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Fiveleaper (MIP model and graphics) Description A fiveleaper travels over the chessboard by advancing in a single move either 5 squares in a straight line or three squares in a particular direction and 4 in an orthogonal direction. That is, with every move it travels a Euclidean distance of five squares.
The problem of finding fiveleaper's tours on a chessboard
is an instance of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and we adapt the subtour elimination algorithm described in the book 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP' (problem f5tour) for solving this problem. You will find a description of this problem and a few other model versions in the following publication: M.J. Chlond, B. Daniel, S. Heipcke, Fiveleapers a-leaping, INFORMS Transactions on Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2003. http://ite.pubs.informs.org/Vol4No1/ChlondDanielHeipcke The model version fiveleap_graph.mos displays a user graph within a webbrowser. The model fiveleap.mos simply prints out the results and will work on any platform for which Mosel is available.
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fiveleap.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file fiveleap.mos ````````````````` Fiveleaper problem. Closed TSP form of 5leaper for a rectangular chessboard Run with parameters NROW and NCOL (numbers of squares on the edges) e.g. mosel exe fiveleap NROW=9 NCOL=6 NROW=NCOL=8 are the smallest possible values for square boards. This is a variant of the problem in "f5tour.mos" from the book "Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP" You will find a description of this problem at the following address: https://doi.org/10.1287/ited.4.1.78 A square (i,j) on the rectangle is labeled sq := j + NCOL*(i-1) Given a square label i := ceil(sq/NCOL) j := sq - NCOL*(i-1) (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation authors: Bob Daniel, S. Heipcke, March 2003 *******************************************************!) model 'FIVELEAP' uses 'mmxprs', 'mmsystem' parameters NCOL = 8 ! Number of colums NROW = 8 ! Number of rows end-parameters forward function break_subtour: integer forward procedure print_sol forward procedure find_subtour(start: integer, TOUR: set of integer) declarations NSQ = NCOL*NROW ! Number of squares RSQ = 1..NSQ ! Range of squares nmoves, ntours, niterations, ntourstotal: integer nmovesfrom: array(RSQ) of integer ! Counts possible moves leaving x: dynamic array(RSQ,RSQ) of mpvar ! 1 if we leap from sq1 to sq2 NEXTX: array(RSQ) of integer ! Next square after sq in the solution square1, square2, ii, jj: integer end-declarations ! For each pair of squares with a valid move... nmoves := 0 forall(i1,i2 in 1..NCOL, j1,j2 in 1..NROW | (i1-i2)^2+(j1-j2)^2 = 25) do square1 := j1+NCOL*(i1-1) square2 := j2+NCOL*(i2-1) create(x(square1,square2)) ! Create the 'x' binary decision variable x(square1,square2) is_binary nmovesfrom(square1) += 1 ! Note a possible move from square nmoves += 1 end-do writeln("There are ", nmoves, " possible moves") ! Check that each square is reachable forall(sq in RSQ | nmovesfrom(sq)=0) do ii := ceil(sq/NCOL) jj := sq-NCOL*(ii-1) writeln("**** Cannot go anywhere from square (", ii, ",", jj, ")") exit(0) end-do ! Objective (arbitrary) AnyObj := sum(sq1,sq2 in RSQ | exists(x(sq1,sq2)) ) x(sq1,sq2) ! Each square precedes one other forall(sq1 in RSQ) sum(sq2 in RSQ | exists(x(sq1,sq2)) ) x(sq1,sq2) = 1 ! Each cell is preceded by one other forall(sq2 in RSQ) sum(sq1 in RSQ | exists(x(sq1,sq2)) ) x(sq1,sq2) = 1 ! Optimizer settings to speed up the iterations setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Solve the problem starttime := gettime niterations := 0 while (TRUE) do minimize(AnyObj) if (getprobstat <> XPRS_OPT) then writeln("Problem is infeasible.") exit(0) end-if forall(sq in RSQ) NEXTX(sq):= integer(round(getsol(sum(sq2 in RSQ) sq2*x(sq,sq2) ))) ntours := break_subtour if (ntours=1) then break; end-if ! Print a log every 10 iterations niterations += 1 ntourstotal += ntours if (niterations mod 10 = 0) then writeln(niterations, " (", gettime-starttime, " sec) tours eliminated: ", ntourstotal) end-if end-do print_sol writeln("Total time: ", gettime-starttime, " sec") !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Eliminate all subtours, and return number of (sub)tours ! - Find news subtours starting at each node in turn ! - If found complete tour, return 1 ! - Otherwise add subtour elimination cut and continue ! ! Global variables required ! RSQ: range of squares ! NSQ: number of squares ! NEXTX(i): square following i in current solution function break_subtour: integer declarations TOUR, ALLTOURS: set of integer ntours: integer end-declarations ALLTOURS := {} ntours := 0 forall(startsquare in RSQ | startsquare not in ALLTOURS) do ! Find (sub)tour containing {startsquare} find_subtour(startsquare, TOUR) ALLTOURS += TOUR ntours += 1 ! If found complete tour, return if (getsize(TOUR)>=NSQ) then break; end-if ! Add a subtour breaking constraint sum(sq in TOUR) x(sq,NEXTX(sq)) <= getsize(TOUR) - 1 end-do returned := ntours end-function !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find a subtour starting at square 'start'; result returned in TOUR procedure find_subtour(start: integer, TOUR: set of integer) declarations square: integer end-declarations TOUR := {} square := start repeat TOUR += {square} square := NEXTX(square) until (square=start) end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print the current solution ! ! Global variables required ! RSQ: range of squares ! NEXTX(i): square following i in current solution procedure print_sol declarations SEENSOFAR: set of integer square: integer end-declarations SEENSOFAR:={} forall(startsquare in RSQ | startsquare not in SEENSOFAR) do write(startsquare) square := startsquare repeat SEENSOFAR += {square} square := NEXTX(square) write(" - ", square) until (square=startsquare) writeln(' ') end-do end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||
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