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Checking memory usage Description Model efficiency may be measured in terms of model
execution time and memory usage. The latter can be obtained with the help of the lsmods and info commands of the Mosel command line editor as shown by the example flow.mos that demonstrates the use of sparse arrays (flow.mos: dynamic arrays, flowh.mos: hashmap array) to reduce the size of tables. Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Chapter 'Debugger and Profiler'
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Data Files flow.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== File flow.mos ````````````` Use of dynamic arrays to reduce size of tables (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, 2005, rev. Feb. 2014 *******************************************************!) model "Dynamic arrays" declarations Suppliers = 1..150 Customers = 1..10000 COST: dynamic array(Suppliers,Customers) of real flow: dynamic array(Suppliers,Customers) of mpvar end-declarations initializations from "flow.dat" COST end-initializations forall(s in Suppliers, c in Customers | COST(s,c)>0 ) create(flow(s,c)) end-model (! Check memory usage ================== Use the following command sequence at the command line: mosel debug -g flow.mos lsmods info COST quit Remove the keyword 'dynamic' from the array declarations and perform once more the same command sequence. !) | |||||||||||||
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