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Robust shortest path Description Determine the shortest path through a road network subject to uncertain travel times caused by road works (formulated as a 'cardinality' uncertainty set). Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Robust Optimization with Xpress', Section 2 Robust shortest path
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Data Files roadworks.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file roadworks.mos `````````````````` Shortest path with cardinality robustness constraints (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2014, rev. Nov. 2014 *******************************************************!) model "road network" uses "mmxprs", "mmrobust" parameters DATAFILE="roads_9.dat" NWORK = 2 ! Number of roadworks end-parameters forward procedure printsol(val: real) forward procedure printrobsoleval forward procedure evalfixedrobsol declarations Nodes: range ! Set of nodes ARC: array(Arcs:range,1..2) of integer ! Arc origins/destinations LEN,MAXDELAY: array(Arcs) of real ! Length and max delay per arc DELAY: array(Arcs) of real ! Actual delay Source,Sink: integer ! Source and sink node numbers NomProb,ExtProb,RobProb: mpproblem ! Alternative problem formulations use: array(Arcs) of mpvar ! 1 iff arc is used usesol: array(Arcs) of real ! Solution values userobsol: array(Arcs) of real ! Robust solution values delay: array(Arcs) of uncertain ! Uncertain delay end-declarations !**** Input datafile **** initializations from DATAFILE Nodes Arcs ARC [LEN,MAXDELAY] as "ArcData" Source Sink end-initializations !**** Robust problem formulation **** with RobProb do forall(a in Arcs) use(a) is_binary ! Sink and source of flow OneSourceR:= sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Source) use(a)=1 OneSinkR:= sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Sink) use(a)=1 NoRetSourceR:= sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Source) use(a)=0 NoRetSinkR:=sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Sink) use(a)=0 ! Flow balance in intermediate nodes forall(n in Nodes-{Source,Sink}) BalanceR(n):= sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=n) use(a) = sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=n) use(a) ! Only use one direction per edge forall(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)<ARC(a,2)) OneDirR(a):= use(a) + sum(b in Arcs | ARC(b,2)=ARC(a,1) and ARC(b,1)=ARC(a,2)) use(b) <= 1 ! Random construction work on NWORK arcs forall(a in Arcs) delay(a) <= MAXDELAY(a) forall(a in Arcs) delay(a) >= 0 cardinality(union(a in Arcs) {delay(a)}, NWORK) ! Shortest path length TotalLengthR:= sum(a in Arcs) (LEN(a)+delay(a))*use(a) ! Solving minimize(TotalLengthR) ! Solution reporting writeln("#### Robust solution ####") if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then writeln("Delay: ", array(a in Arcs) delay(a).sol ) writeln("Shortest path: ", getobjval) writeln("Delay on shortest path: ", sum(a in Arcs | use(a).sol>0 ) delay(a).sol) forall(a in Arcs | use(a).sol>0) write(" ", if(ARC(a,1)=Source, "Source", string(ARC(a,1))), "->", if(ARC(a,2)=Sink, "Sink", string(ARC(a,2))), " (", LEN(a), "+", delay(a).sol,");") writeln else writeln("No solution") end-if ! Save the robust solution forall(a in Arcs) userobsol(a):=use(a).sol end-do !**** Nominal problem (all delays fixed at zero) **** with NomProb do forall(a in Arcs) use(a) is_binary ! Sink and source of flow sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Source) use(a)=1 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Sink) use(a)=1 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Source) use(a)=0 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Sink) use(a)=0 ! Flow balance in intermediate nodes forall(n in Nodes-{Source,Sink}) sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=n) use(a) = sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=n) use(a) ! Only use one direction per edge forall(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)<ARC(a,2)) use(a) + sum(b in Arcs | ARC(b,2)=ARC(a,1) and ARC(b,1)=ARC(a,2)) use(b) <= 1 ! Delays fixed to maximum forall(a in Arcs) DELAY(a) := 0 ! Shortest path length TotalLengthN:= sum(a in Arcs) (LEN(a)+DELAY(a))*use(a) ! Solving minimize(TotalLengthN) ! Solution reporting writeln("\n#### Nominal solution (no delay) ####") printsol(getobjval) printrobsoleval ! Save the solution values and calculate worst case value for the given N forall(a in Arcs) usesol(a):=use(a).sol evalfixedrobsol end-do !**** Extreme problem (all delays fixed at upper bounds) **** with ExtProb do forall(a in Arcs) use(a) is_binary ! Sink and source of flow sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Source) use(a)=1 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Sink) use(a)=1 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=Source) use(a)=0 sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=Sink) use(a)=0 ! Flow balance in intermediate nodes forall(n in Nodes-{Source,Sink}) sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,2)=n) use(a) = sum(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)=n) use(a) ! Only use one direction per edge forall(a in Arcs | ARC(a,1)<ARC(a,2)) use(a) + sum(b in Arcs | ARC(b,2)=ARC(a,1) and ARC(b,1)=ARC(a,2)) use(b) <= 1 ! Delays fixed to maximum forall(a in Arcs) DELAY(a):= MAXDELAY(a) ! Shortest path length TotalLengthN:= sum(a in Arcs) (LEN(a)+DELAY(a))*use(a) ! Solving minimize(TotalLengthN) ! Solution reporting writeln("\n#### Worst-case solution (all roads delayed) ####") printsol(getobjval) printrobsoleval ! Save the solution values and calculate worst case value for the given N forall(a in Arcs) usesol(a):=use(a).sol evalfixedrobsol end-do !**** Solution reporting **** procedure printsol(val: real) writeln("Delay: ", DELAY) if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then writeln("Shortest path: ", val) writeln("Delay on shortest path: ", sum(a in Arcs) DELAY(a)*use(a).sol) forall(a in Arcs | use(a).sol>0) write(" ", if(ARC(a,1)=Source, "Source", string(ARC(a,1))), "->", if(ARC(a,2)=Sink, "Sink", string(ARC(a,2))), " (", LEN(a), "+", DELAY(a),");") writeln else writeln("No solution") end-if end-procedure !**** Evaluate the saved robust solution with actual delay values **** procedure printrobsoleval writeln("Evaluation of robust solution with fixed delay values:") writeln(" Robust solution path: ", sum(a in Arcs) (LEN(a)+DELAY(a))*userobsol(a) ) writeln(" Delay for robust sol: ", sum(a in Arcs) DELAY(a)*userobsol(a) ) forall(a in Arcs | userobsol(a).sol>0) write(" ", if(ARC(a,1)=Source, "Source", string(ARC(a,1))), "->", if(ARC(a,2)=Sink, "Sink", string(ARC(a,2))), " (", LEN(a), "+", DELAY(a),");") writeln end-procedure !**** Calculate the worst case delay for a given solution **** procedure evalfixedrobsol writeln("Worst-case delay for selected path (N=", NWORK, " delays):") with RobProb do ! Fix path to current (non-robust) solution values forall(a in Arcs | usesol(a)>0) FixArc(a):=use(a)>=usesol(a) ! Solving minimize(TotalLengthR) ! Solution reporting writeln(" Value for shortest path: ", getobjval) writeln(" Delay on shortest path: ", sum(a in Arcs | use(a).sol>0 ) delay(a).sol ) forall(a in Arcs | use(a).sol>0) write(" ", if(ARC(a,1)=Source, "Source", string(ARC(a,1))), "->", if(ARC(a,2)=Sink, "Sink", string(ARC(a,2))), " (", LEN(a), "+", delay(a).sol,");") writeln ! Unfix the solution values forall(a in Arcs | usesol(a)>0) FixArc(a):=0 end-do end-procedure end-model
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