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Approximation of a function Description Approximating an exponential function by a quadratic polynomial.
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Data Files expfita.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file expfita.mos ```````````````` Approximating an exponential function by a quadratic polynomial. Convex NLP problem Based on AMPL model expfita.mod by Hande Y. Benson Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/cute/ Reference: M.J.D. Powell, "A tolerant algorithm for linearly constrained optimization calculations", Mathematical Programming 45(3), pp.561--562, 1989. (c) 2008 Fair Issac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2008, rev. Jun. 2023 *********************************************************************!) model "expfita" uses "mmxnlp" parameters DATAFILE = "expfita.dat" R = 15 ! Number of points end-parameters declarations RR = 1..R ! Set of points defining the function to approximate T: array(RR) of real ! x-coordinates of given points ET: array(RR) of real ! y-coordinates of given points RP: range PInit: array(RP) of integer ! Start values for coefficients of the polynom end-declarations forall(i in RR) T(i):= 5*(i-1)/(R-1) forall(i in RR) ET(i):= exp(T(i)) ! Function to approximate initialisations from DATAFILE PInit end-initialisations declarations pcoeff: array(RP) of mpvar ! Coefficients of the polynom sought RQ = 1..2 qcoeff: array(RQ) of mpvar ! Coefficients end-declarations forall(i in RP) do pcoeff(i) is_free setinitval(pcoeff(i), PInit(i)) end-do forall(i in RQ) do qcoeff(i) is_free setinitval(qcoeff(i),0) end-do ! Objective function ErrF:= sum(i in RR) ((pcoeff(0)+pcoeff(1)*T(i)+pcoeff(2)*T(i)^2) / (ET(i)*(1+qcoeff(1)*(T(i)-5)+qcoeff(2)*(T(i)-5)^2)) - 1)^2 forall(i in RR) Cons1(i):= pcoeff(0) + pcoeff(1)*T(i) + pcoeff(2)*T(i)^2 - (T(i)-5)*ET(i)*qcoeff(1) - (T(i)-5)^2*ET(i)*qcoeff(2)-ET(i) >= 0 forall(i in RR) Cons2(i):= (T(i)-5)*qcoeff(1) + (T(i)-5)^2*qcoeff(2) >= -1 ! Since this is a convex problem, it is sufficient to call a local solver setparam("xprs_nlpsolver", 1) ! Solve the problem setparam("XNLP_verbose", true) minimise(ErrF) ! Solution printing declarations SolP: array(RR) of real end-declarations forall(i in RR) SolP(i):= pcoeff(0).sol+pcoeff(1).sol*T(i)+pcoeff(2).sol*T(i)^2 writeln("Solution: ", ErrF.sol) write("Polynomials: \n P: ") forall(i in RP) write(if(pcoeff(i).sol>0, " +"," "), strfmt(pcoeff(i).sol,5,3), "*x^", i) write("\n Q: ") forall(i in RQ) write(if(qcoeff(i).sol>0, " +"," "), strfmt(qcoeff(i).sol,5,3), "*x^", i) writeln("\nEvaluation of P at data points:") forall(i in RR) writeln(" (",strfmt(T(i),6,3), ",", strfmt(ET(i),6,3) ,") ", SolP(i)) end-model | |||||||||||||
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