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Solving the TSP problem by a series of optimization subproblems Description This model (tspmain.mos) calculates a random TSP instance and divides
the areas in a number of defined squares. The instance is solved by
a two step algorithm. During the first step, the optimal TSP tour
of each square is calculated concurrently by concurrently executing
multiple submodels (tspsub.mos). Then during the second stage, the main
model takes 2 neighbouring areas and unfixes the variables closest to
the common border and reoptimizes the resulting subproblem. Each submodel instance is sent an optimization problem (set of nodes, coordinates, and possibly previous results). The results are passed back via a file (located at the same place as the parent model, no write access to remote instances is required). Once the result has been displayed, the submodel is restarted for a new optimization run if any are available. This main model and also the submodels may run on any platform.
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tspsub.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file tspsub.mos ``````````````` Subtour elimination algorithm from f5tour2.mos (Applications of optimization with Xpress, Problem 9.6: Planning a flight tour, second formulation for other data format) - A subset of nodes may be fixed via the input data - *** Not intended to be run standalone - run from tspmain.mos *** (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Oct. 2011, rev. Aug 2018 *******************************************************!) model "TSP" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" parameters NUM=1 ! Model instance PB=0 ! Optimization problem index LEVEL=1 ! =1: first round, >1: rounds with partial unfix BIN = "" ! File format (binary) RMT = "" ! Whether to use remote files ZIP = "" ! File format (compression) MAXUF = 8 ! Max. number of nodes to unfix in each subproblem PRINTDETAIL = true ! Whether to display result detail end-parameters writeln("Sub ", NUM, ": ", PB, ", level: ", LEVEL) forward procedure break_subtour forward procedure print_sol forward procedure two_opt declarations starttime: real ! Time measure NODES: range ! Set of nodes Squares: range ! Subproblems NODEX,NODEY: array(NODES) of integer ! X/Y coordinates SNODES: array(NSq:range) of set of integer ! Nodes per subproblem LEV: array(Squares) of integer ! Iteration round SBORDER: array(Squares) of integer ! Offset from border BTYPE: array(Squares) of string ! X:horizontal, Y:vertical neighbors SQSETS: array(Squares,1..2) of set of integer ! Predecessor subproblems PREC: array(Squares) of set of integer ! Predecessor subproblems NodeSet: set of integer ! Subproblem node set UnfixedSet: set of integer ! Unfixed nodes in this subproblem SOL: dynamic array(NODES) of integer ! Dynamic to write index ATemp1, AIndx1: dynamic array(R:set of integer) of integer ! Aux. node data ATemp2, AIndx2: dynamic array(R2:set of integer) of integer ! Aux. node data r1,r2: set of integer ! Auxiliary node sets end-declarations starttime:=gettime initializations from BIN+ZIP+RMT+"tspgendata" Squares NSq NODEX NODEY SNODES LEV SBORDER BTYPE SQSETS PREC end-initializations initializations from BIN+ZIP+RMT+"tspsolinit"+NUM SOL end-initializations fdelete(RMT+"tspsolinit"+NUM) if LEV(PB)=1 then NodeSet:=SNODES(PB) else NodeSet:= union(s in SQSETS(PB,1), n in SNODES(s)) {n} + union(s in SQSETS(PB,2), n in SNODES(s)) {n} end-if finalize(NodeSet) if LEV(PB)>1 then if BTYPE(PB)="X" then forall(s in SQSETS(PB,1), n in SNODES(s)) ATemp1(n):=abs(NODEX(n)-SBORDER(PB)) r1:=union(i in R | exists(ATemp1(i))) {i} qsort(SYS_UP, ATemp1, AIndx1, r1) ct:=0 forall(ct as counter, i in min(j in r1) j .. max(k in r1) k | exists(AIndx1(i)) ) do UnfixedSet+= {AIndx1(i)} if ct>=MAXUF then break; end-if end-do forall(s in SQSETS(PB,2), n in SNODES(s)) ATemp2(n):=abs(NODEX(n)-SBORDER(PB)) r2:=union(i in R2 | exists(ATemp2(i))) {i} qsort(SYS_UP, ATemp2, AIndx2, r2) ct:=0 forall(ct as counter, i in min(j in r2) j .. max(k in r2) k | exists(AIndx2(i)) ) do UnfixedSet+= {AIndx2(i)} if ct>=MAXUF then break; end-if end-do else forall(s in SQSETS(PB,1), n in SNODES(s)) ATemp1(n):=abs(NODEY(n)-SBORDER(PB)) r1:=union(i in R | exists(ATemp1(i))) {i} qsort(SYS_UP, ATemp1, AIndx1, r1) ct:=0 forall(ct as counter, i in min(j in r1) j .. max(k in r1) k | exists(AIndx1(i))) do UnfixedSet+= {AIndx1(i)} if ct>=MAXUF then break; end-if end-do forall(s in SQSETS(PB,2), n in SNODES(s)) ATemp2(n):=abs(NODEY(n)-SBORDER(PB)) r2:=union(i in R2 | exists(ATemp2(i))) {i} qsort(SYS_UP, ATemp2, AIndx2, r2) ct:=0 forall(ct as counter, i in min(j in r2) j .. max(k in r2) k | exists(AIndx2(i)) ) do UnfixedSet+= {AIndx2(i)} if ct>=MAXUF then break; end-if end-do end-if else UnfixedSet:=NodeSet end-if MinN:=min(n in UnfixedSet) n FixedSet:=NodeSet-UnfixedSet ! writeln("Unfixed: ", UnfixedSet, " Fixed: ", FixedSet) ! forall(n in NodeSet) if SOL(n)=0 then writeln(PB, " =0: ", n); end-if declarations NNODES=getsize(NodeSet) ! Number of subproblem nodes DIST: array(NodeSet,NodeSet) of real ! Distance between cities NEXTC: array(NodeSet) of integer ! Next city after i in the solution fly: array(NodeSet,NodeSet) of mpvar ! 