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Apply a primal heuristic to a knapsack problem Description The program demonstrates the use of the MIP log callback. We take the knapsack problem stored in burglar.mps and initiate a tree search. At each node, so long as the current solution is both LP optimal and integer infeasible, we truncate the solution values to create a feasible integer solution. We then update the cutoff, if the new objective value has improved it, and continue the search.
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Data Files Knapsack.vb Imports System Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.IO Imports Optimizer Module Knapsack Const sLogFile As String = "knapsack.log" Const sProblem As String = "burglar" ' Global variables we'll use Private prob As XPRSprob Private x() As Double ' Nodal LP solution values Private gpObjCoef() As Double ' Objective function coefficients Private gdIntTol As Double ' Integer feasibility tolerance Private gnCol As Integer ' Number of columns Public Sub RunKnapsack(ByVal Log As TextWriter) prob = Nothing Try ' Initialise optimizer XPRS.Init("") prob = New XPRSprob ' Set the logfile prob.SetLogFile(sLogFile) ' Tell Optimizer to call HandleOptimizerMessage whenever a message is output prob.AddMessageCallback(New Optimizer.MessageCallback(AddressOf HandleOptimizerMessage), Log) ' Turn off presolve and disallow cuts - to slow solution and allow the effect ' of the heuristic to be seen prob.Presolve = 0 prob.CutStrategy = 0 ' Reads the problem file prob.ReadProb(frmMain.sDataDirPath & "/" & sProblem, "") ' Prepare to apply the heuristic ' Get the number of columns Dim gnCol As Integer gnCol = prob.Cols ' Allocate memory to the coefficient and solution arrays ReDim gpObjCoef(gnCol) ReDim x(gnCol) ' Get integer feasibility tolerance Dim gdIntTol As Double gdIntTol = prob.MIPTol ' Tell the optimizer to print global information to the log file at each node prob.MIPLog = 3 ' Tell the optimizer to call truncsol at each node and apply the heuristic prob.AddMiplogCallback(New Optimizer.MiplogCallback(AddressOf TruncSol), Log) ' Perform the global search - in the course of which the heuristic will be ' applied Log.WriteLine("Applying a primal heuristic to problem {0}", sProblem) prob.MipOptimize() Catch ex As Exception Log.WriteLine(ex.ToString) Finally ' Destroy the problem and free the optimizer If (Not prob Is Nothing) Then prob.Destroy() End If XPRS.Free() End Try End Sub Private Sub HandleOptimizerMessage(ByVal prob As Optimizer.XPRSprob, ByVal data As Object, _ ByVal message As String, ByVal len As Integer, _ ByVal msglvl As Integer) If (Not message Is Nothing) Then Dim log As TextWriter log = data log.WriteLine(message) End If End Sub Public Function TruncSol(ByVal prob As Optimizer.XPRSprob, ByVal data As Object) As Integer Dim nNodeNum As Integer ' Number of nodes solved Dim dObjVal As Double ' Objective value Dim dCutoff As Double ' Cutoff value Dim nLPStatus As LPStatus ' LP solution stgatus Dim nIntInf As Integer ' Number of integer infeasibilities Dim i As Integer ' Loop counter Dim dHeurObj As Double ' Objective value after the solution values have been truncated Dim log As TextWriter log = data ' Get the current node number nNodeNum = prob.CurrentNode ' Get the objective value at the current node dObjVal = prob.LPObjVal ' Get the current cutoff value dCutoff = prob.MIPAbsCutoff ' Get LP solution status and the number of integer infeasibilities nLPStatus = prob.LPStatus nIntInf = prob.MIPInfeas ' Apply heuristic if nodal solution is LP optimal and integer infeasible If (nLPStatus = LPStatus.Optimal And nIntInf > 0) Then ' Get LP solution prob.GetSol(x, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) ' Truncate each solution value = making allowance for the integer ' tolerance - and calculate the new "heuristic" objective value dHeurObj = 0 For i = 0 To gnCol - 1 dHeurObj = dHeurObj + gpObjCoef(i) * CInt(x(i) + gdIntTol) Next log.WriteLine(" Node {0}: Objective Value: ORIGINAL {1}; HEURISTIC {2}" & vbCrLf, _ nNodeNum, dObjVal, dHeurObj) ' If the "heuristic" objective value is better, update the cutoff - ' we assume that all the object coefficients are integers If (dHeurObj > dCutoff) Then prob.MIPAbsCutoff = dHeurObj + 0.9999 log.WriteLine(" ** Cutoff updated to {0} **" & vbCrLf, _ dHeurObj + 1.0) End If ' if the nodal solution is not LP optimal do not apply the heuristic ElseIf (nLPStatus <> LPStatus.Optimal) Then log.WriteLine(" Node {0}: LP solution not optimal, not applying heuristic", nNodeNum) log.WriteLine(" ({0})" & vbCrLf, nLPStatus) ' If the nodal solution is integer infeasible print the objective value ElseIf (nIntInf = 0) Then log.WriteLine(" Node {0}: Integer solution found: Objective Value {1}" & _ vbCrLf, nNodeNum, dObjVal) End If Return 0 End Function End Module | |||||||||||
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