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LCSP: Labour constrained scheduling problem Description Schedule the processing of a set of jobs with resource usage profiles subject to precedence constraints between certain pairs of jobs. The objective is to minimize the makespan (completion time of last job).
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lscp1.mos (!******************************************************* * Mosel Example Problems * * ====================== * * * * file lscp1.mos * * `````````````` * * Example for the use of the Mosel language * * (Labour Constrained Scheduling Problem) * * * * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation * * author: S. Heipcke, 2001, rev. Mar. 2018 * *******************************************************!) model Lscp1 ! Start a new model uses "mmxprs" ! Load the optimizer library uses "mmsystem" parameters WEAKPREC = false ! false: use formulation with strong precedence constraints LOADSOL = true ! Whether to load a known feasible solution end-parameters declarations NJ = 25 ! Number of jobs (dummy end job is last and is counted) RJ = 1..NJ ! Range of jobs RJT = 1..5 ! Range of job-types (includes dummy end job type) RJOBL = 1..9 ! Range of job lengths TT = 73 ! Time horizon RT = 1..TT ! Range of time slices RARCS = 1..26 ! Range of precedence constraints LABOUR = 18 ! Number of workers available per period JT: array(RJ) of integer ! Job-class for jobs P: array(RJT) of integer ! Processing times of job-classes ! (must be positive) TMIN: array(RJ) of integer ! Earliest start time for jobs TMAX: array(RJ) of integer ! Latest start time for jobs LABREQ: array(RJT,RJOBL) of integer ! Labour requirement per period of ! job-type ARC: array(RARCS,1..2) of integer ! Precendence constraints (TAIL(a),HEAD(a)) TAIL: array(RARCS) of integer ! Tail of a precedence arc HEAD: array(RARCS) of integer ! Head of a precedence arc HSOL: array(RJ) of integer ! Start solution (optional) KnownSol: array(mpvar) of real ! Known solution x: dynamic array(RT,RJ) of mpvar ! 1 if job j starts at time t, else 0 st: array(RJ) of mpvar ! Start times of jobs Makespan: linctr ! Objective function end-declarations JT:: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5] P:: [7,9,8,5] TMIN:: [1,8,15,22,29,36,43, 1,10,19,28, 1,9,17, 9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54, 59] TMAX:: [23,30,37,44,51,58,65, 36,45,54,63, 14,29,44, 22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57,62,67, 72] LABREQ:: [12,12,6,2,2,2,2,0,0, 12,12,6,2,2,2,2,2,2, 12,12,3,3,3,3,3,3,0, 6,6,6,3,3] ARC:: [1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 8,9, 9,10, 10,11, 12,13, 13,14, 15,16, 16,17, 17,18, 18,19, 19,20, 20,21, 21,22, 22,23, 23,24, 12,15, 13,18, 14,21, 7,25, 11,25, 24,25] HSOL:: [ 3,10,22,32,39,47,57, 5,17,42,52, 8,20,28, 16,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64, 69] forall(a in RARCS) do TAIL(a):=ARC(a,1) HEAD(a):=ARC(a,2) end-do ! Create the variables forall(t in RT,j in RJ | t>=TMIN(j) and t<= TMAX(j)) create(x(t,j)) ! Link s_j variables with x_jt variables forall(j in RJ) Link(j):= st(j) = sum(t in RT|exists(x(t,j))) t * x(t,j) ! Each job has to start exactly once forall(j in RJ) Start(j):= sum(t in RT|exists(x(t,j))) x(t,j) = 1 ! Labour capacity constraints forall(t in RT) Labour(t):= sum(i in 1..NJ-1,u in 1..P(JT(i)) | t-u+1>=1 and t-u+1<=TT) LABREQ(JT(i),u) * x(t-u+1,i) <= LABOUR if (WEAKPREC) then ! Weak precedence constraints forall(a in RARCS) WPrec(a):= st(HEAD(a)) >= st(TAIL(a)) + P(JT(TAIL(a))) else ! Strong precedence constraints forall(a in RARCS, t in TMIN(HEAD(a))..minlist(TMAX(HEAD(a)),TT) | t-P(JT(TAIL(a))) >= TMIN(TAIL(a)) and t-P(JT(TAIL(a))) <= TMAX(TAIL(a))) SPrec(a,t):= sum(s in 1..t) x(s,HEAD(a)) <= sum(s in 1..t-P(JT(TAIL(a)))) x(s,TAIL(a)) end-if forall(t in RT,j in RJ|exists(x(t,j))) x(t,j) is_binary ! Variables x are 0/1 ! Objective function: minimize the start time of the final (dummy) job ! (it can only start once all other jobs are complete). Makespan:=st(NJ) ! Display solver log setparam("XPRS_verbose", true) ! We know that there are only integer solutions to this problem given that all ! coefficients are integers setparam("XPRS_MIPADDCUTOFF", -0.999) ! Stop once a second solution is found ! setparam("XPRS_MAXMIPSOL", 2) ! Load a known MIP solution if LOADSOL then loadprob(Makespan) forall(j in RJ) KnownSol(x(HSOL(j),j)):=1 addmipsol("InitSol", KnownSol) end-if ! Solve the problem minimize(Makespan) ! Print out the solution writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval) forall(j in 1..NJ-1) do write(" start(", j,"): ", st(j).sol) if JT(j)<JT(j+1) then writeln; end-if end-do writeln("Resource use per time interval:") writeln("Capacity: ", text("#")*LABOUR) forall(t in 1..round(getobjval)) writeln(strfmt(t,8), ": ", round(Labour(t).act) * text("*")) end-model This labour constrained scheduling problem is a simplification of a practical problem arising in chemical industry. Jobs are subject to precedence constraints and have specified processing times. Moreover, for each job the labour requirement varies as the job is processed. Given the amount of labour available in each period, the problem is to finish all the jobs as soon as possible, that is, to minimize the makespan, subject to the precedence and labour constraints. An instance of LCSP is determined by a set N={1,...,n} of jobs, the processing time P(j) and labour profile L[j,1], ..., L[j,p(j)] of each job j in N, and a digraph D=(N,A) representing the precedence constraints between jobs. An amount L of labour is available in each period. Furthermore, in the particular instance considered here the jobs are grouped into job types with similar processing times and labour requirements. | |||||||||||
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