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Sequencing jobs on a single machine Description A set of tasks (or jobs) is to be processed on a single
machine. The execution of tasks is non-preemptive (that is,
an operation may not be interrupted before its completion).
For every task its release date, due date, and duration are
The model shows how to minimize the total processing time,
the average processing time, and the total tardiness (that
is, the amount of time by which the completion of jobs
exceeds their respective due dates). Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 7.4 'Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine' (b4seq.mos)
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Data Files sequencing_graph.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file sequencing.mos ``````````````````` TYPE: Sequencing jobs on a machine (single machine scheduling) DIFFICULTY: 3 FEATURES: MIP problem with 3 different objectives; `procedure' for solution printing, `if-then' DESCRIPTION: A set of tasks (or jobs) is to be processed on a single machine. The execution of tasks is non-preemptive (that is, an operation may not be interrupted before its completion). For every task its release date, due date, and duration are given. The model shows how to minimize the total processing time, the average processing time, and the total tardiness (that is, the amount of time by which the completion of jobs exceeds their respective due dates). FURTHER INFO: `Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 7.4 `Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine' (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2002, rev. Sep. 2017 *******************************************************!) model "Sequencing" uses "mmxprs", "mmsvg", "mmsystem" forward procedure print_sol(obj:integer) forward procedure draw_sol(obj:integer) declarations NJ = 7 ! Number of jobs JOBS=1..NJ REL: array(JOBS) of integer ! Release dates of jobs DUR: array(JOBS) of integer ! Durations of jobs DUE: array(JOBS) of integer ! Due dates of jobs rank: array(JOBS,JOBS) of mpvar ! =1 if job j at position k start: array(JOBS) of mpvar ! Start time of job at position k comp: array(JOBS) of mpvar ! Completion time of job at position k late: array(JOBS) of mpvar ! Lateness of job at position k finish: mpvar ! Completion time of the entire schedule end-declarations initializations from 'sequencing.dat' DUR REL DUE end-initializations ! One job per position forall(k in JOBS) OneJobPos(k):= sum(j in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1 ! One position per job forall(j in JOBS) OnePosJob(j):= sum(k in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1 ! Sequence of jobs forall(k in 1..NJ-1) Prec(k):= start(k+1) >= start(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k) ! Start times forall(k in JOBS) Start(k):= start(k) >= sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k) ! Completion times forall(k in JOBS) Complete(k):= comp(k) = start(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k) ! Lateness forall(k in JOBS) Late(k):= late(k) >= comp(k) - sum(j in JOBS) DUE(j)*rank(j,k) forall(j,k in JOBS) rank(j,k) is_binary YFACT:=3 svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,max(j in JOBS)DUE(j)+10, 12*YFACT) svgsetgraphscale(10) ! Objective function 1: minimize latest completion time forall(k in JOBS) Finish(k):= finish >= comp(k) minimize(finish) print_sol(1) draw_sol(1) ! Objective function 2: minimize average completion time minimize(sum(k in JOBS) comp(k)) print_sol(2) draw_sol(2) ! Objective function 3: minimize total tardiness minimize(sum(k in JOBS) late(k)) print_sol(3) draw_sol(3) svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solution printing procedure print_sol(obj:integer) writeln("Objective ", obj, ": ", getobjval, if(obj>1, " completion time: " + getsol(finish), "") , if(obj<>2, " average: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) comp(k)), ""), if(obj<>3, " lateness: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) late(k)), "")) write(strfmt("",6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) j*rank(j,k)),4)) write("\n",strfmt("Rel",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k)),4)) write("\n",strfmt("Dur",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k)),4)) write("\n",strfmt("Start",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(start(k)),4)) write("\n",strfmt("End",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(comp(k)),4)) write("\n",strfmt("Due",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) DUE(j)*rank(j,k)),4)) if(obj=3) then write("\n",strfmt("Late",-6)) forall(k in JOBS) write(strfmt(getsol(late(k)),4)) end-if writeln end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solution drawing procedure draw_sol(obj:integer) if obj>1 and svgclosing then exit(0); end-if ! svgerase("msg") if obj=1 then svgaddgroup("msg", "Objective", SVG_BLACK); end-if svgaddtext("msg",0,YFACT*3*obj-1,formattext("Objective %d: %g %s%s%s", obj, getobjval, if(obj>1, " completion time: " + getsol(finish), ""), if(obj<>2, " average: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) comp(k)), ""), if(obj<>3, " lateness: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) late(k)), ""))) forall(j in JOBS) do pos:=round(getsol(sum(k in JOBS) k*rank(j,k))) if obj=1 then svgaddgroup("J"+j, "Job "+j) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILL,SVG_CURRENT) end-if svgaddrectangle("J"+j, start(pos).sol,YFACT*3*obj,comp(pos).sol-start(pos).sol, YFACT) end-do svgrefresh if obj<3 then svgpause; end-if end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||
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