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Modeling a piecewise linear objective function using SOS2 constraints Description We model a piecewise linear function with an SOS2 constraint Further explanation of this example: This is an introductory example about Special Ordered Sets of type 2 (SOS2)
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approx.R ##################################### # This file is part of the # # Xpress-R interface examples # # # # (c) 2022-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation # ##################################### #' --- #' title: "Approx" #' author: Y. Gu #' date: Jul.2021 #' --- #' ## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(results = "hold") knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) #' #' #' ## Brief Introduction To The Problem #' #' [This is an introductory example about Special Ordered Sets of type 2 (SOS2)](https://www.fico.com/fico-xpress-optimization/docs/latest/examples/mosel/ApplBook/Intro/approx.mos). #' SOS2 can be used for modeling piecewise approximations of functions of #' a single variable. #' #' In this example, we want to express $f$ as a function of $x$ and minimize $f$. #' There are 4 line segments and 5 break points ($R_i$,$F_i$), and 5 weight variables #' $y_i$ associated with each break point. We express $x$ as the sum of $R_i*y_i$ and #' $f$ as the sum of $F_i*y_i$, for i from 1 to 5. SOS2 requires that at most two adjacent #' $y_i$ can be nonzero, and this means that we are always on the piecewise linear function. #' The convexity constraint requires that the sum of all $y_i$ should be 1. To add an SOS2 #' restriction, we can use the function `addsets`. #' #' An alternative way to formulate SOS2 restriction is to use binary variables. We set #' 4 binary variables $b_i$ associated with each of the 4 intervals, where $b_i$ is 1 if #' the value of x lies between $R_i$ and $R_(i+1)$. So, one necessary constraint is that #' exactly one of the $b_i$ can be 1, i.e., the sum of $b_i$ should be 1. For a full #' mathematical formulation of SOS2 using binary variables and graphical illustrations, #' please refer to section 3.4.5 of the book 'Applications of optimization with Xpress'. #' #' #' For this example, we need the package 'xpress'. #' ## ----Load The Package--------------------------------------------------------- library(xpress) #' #' #' Create a new empty problem and give the problem a suitable name. #' ## ----Create The Problem------------------------------------------------------- # create a new problem prob <- createprob() # set the problem name setprobname(prob, "Approx") #' #' #' Add the values we need for this example. #' ## ----Data--------------------------------------------------------------------- # coordinates of break points breaks.df <- data.frame( BREAK = 1:5, R = c(1, 2.2, 3.4, 4.8, 6.5), F = c(2, 3.2, 1.4, 2.5, 0.8) ) #' #' #' Create weight variables, variable $x$ and variable $f$ as mentioned in the introduction. #' ## ----Add Columns-------------------------------------------------------------- # create a vector 'y' in 'breaks.df' to store the column indices of weight variables breaks.df$y <- apply(breaks.df, 1, function(x) xprs_newcol( prob, lb = 0, ub = Inf, coltype = "C", name = paste0("y_", x["BREAK"]), objcoef = NULL )) var.x <- xprs_newcol( prob, lb = breaks.df$R[1], ub = breaks.df$R[nrow(breaks.df)], coltype = "C", name = "x", objcoef = NULL ) var.f <- xprs_newcol( prob, lb = 0, ub = Inf, coltype = "C", name = "f", objcoef = 1 ) #' #' #' Three constraints are required, the first one is that all $y_i$ should sum up to 1. #' The other two respectively represent the relationship between $x$ and $y_i$, and $f$ #' and $y_i$. #' ## ----Add Rows, results='hide'------------------------------------------------- # 1. convexity row xprs_addrow( prob, colind = breaks.df$y, rowcoef = rep(1, nrow(breaks.df)), rowtype = "E", rhs = 1, name = "convexity") # 2. reference row xprs_addrow( prob, colind = c(var.x, breaks.df$y), rowcoef = c(1, -breaks.df$R), rowtype = "E", rhs = 0, name = "x-row" ) # 3. relationship between f and y xprs_addrow( prob, colind = c(var.f, breaks.df$y), rowcoef = c(1, -breaks.df$F), rowtype = "E", rhs = 0, name = "f-row" ) #' #' #' We can add the SOS2 restriction by function `addsets`, or the SOS2 restriction can be #' formulated using binary variables. #' ## ----Add SOS2 Restriction, results='hide'------------------------------------- # add SOS2 restriction using function `addset` addsets( prob, settype = '2', start = 0, colind = breaks.df$y, refval = breaks.df$R ) #' #' #' Now we can solve the problem. #' ## ----Solve The Problem-------------------------------------------------------- setoutput(prob) summary(xprs_optimize(prob)) #' #' #' Display the solutions here. Although all variables are continuous, the presence of a #' set (SOS2) constraint requires the branch-and-bound or "MIP" algorithm of the optimizer. #' Accordingly, we have to query the MIP objective value. #' ## ----The Solutions------------------------------------------------------------ solution <- getsolution(prob)$x # Note that the index vectors are 0-based, so we need to add 1 when requiring the # solution value of x print(paste0( "The optimum value is: ", getdblattrib(prob, xpress:::MIPOBJVAL), ", and the value of x is : ", solution[var.x + 1] )) #' #'
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