1 if flight from i to j end-declarations forall(i in NodeSet, j in NodeSet) DIST(i,j):=sqrt((NODEX(i)-NODEX(j))^2 + (NODEY(i)-NODEY(j))^2) ! DIST(i,j):=round(10*(sqrt((NODEX(i)-NODEX(j))^2 + (NODEY(i)-NODEY(j))^2)))/10 ! Objective: total distance TotalDist:= sum(i,j in NodeSet | i<>j) DIST(i,j)*fly(i,j) ! Visit every city once forall(i in NodeSet) sum(j in NodeSet | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(j in NodeSet) sum(i in NodeSet | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(i,j in NodeSet | i<>j) fly(i,j) is_binary ! Fix part of the variables if LEV(PB)>1 then forall(i in FixedSet | SOL(i) not in UnfixedSet) do fly(i,SOL(i)) = 1 end-do end-if setparam("XPRS_THREADS", 1) ! Solve the problem minimize(TotalDist) ! Eliminate subtours break_subtour ! Perform 2-opt after solving partially fixed problems if LEVEL>1 then two_opt; end-if ! Save solution forall(n in NodeSet) SOL(n):=NEXTC(n) if getprobstat<>XPRS_OPT then writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) ", NUM, "-", PB, ": INFEAS ") else write("(", gettime-starttime, "s) ", NUM, "-", PB, ": Total distance: ", getobjval) if(PRINTDETAIL) then writeln(" ", NEXTC) else writeln end-if end-if initializations to BIN+ZIP+RMT+"tspsol"+NUM PB evaluation of array(n in NodeSet) SOL(n) as "SOL" end-initializations !----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure break_subtour declarations TOUR,SMALLEST,ALLCITIES: set of integer TOL=10E-10 end-declarations forall(i in NodeSet) forall(j in NodeSet) if(getsol(fly(i,j))>=1-TOL) then NEXTC(i):=j break end-if ! Get (sub)tour containing city 1 TOUR:={} first:=MinN repeat TOUR+={first} first:=NEXTC(first) until first=MinN size:=getsize(TOUR) ! Find smallest subtour if size < NNODES then SMALLEST:=TOUR if size>2 then ALLCITIES:=TOUR forall(i in NodeSet) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then TOUR:={} first:=i repeat TOUR+={first} first:=NEXTC(first) until first=i ALLCITIES+=TOUR if getsize(TOUR)<size then SMALLEST:=TOUR size:=getsize(SMALLEST) end-if if size=2 then break end-if end-if end-do end-if !*** Use at least one of the following cuts*** ! Add a subtour breaking constraint sum(i in SMALLEST) fly(i,NEXTC(i)) <= getsize(SMALLEST) - 1 ! Optional: Also exclude the inverse subtour if SMALLEST.size>2 then sum(i in SMALLEST) fly(NEXTC(i),i) <= getsize(SMALLEST) - 1 end-if ! Optional: Add a stronger subtour elimination cut sum(i in SMALLEST,j in NodeSet-SMALLEST) fly(i,j) >= 1 ! Re-solve the problem minimize(TotalDist) break_subtour end-if end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print the current solution procedure print_sol declarations ALLCITIES: set of integer end-declarations writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance: ", getobjval) ALLCITIES:={} forall(i in NodeSet) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then write(i) first:=i repeat ALLCITIES+={first} write(" - ", NEXTC(first)) first:=NEXTC(first) until first=i writeln end-if end-do end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2-opt algorithm: for all pairs of arcs in a tour, try out the effect ! of exchanging the arcs procedure two_opt declarations NCtemp: array(NodeSet) of integer end-declarations if getsize(NodeSet)>3 then forall(n in NodeSet) do secondN:=NEXTC(n) ADist:=DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(secondN,NEXTC(secondN)) AInd:=secondN repeat if DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(secondN,NEXTC(secondN)) > DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) and ADist > DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) then ADist:=DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) AInd:=secondN end-if secondN:=NEXTC(secondN) until secondN=n if AInd<>NEXTC(n) then writeln("2-opt crossover: ", n, "-", NEXTC(n), " and ", AInd, "-", NEXTC(AInd), " Dist: ", ADist, "<", DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(NEXTC(n)))) forall(m in NodeSet) NCtemp(m):=-1 i:=NEXTC(n) nextI:=NEXTC(i) repeat NCtemp(nextI):=i i:=nextI nextI:=NEXTC(i) until i=AInd ! Exchange the two arcs NEXTC(NEXTC(n)):=NEXTC(AInd) NEXTC(n):=AInd ! Inverse the sense of the tour between NEXTC(n) and AInd forall(m in NodeSet | NCtemp(m)<>-1) NEXTC(m):=NCtemp(m) end-if end-do end-if end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||
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