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Text handling and regular expressions

  • parsectx.mos: Parsing with parser contexts
  • regex.mos: Regular expression matching and replacement
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 17.6 Text handling and regular expressions

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   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file parsectx.mos 
   Parsing with parser contexts.
   (c) 2015 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Apr 2015
model "parsing context" 
 uses "mmsystem"

   pctx,pctx1,pctx2,pctx3,pctxi: parsectx
   values,values1,values2: list of real
   ivalues,ivalues2: list of integer
   comma=getchar(",",1)              ! ASCII value for ","

 txt:= text(", , 123.4 , 345.6 ,")

! Parsing without context
 setparam("sys_sepchar", comma)      ! Comma as separation character
 setparam("sys_trim", true)          ! Trim blanks around separation character
 while (nextfield(txt)) do           ! Get next field
   values+= [parsereal(txt)]         ! Read a real number from the field
   writeln("Read up to position ", getparam("sys_endparse")) 
 writeln("##parse0: ", values)
! Output: [123.4,345.6]

! Parsing real numbers with context
 setsepchar(pctx1, comma)            ! Comma as separation character
 settrim(pctx1, true)                ! Trim blanks around separation character
 while (nextfield(txt,pctx1)) do     ! Get next field
   values1+= [parsereal(txt, pctx1)] ! Read a real number from the field
   writeln("Read up to position ", pctx1.endparse) 
 writeln("##parse1: ", values1)
! Output: [123.4,345.6]

! Parsing with context, using error checks
 setendparse(pctx, 0)                ! Start at the beginning of text
 setsepchar(pctx, comma)             ! Comma as separation character
 settrim(pctx, true)                 ! Trim blanks around separation character
 while (nextfield(txt,pctx)) do      ! Get next field
   if getchar(txt, pctx.endparse)=comma or pctx.endparse>=txt.size then
     values2+=[0.0]                  ! The field is empty
     r:=parsereal(txt, pctx)         ! Read a real number from the field
     if getsysstat=0 then values2+= [r]
       writeln("Malformed field contents at position ", pctx.endparse,
       " (", copytext(txt, pctx.endparse,pctx.endparse+2), ")")
   writeln("Read up to position ", pctx.endparse) 
 writeln("##parse2: ", values2)
! Output: [0,0,123.4,345.6,0]

! Parsing integer numbers with context
 pctx3.endparse:=0                   ! Start at the beginning of text
 pctx3.sepchar:=comma                ! Comma as separation character
 pctx3.trim:=true                    ! Trim blanks around separation character
 while (nextfield(txt,pctx3)) do     ! Get next field
   i:=parseint(txt,pctx3)            ! Read an integer number from the field
   if getsysstat=0 then ivalues+= [i]; end-if
   writeln("Read up to position ", pctx3.endparse)
 writeln("##parse3: ", ivalues)
! Output: [123]   (nextfield fails after reading an incomplete field)

! Parsing using 2 contexts
 setsepchar(pctx2, comma)            ! Comma as separation character
 settrim(pctx2, true)                ! Trim blanks around separation character
 while (nextfield(txt,pctx2)) do     ! Get next field
   tt:=parsetext(txt, pctx2)         ! Get contents of the field
   pctxi.endparse:=1                 ! Reset start to beginning of the text
   i:=parseint(tt,pctxi)             ! Read an integer number from the field
   if getsysstat=0 then ivalues2+= [i]; end-if
   writeln("Read up to position ", pctx2.endparse) 
 writeln("##parse4: ", ivalues2)
! Output: [123,345]


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