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Modeling hang glider trajectory Description Maximize the total horizontal distance a hang glider flies subject to different configurable wind conditions. Further explanation of this example:
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Data Files glidert.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file glidert.mos ```````````````` Maximize the total horizontal distance a hang glider flies. Configure the wind conditions by setting the parameter WIND: WIND = 0 : no wind WIND = 1 : thermal uplift 250m ahead (positive in a neighborhood of 250m but drops to zero exponentially away from this point) WIND = 2 : wind shear (a rapidly diminishing head wind that may cause the glider to stall) Trapezoidal discretization. Based on AMPL models hang_midpt.mod, shear_midpt.mod, stableair_midpt.mod Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/hang/ Reference: R. Bulirsch, E. Nerz, H.J. Pesch, and O. von Stryk, "Combining Direct and Indirect Methods in Optimal Control: Range Maximization of a Hang Glider", in "Optimal Control: Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Methods", ed. by R. Bulirsch, A. Miele, J. Stoer, and K.H. Well (1993) Birkhauser *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2013 Fair Issac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2013, rev. Jun. 2023 *********************************************************************!) model "glider" uses "mmxnlp" parameters WIND = 1 ! Wind conditions; possible values: 0, 1, 2 N = 150 ! Number of discretization points end-parameters declarations POS_NODES = 0..N ! Positions VEL_NODES = 1..N ! Velocity measure points X_0,Y_0 : real ! Initial position (x,y) of glider VX_0,VY_0: real ! Initial velocity (x',y') of glider Y_N : real ! n_th step position (x,y) of glider VX_N,VY_N: real ! n_th step velocity (x',y') of glider CL_MIN,CL_MAX: real ! Minimum/maximum value of lift coefficient UM : real ! Upward wind-velocity coefficient (m/sec) R : real ! Upward wind-velocity ratio (m) C0,K : real ! Drag coefficient constants MASS: real ! Mass of glider & pilot SPAN: real ! Wing area RHO : real ! Air density GRAV: real ! Acceleration due to gravity WEIGHT: real ! Weight of glider & pilot (= m*g) dur: mpvar ! Total time for the flight ! State variables: x,y: array(POS_NODES) of mpvar ! Position at time t vx,vy: array(POS_NODES) of mpvar ! Velocity at time t vx_dot,vy_dot: array(POS_NODES) of mpvar ! Derivatives of vx,vy cLift: array(POS_NODES) of mpvar ! Lift coefficient (control variable) ! Auxiliary expressions CDrag: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Drag coefficient X: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr UpAcc: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Upward wind velocity HorAcc: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Horizontal air motion Vx,Vy: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr Vr: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Velocity relative to the air Drag: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Drag force (opposite to Vr) Lift: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr ! Lift force (perpendicular to Vr) sin_eta: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr cos_eta: array(POS_NODES) of nlctr end-declarations initializations from "glider.dat" X_0 Y_0 VX_0 VY_0 Y_N VX_N VY_N UM R C0 K MASS SPAN RHO GRAV CL_MIN CL_MAX end-initializations if WIND=2 then Y_0 := 100; Y_N := 0; VY_N := 0; end-if WEIGHT := MASS*GRAV ! Start values forall(j in POS_NODES) do setinitval(vx(j), VX_0) setinitval(vy(j), VY_0) end-do forall(j in POS_NODES) do setinitval(x(j), 5000*j/N) ! 1000*(j-1)/N) setinitval(y(j), -100*j/N+1000) end-do forall(j in POS_NODES) setinitval(cLift(j), (CL_MAX+CL_MIN)/2) ! Trapezoidal discretization forall(j in VEL_NODES) do x(j) = x(j-1) + 0.5*(dur/N)*(vx(j) + vx(j-1)) y(j) = y(j-1) + 0.5*(dur/N)*(vy(j) + vy(j-1)) vx(j) = vx(j-1) + 0.5*(dur/N)*(vx_dot(j) + vx_dot(j-1)) vy(j) = vy(j-1) + 0.5*(dur/N)*(vy_dot(j) + vy_dot(j-1)) -100 <= vx(j); vx(j) <= 100 -100 <= vy(j); vy(j) <= 100 end-do ! Wind formulae forall(j in POS_NODES) if WIND=1 then ! Upward wind velocity formula X(j) := (x(j)/R - 2.5)^2 UpAcc(j) := UM*(1-X(j))*exp(-X(j)) elif WIND = 2 then ! Horizontal wind formula HorAcc(j) := -5*(1+arctan((y(j)-30)/10)) end-if ! Definition of bounds and auxiliary expressions forall(j in POS_NODES) do cLift(j) >= CL_MIN cLift(j) <= CL_MAX CDrag(j) := C0 + K*cLift(j)^2 ! The drag coeff. depends on the lift coeff. if WIND=1 then Vy(j) := vy(j) - UpAcc(j) else Vy(j) := vy(j) end-if if WIND=2 then Vx(j) := vx(j) - HorAcc(j) else Vx(j) := vx(j) end-if Vr(j) := sqrt(Vx(j)^2 + Vy(j)^2) Drag(j) := 0.5*CDrag(j)*RHO*SPAN*Vr(j)^2 Lift(j) := 0.5*cLift(j)*RHO*SPAN*Vr(j)^2 sin_eta(j) := Vy(j)/Vr(j) cos_eta(j) := Vx(j)/Vr(j) vx_dot(j) is_free vy_dot(j) is_free end-do dur >= 10; dur <= 200 ! Initial and final states x(0) = X_0 y(0) = Y_0 vx(0) = VX_0 - if(WIND=2, 2.5*(1+arctan((Y_0-30)/10)), 0) vy(0) = VY_0 y(N) = Y_N !or: >= vx(N) = VX_N !or: >= vy(N) = VY_N !or: >= ! Equations of motion: F = m*a ! (eta denotes the angle between Vr and the horizontal plane) forall(j in VEL_NODES) do newt_x(j) := vx_dot(j) = (-Lift(j)*sin_eta(j) - Drag(j)*cos_eta(j))/MASS newt_y(j) := vy_dot(j) = (Lift(j)*cos_eta(j) - Drag(j)*sin_eta(j) - WEIGHT)/MASS end-do ! Monotonicity condition forall(j in VEL_NODES) x(j) >= x(j-1) ! Limit velocity to levels that are supportable for the pilot forall(j in POS_NODES) do -3 <= vx_dot(j); vx_dot(j) <= 3 -3 <= vy_dot(j); vy_dot(j) <= 3 end-do ! Setting up and solving the problem setparam("xnlp_verbose", true) ! In this example we will use a local solver, since it can be time consuming to solve it to global optimality setparam("xprs_nlpsolver", 1) ! Check the presence of Knitro; this example needs the interior point solver if hasfeature("XPKNTLib") then setparam("xnlp_solver", 1) ! Preselect Knitro as solver else writeln("This example requires Knitro") exit(1) end-if maximize(x(N)) ! Test whether a solution is available nlstat:=getparam("XNLP_STATUS") if nlstat<>XNLP_STATUS_LOCALLY_OPTIMAL and nlstat<>XNLP_STATUS_OPTIMAL then writeln("No solution found.") exit(0) end-if ! Solution display forall(i in POS_NODES) writeln("xy(",i,") = (", getsol(x(i)), ",", getsol(y(i)), ")") writeln("Max distance flown: ", getsol(x(N))) writeln("Total flight time : ", getsol(dur)) end-model
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