution values */
double solution[10];

                /* Callback function to handle default output */
long XPRM_RTC cbmsg(XPRMmodel model,void *info,char *buf,unsigned long size)
/* Note: 'model' is NULL if the stream is used outside of an execution */
 printf("Mosel: %.*s",(int)size,buf);
 return 0;

                /* Main function */
int main()
 XPRMmodel mod;
 int result,i;
 char bimfile[1024];           /* Buffer to store BIM file */
 unsigned long bimfile_size;   /* Buffer to store actual size of BIM file */
 char outfile_name[40];        /* File name of output stream */
 char mosfile_name[40];        /* File name of MOS file */
 char bimfile_name[64];        /* File name of BIM file */
 char data_name[40];           /* File name of initial values for 'data' */
 char solution_name[40];       /* File name of solution values */
 char params[96];              /* Parameter string for model execution */

/*                                                        Initialize Mosel */
  return 1;
                        /* Prepare file name for output stream  */
                        /* using 'cb' driver:                   */
                        /* "cb:function pointer[/callback data]"*/
#ifdef _WIN32
 sprintf(outfile_name,"cb:%#lx",(unsigned long)cbmsg);

/*                                   Set default output stream to callback */

                        /* Prepare file names for compilation            */
                        /* using 'mem' driver:                           */
                        /* "mem:base address/size[/actual size pointer]" */
#ifdef _WIN32
        (size_t)source_of_model,(unsigned int)sizeof(source_of_model));
        (unsigned long)source_of_model,(unsigned int)sizeof(source_of_model));
#ifdef _WIN32
         (size_t)bimfile,(unsigned int)sizeof(bimfile),(size_t)&bimfile_size);
         (unsigned long)bimfile,(unsigned int)sizeof(bimfile),(unsigned long)&bimfile_size);

/*                                     Compile model from memory to memory */
  return 2;
 printf("BIM file uses %lu bytes of memory.\n",bimfile_size);

/*                                             Load a BIM file from memory */
  return 3;

                        /* Prepare file names for 'initialisations'*/
                        /* using 'raw' driver:                     */
                        /* "rawoption[,...],filename"              */
                        /* Here, 'filename' uses the 'mem' driver, */
                        /* data is stored in memory                */

        /* Option for 'raw': 'slength=0' means that strings are represented */
        /*               by pointers to null terminated arrays of           */
        /*               characters (C-string) instead of fixed size arrays */
#ifdef _WIN32
                                (size_t)data,(unsigned int)sizeof(data));
                                (unsigned long)data,(unsigned int)sizeof(data));

        /* Option for 'raw': 'noindex' means that only array values are */
        /*                   expected - no indices requested            */
#ifdef _WIN32
                                 (size_t)solution,(unsigned int)sizeof(solution));
                                 (unsigned long)solution,(unsigned int)sizeof(solution));

                        /* file names are passed through execution parameters */

/*                                                           Run the model */
  return 4;

/*                        Display solutions values obtained from the model */
 printf("Solution values:");
  printf(" %g",solution[i]);

 return 0;

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