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Robust shortest path

Determine the shortest path through a road network subject to uncertain travel times caused by road works (formulated as a 'cardinality' uncertainty set).

Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Robust Optimization with Xpress', Section 2 Robust shortest path

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Data Files


! Dec. 2014
Nodes: [1 9]

Arcs: [1 34]

ARC: [
(3  1) 2 (3  2) 1
(8  1) 3 (8  2) 1
(1  1) 1 (1  2) 2
(9  1) 3 (9  2) 2
(12 1) 4 (12 2) 2
(15 1) 5 (15 2) 2
(19 1) 6 (19 2) 2
(2  1) 1 (2  2) 3
(4  1) 2 (4  2) 3
(20 1) 6 (20 2) 3
(29 1) 8 (29 2) 3
(5  1) 2 (5  2) 4
(16 1) 5 (16 2) 4
(24 1) 7 (24 2) 4
(6  1) 2 (6  2) 5
(13 1) 4 (13 2) 5
(21 1) 6 (21 2) 5
(25 1) 7 (25 2) 5
(7  1) 2 (7  2) 6
(10 1) 3 (10 2) 6
(17 1) 5 (17 2) 6
(26 1) 7 (26 2) 6
(30 1) 8 (30 2) 6
(14 1) 4 (14 2) 7
(18 1) 5 (18 2) 7
(22 1) 6 (22 2) 7
(31 1) 8 (31 2) 7
(33 1) 9 (33 2) 7
(11 1) 3 (11 2) 8
(23 1) 6 (23 2) 8
(27 1) 7 (27 2) 8
(34 1) 9 (34 2) 8
(28 1) 7 (28 2) 9
(32 1) 8 (32 2) 9

X: [(1) 100 200 200 300 300 300 400 400 500]
Y: [(1) 200 300 100 400 300 200 300 200 200]

ArcData: [
(1)  [3 2]
(2)  [3 6]
(3)  [3 2]
(4)  [1 7]
(5)  [4 6]
(6)  [2 4]
(7)  [3 9]
(8)  [3 6]
(9)  [1 7]
(10) [3 6]
(11) [4 7]
(12) [4 6]
(13) [2 5]
(14) [2 4]
(15) [2 4]
(16) [2 5]
(17) [2 3]
(18) [5 6]
(19) [3 9]
(20) [3 6]
(21) [2 3]
(22) [3 3]
(23) [5 5]
(24) [2 4]
(25) [5 6]
(26) [3 3]
(27) [3 4]
(28) [4 2]
(29) [4 7]
(30) [5 5]
(31) [3 4]
(32) [4 6]
(33) [4 2]
(34) [4 6]

Source: 1

Sink: 9

ARCX: [(1) 130 (2) 125 (4) 185 (5) 220 (6) 250 (7) 250 (10) 250
 (11) 310  (13) 305 (14) 360  (17) 285 (18) 340 
   (22) 350 (23) 340   (27) 405 (28) 460 (32) 440 ]

ARCY: [(1) 260 (2) 150 (4) 210 (5) 350 (6) 310 (7) 230 (10) 170
   (11) 150  (13) 350 (14) 350  (17) 260 (18) 310 
   (22) 260 (23) 210  (27) 240 (28) 250 (32) 190 ]

(1)   3
(2)   8 
(3)   1 
(4)   9 
(5)  12 
(6)  15 
(7)  19 
(8)   2 
(9)   4 
(10) 20 
(11) 29
(12)  5 
(13) 16 
(14) 24 
(15) 6  
(16) 13 
(17) 21 
(18) 25 
(19)  7 
(20) 10 
(21) 17
(22) 26 
(23) 30 
(24) 14 
(25) 18 
(26) 22 
(27) 31 
(28) 33 
(29) 11 
(30) 23 
(31) 27
(32) 34 
(33) 28 
(34) 32 

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