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Bin packing Description A number of items of different sizes are to be put
into bins of different capacities. Item sizes and bin
capacities are randomly generated integers that lie in
the given intervals. We wish to minimize the total
number of bins used. Further explanation of this example: Similar problem: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 9.4 'Backing up files' (d4backup.mos)
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binpacking_graph.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file binpacking.mos ``````````````````` TYPE: Bin packing problem DIFFICULTY: 2 FEATURES: simple MIP problem, random generation of data, use of model parameters, setting Optimizer controls DESCRIPTION: A number of items of different sizes are to be put into bins of different capacities. Item sizes and bin capacities are randomly generated integers that lie in the given intervals. We wish to minimize the total number of bins used. FURTHER INFO: Similar problem: `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 9.4 `Backing up files' (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation Creation: Feb. 2004, rev. Sep. 2017 **********************************************************************!) model Binpacking options noimplicit uses "mmxprs", "mmsvg" parameters NITEMS = 20 ! Number of items NBINS = 11 ! Number of bins MinSize = 20 ! Min. size of items MaxSize = 39 ! Max. size of items MinCapacity = 40 ! Min. capacity of bins MaxCapacity = 89 ! Max. capacity of bins end-parameters (! To obtain a hard instance: NITEMS = 50 NBINS = 30 !) declarations ITEMS = 1..NITEMS ! Items BINS = 1..NBINS ! Bins SIZE: array(ITEMS) of integer ! Sizes of items TOTALSIZE: integer ! Total size of items CAP: array(BINS) of integer ! Bin capacities contains: array(BINS,ITEMS) of mpvar ! 1 if item in bin, 0 otherwise binused: array(BINS) of mpvar ! 1 if bin used, 0 otherwise BinCapacity: array(BINS) of linctr ItemInOneBinOnly: array(ITEMS) of linctr PackAll, BinsUsed: linctr end-declarations ! Initialize random number generator with a fixed value to reproduce ! always the same sequence of numbers. Comment this line to generate a ! different sequence of numbers at every execution. setrandseed(2) ! Generate random bin capacities in the interval [MinCapacity,MaxCapacity] forall(b in BINS) CAP(b):= MinCapacity+round(random*(MaxCapacity+1-MinCapacity) - 0.5) ! Generate random item sizes in the interval [MinSize,MaxSize] TOTALSIZE:=0 forall(i in ITEMS) do SIZE(i):= MinSize+round(random*(MaxSize+1-MinSize) - 0.5) TOTALSIZE+=SIZE(i) end-do ! Binary variables forall(b in BINS,i in ITEMS) contains(b,i) is_binary forall(b in BINS) binused(b) is_binary ! Each item can go in at most one bin forall(i in ITEMS) ItemInOneBinOnly(i):= sum(b in BINS) contains(b,i) <= 1 ! Ensure bin capacity is not exceeded forall(b in BINS) BinCapacity(b):= sum(i in ITEMS) contains(b,i)*SIZE(i) <= CAP(b) * binused(b) ! Pack all items PackAll:= sum(b in BINS,i in ITEMS) contains(b,i) = NITEMS ! Objective function: number of bins used BinsUsed:=sum(b in BINS) binused(b) ! We can infer this lower bound on the objective function ! LowerLimit:= BinsUsed>= round(TOTALSIZE/MaxCapacity) ! Setting parameters for Xpress Optimizer ! setparam("xprs_verbose",true) ! Display Optimizer log setparam("xprs_cutstrategy",3) ! Use aggressive cut strategy ! Solve the problem minimize(BinsUsed) ! Solution printing writeln("Total number of bins used: ", getobjval) forall(b in BINS) do write("Bin ", b, "(", CAP(b), "): ") forall(i in ITEMS) write( if(getsol(contains(b,i))>0, string(i)+"("+SIZE(i)+") ", "")) writeln end-do ! Draw the solution declarations lev: integer end-declarations svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,2*ceil(getobjval)+1, max(b in BINS)CAP(b)+10) svgsetgraphscale(2) svgsetgraphlabels("Bins", "Size") svgaddgroup("Cap", "Bin capacity", SVG_RED) forall(b in BINS) do svgaddline("Cap", 2*b-0.5, CAP(b)+0.2, 2*b+1.5, CAP(b)+0.2) lev:=0 forall(i in ITEMS | getsol(contains(b,i))>0) do svgaddgroup("I"+i, "Item "+i) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILL,SVG_CURRENT) svgaddrectangle(2*b, lev, 1, SIZE(i)) lev+=SIZE(i) end-do end-do svgsave("binpack.svg") svgrefresh svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-model
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