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Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel

mmexlib.c: Working with models and accessing dynamic libraries in Mosel (requires burglari.bim, chess2.bim, trans.bim)
  • load and unload BIM models
  • run a model in Mosel
  • display information about loaded models
  • display information about additional libraries required by the loaded models
mmdispmod.c: Display the contents of a model; the information is read from a bim file
  • display run-time parameters, requirements, symbols, package/module dependencies, annotations
mmdispdso.c: Display the contents of a module
  • display constants, types, control paramters, subroutines, I/O drivers
Note that these examples require the provided mos files to be pre-compiled.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference', Section 1.2 Post processing interface and Section 1.4 Handling of modules

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/*  Mosel Library Examples                              */
/*  ======================                              */
/*                                                      */
/*  file mmexlib.c                                      */
/*  ``````````````                                      */
/*  Example for the use of the Mosel libraries          */
/*  (working with models and accessing the dynamic      */
/*  libraries loaded by Mosel)                          */
/*                                                      */
/*  (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation                     */
/*      author: S. Heipcke, 2001                        */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "xprm_rt.h"

int main()
 XPRMmodel mod;
 XPRMdsolib dso;
 const char *name,*syscom,*usrcom;
 int version,vmaj,vmin,vrel;
 int number,i;
 size_t size;

 if((i!=0)&&(i!=32))                                   /* Initialize Mosel */
  return 1;

 if(XPRMloadmod("Models/burglari.bim",NULL)==NULL)     /* Load the BIM file */
  return 3;
 if(XPRMloadmod("Models/chess2.bim",NULL)==NULL)       /* Load the BIM file */
  return 5;

 if(XPRMloadmod("Models/trans.bim",NULL)==NULL)        /* Load the BIM file */
  return 7;
 printf("Models loaded:\n");
 mod = NULL;
 while((mod=XPRMgetnextmod(mod)) != NULL) /* Enumerate all loaded models */
 {                                      /* Get information about the models */
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_NAME,(XPRMalltypes *)&name);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_ID,(XPRMalltypes *)&number);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_SYSCOM,(XPRMalltypes *)&syscom);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_USRCOM,(XPRMalltypes *)&usrcom);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_SIZE,(XPRMalltypes *)&size);
  if(syscom==NULL) syscom="";
  if(usrcom==NULL) usrcom="";
  printf("  %d: %s (%s, `%s') size: %lu\n",number, name, syscom, usrcom,
         (unsigned long)size);

 printf("Additional libraries loaded:\n");
 dso = NULL;
 while((dso=XPRMgetnextdso(dso)) != NULL) /* Enumerate loaded libraries */
 {                                      /* Get information about libraries */
  XPRMgetdsoprop(dso,XPRM_PROP_NAME,(XPRMalltypes *)&name);
  XPRMgetdsoprop(dso,XPRM_PROP_VERSION,(XPRMalltypes *)&version);
  XPRMgetdsoprop(dso,XPRM_PROP_NBREF,(XPRMalltypes *)&number);
  printf("  %s (version %d.%d.%d) used by %d model(s)\n",
         name, vmaj,vmin,vrel,number);

 mod = XPRMfindmod(NULL, 2);              /* Get model with sequence number 2 */
 XPRMunloadmod(mod);                      /* Unload the model */
 printf("Unload model 2.\n");

 XPRMflushdso();                          /* Unload unused libraries */
 printf("Models loaded:\n");
 mod = NULL;
 while((mod=XPRMgetnextmod(mod)) != NULL) /* Enumerate all loaded models */
 {                                      /* Get information about the models */
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_NAME,(XPRMalltypes *)&name);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_ID,(XPRMalltypes *)&number);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_SYSCOM,(XPRMalltypes *)&syscom);
  XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_USRCOM,(XPRMalltypes *)&usrcom);
  if(syscom==NULL) syscom="";
  if(usrcom==NULL) usrcom="";
  printf("  %d: %s (%s, `%s')\n",number, name, syscom, usrcom);

 printf("Additional libraries loaded:\n");
 dso = NULL;
 while((dso=XPRMgetnextdso(dso)) != NULL) /* Enumerate loaded libraries */
 {                                      /* Get information about libraries */
  XPRMgetdsoprop(dso,XPRM_PROP_NAME,(XPRMalltypes *)&name);
  XPRMgetdsoprop(dso,XPRM_PROP_NBREF,(XPRMalltypes *)&number);
  printf("  %s used by %d model(s)\n", name,number);
 return 0;

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